I believe I stated rather clearly that while, in most (considerably more well-funded) Ontario schools I know about, coaches are all physical education teachers.
As I don't live in whatever social-conscience-lacking state you do, I can't really say how things are specifically done, but I can say a great deal of money must be spent on athletics. Coaches are only one link in the chain.
Way to go, though. I guess you showed me up big time by proving, once again, that I'm not from your little corner of America and am not aware of every single minute aspect of your culture. I hang my head in shame.
Scoreboards: Sorry don't have those it's all in your head
Organizers: Volunteers
Refs: See above
Field Maintenance: Wow! 30 dollars on a can of chalk. I think you can find that from the 3000 dollars they collected from my football team.
Am I dumb?
Well since there's no real way to prove that I'm not except if you look at my grammar skills which I'll admit suck...I can't really argue my case. It's just whether or not you believe me.
Or maybe -- and this is just a possibility, you know -- it's POSSIBLE that different schools have different resources. Possible.
You just don't get it, do you? Ontario schools spend six billion yearly on things outside the classroom. Do you think that's all going to instruments for the band, or do you think SOME of that might be going to sports?
Arenas, courts, and swimming pools do not book themselves, or pay for themselves. This is not grassroots @#%$, people. Once you're out of grade school, there are people who get paid to orchestrate it. I don't care whether you think it's just your gym teacher out there with a phone book and the money he got from you and your buddies. It's a fact.
The school board does not sit there and masturbate all year long. They have jobs. Sports organization is one of them.
Uh, yeah, nice try, kid. Try clay rings, football posts, grass care, plus people to do all of that. Janitors don't come cheap. It's all worked into the budget.
Yeah, and you believed Bush when he said Saddam had nukes and tax cuts for billionaires trickle down. Credibility = 0.
There's more to field mantinence than chalk, Marth.
The cost of paying a government empoyee $18 an hour to cut it once (or more) a week. The cost of watering it, the cost of repairing it when neccessary, even replanting every few years.
My school has three gyms -- two small ones, for the Junior and Middle Campuses, and a nice, new, huge one for the Seniors. The key reason the smaller ones were never replaced was that doing so would cost millions and millions of dollars.
So, you have four milion into the gym. Add $200 000 or more for various balls, sticks, hoops, etc, and another $200 000 for the teachers to instruct those courses.
On top of that, travelling expense, uniform expense, etc. etc. etc.
So say you've got $5 million into an athletics department... how many new text books, computers, and other supplies would that buy?
Theren; there's on thing I've noticed about jocks (in my school, at least). The guys are all immature, moronic assholes who's favourite pasttime is to get drunk and high at the same time... the girls are all very mature, smart (in fact, the smartest girls in my class are the Soccer Girls)...
Saddam came a lot closer to proving that he didn't than Bush came, or will ever come, to proving that he did.
But of course, if anyone mentions Hans Blix you'll no doubt have some degrading remark for him... he discredited Bush, after all!
Face it: America went into a war on the pretense that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. They'll never prove they did, so the entire reason for the war evaportates right there.
Oh, and Drayson is once again right. Tennis is hardly a sport worthy of note when discussing this aspect of schooling life. In fact, i'm pretty sure you're simply trying to cash in on the 'jock factor' being discussed, rather than contending this crap based on actual experiences.