Posted On:
Feb 9 2007 4:43am
I wouldn't necessarily make that comparison Michael... TRF on it's worst day was still better than TGC on it's best day. Trust me, I administrated both. As for the rest: true, true...
Posted On:
Feb 9 2007 4:47am
Honest to goodness TGC now is in no-way like it was. Its shifted as society and the memberbase have shifted dramaticly. Organa trust me when I say your experience with TGC (adminning) was way different than mine at least in how TGC acts etc. Messageboards are changing, everywhere. But onto the topic... wait there is a topic right? I'm hungry... anyone pregnant?
Posted On:
Feb 9 2007 5:02am
I don't recall saying anything about present day TGC, and it doesn't really matter. I imagine it has changed a lot, much as TRF has. No harm done. Hopefully we are well met. And yes actually, you can eat Omnae's baby... Leia didn't want it anyways. :p
Posted On:
Feb 9 2007 5:02am
I think you're way too proud of your time spent here
Not by a darn sight, if you ask me. Not proud enough. Still, I love yah man.
Posted On:
Feb 9 2007 5:18am
BABY!!! Hand it over I'm need flesh... soft... succulent ...flesh of a newborn
Posted On:
Feb 9 2007 8:07am
Beff Pike
What amuses me is that of the avatars I was actually referring to, none have yet posted accordingly.
You wouldn't happen to mean me, now, would you ? :D
Posted On:
Feb 9 2007 8:55am
I dunno. I think the above avatar is pretty sexy. (wait for Ahnk to change it to a mans penis or something, just for comical effect for this one gag) I was more referring to the whole, no-good-in-real-life-and-pretending-to-be-a-role-model-by-being-trashy-rich-and-slutty. Go shopping around the forum and you'll see exactly the avatars I'm referring to.
Posted On:
Feb 9 2007 10:27am
They're mostly Kamon, to defend the TRF populace.
Posted On:
Feb 9 2007 11:10am
I physically survived as well! Mentally, I still have a mind, but it's well....warped would probably be the most accurate description. :|
Posted On:
Feb 9 2007 11:23am
I knew it was me! I should not have went with purple skin... I pushed the envelope with my avatar. :p