Look Listen and Learn Assholes
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Nov 14 2003 5:24pm
Heheh, but those @#%$ collages do. They want some extra-@#%$-cirricular activities, at least one in sports...damn them.
Maybe in America, yeah. That must explain why the visible majority of you are such troglodyte-like morons.

All of the intelligent people are programming for shitty software companies.
Posts: 1142
  • Posted On: Nov 14 2003 7:07pm
But Dearic, you have played football in the recent past, haven't you?
  • Posted On: Nov 15 2003 2:40am
Very true, unfortunately. Where I live football is gay because it's all about winning and if you aren't very good, you don't play. Ever. Tennis is so much better as you can play it throughout your entire life.
  • Posted On: Nov 15 2003 2:44am
Maybe not Dearic with his tennis but others of us have.

I play Football.

Does that make me stupid?


Am I stupid?


Is that much money payed by the school for football?

In my school quite frankly, no. The players pay for their jerseys and around $100 dollars a year.

Do I have to do the work I miss when I go to games?


Does it require a huge commitment of my time?


Should school's sponsor sports?



A)School sponsored sports help create school spirit. If it wasn't for sports I know my school would have no need for school spirit etc.

B)Athletics are important. Since, in Ontario at least, you only need to take gym once in your 4 years of high school this is another way to promote physical activity.

Why Universities/Colleges should care about sports etc.

Sports like football require an immense amount of time. Universities should want students who can contribute to the school more ways than academically. I'm not saying that other extra-curicullar activities shouldn't be waited equally.
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Nov 15 2003 3:56am
Agreed. SPorts can make up PE credits at my at my school so it is just another way to get the creds.
  • Posted On: Nov 15 2003 4:06am
They don't make up the credits. They just replace the ones you used to have to get.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Nov 15 2003 4:40am
I play Football.

Does that make me stupid?


Am I stupid?


Is that much money payed by the school for football?

In my school quite frankly, no. The players pay for their jerseys and around $100 dollars a year.
Wow, a hundred bucks a year! Holy @#%$!

Transportation. Coach's salaries. Organizer's salaries. Fields. Field maintenance. Scoreboards. Equipment.

How in the name of god could your $100 a year pay for all that? Have you finished grade nine math? What was that about jocks not being stupid?

Do I have to do the work I miss when I go to games?

Wow, what a guy. You have to do the work everyone else does, plus you get to miss useless classes by annoying teachers who drone on and on about complete nonsense because they're underpaid and overworked and couldn't give a @#%$ because all the money went to football.

You're a real hero, Marth. America's own personal Jesus Christ.

Does it require a huge commitment of my time?

Strange, you seem to have time to piss away on here.

A)School sponsored sports help create school spirit. If it wasn't for sports I know my school would have no need for school spirit etc.
Who the hell cares about school spirit? What is it good for? Nothing. It's a bunch of kids banging their chests and hollaring like the ignorant little fucks they are. School is not somewhere you go to be happy and jump around in the auditorium. It's not a cult. You go there to @#%$ learn. And I don't mean how to throw footballs.

B)Athletics are important. Since, in Ontario at least, you only need to take gym once in your 4 years of high school this is another way to promote physical activity.
If a kid is going to be active, he's going to be active. If he's going to set around and jerk off all day, he's going to sit around and jerk off all day. There's no two ways about it.

Look, kid, your community offers all sorts of sports and such. The municipal government collects taxes and gets funds from the provincial coffers to pay for this @#%$. It is the job of the municipal governments to promote physical activity. Lo and behold -- they do!

Schools are also allotted a budget. That budget is to TEACH KIDS WITH. And when you start throwing it into pointless bullshit like sports, the teachers end up piddling along in classrooms the size of a trailer, vainly trying to educate kids with outdated materials and books containing references to the upcoming fall of communism in the Soviet Union.

Why Universities/Colleges should care about sports etc.

Sports like football require an immense amount of time. Universities should want students who can contribute to the school more ways than academically. I'm not saying that other extra-curicullar activities shouldn't be waited equally.
No, universities care about football because having a winning team earns them money. You may have heard of it. It's what you won't have when you spend all of your time @#%$ around on a football field.

Look, football is football. Whether it requires an "immense amount of time" (again; how can you spend so much time @#%$ about on here when you are so dedicated to it?) or not does not erase the fact that people who are admitted to university based on their athletic prowess are academically favored even when they are dumb as posts (as they often are). Contriubute academically? What percentage of football players, do you think, have an IQ over 100? 110?

What good does this do them in real life? When they're thirty and all that muscle they've built up atrophes into fat and they think Socrates is an island in the south China sea, what good has it done them?
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Nov 15 2003 4:49am
SOmething you obviously don't know. The coaches are teachers that volunteer to coach the sport. At least here they are.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Nov 15 2003 4:59am
It's called a "Physical Education Department", Kamon. The coaches are all physical education teachers. In America, thanks to a party ironically run by morons who used to be jocks in high school, I imagine that on a wafer-thin budget schools can no longer afford such luxuries.

(By the way, what the hell are you attempting to imply? That you have to be on the football team to know who coaches it? Do you think you're privy to some sort of sacred knowledge that the rest of the world isn't because you're on "THE TEAM, HOOT HOOT"? Come on.)

This only further proves my point, because people still have to be employed to run these things. There are personnel in the school board who are paid to organize the sporting events. It can't all be cobbled-together @#%$. Teachers don't get paid half enough, especially in America, to be expected to run all this themselves. Who organizes game dates? Arranges for transportation? Puts together leagues? There are these idiotic provincial (or, in your case, state) championships. It doesn't come from thin air. It all costs money, Kamon.

How can a school system that can't afford enough physical education teachers to coach all the teams afford to foot the bill for this @#%$?
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Nov 15 2003 5:02am
Lol. Wrong again. The football coach teaches Health Education. My tennis coach teaches Math. The assitant tennis coach teaches English. The girls coach is a Computers teacher, the wrestling coach teaches Civics/Econ, etc. The only coach that teaches PE is for Basketball.