Female Avatars
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Feb 14 2007 10:42pm
And as in force I mean the power flowing through my hands, and not with my hands as they are. :|
Posts: 280
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2007 12:09am
And Ithron, if you ever provide a real world translation for slang again, I will force strangle your nut sack to death.

"strangle 2 up, 7 down

to fuck, or have sex with.

oh my god- did you hear that annie strangled tim?"

Erm, i'll pass on that I think....no matter how much power is flowing through your hands ;) Thanks anyway though Park.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2007 12:19am
Omnae. Ahnk. Gue. Renford. Beff. Myself. OS. Those are the only active people on the board who were active during what we are calling the 'Glory Days'. EG: The days when TRF was known as the bastard SW RP'ing board.

Beef, Ren and I came in during the middle of that, IIRC.

The rest of you are newbs here still.
Posts: 291
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2007 1:24am
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2007 1:27am
Zark, you've been discounted. :P
Posts: 1142
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2007 1:42am
I was active. Just not RPing. And mostly lurking. Kind of like now.

Actually, PWNED = OWNED except that some lazy guy hit the P key instead of the O key and didn't bother to fix it.
And that guy was a video game designer so it wound up in the game.

Anyway, I am changing to a sexy avatar. I hope you will like it.
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2007 1:49am
Omnae. Ahnk. Gue. Renford. Beff. Myself. OS. Those are the only active people on the board who were active during what we are calling the 'Glory Days'. EG: The days when TRF was known as the bastard SW RP'ing board.

Beef, Ren and I came in during the middle of that, IIRC.

The rest of you are newbs here still.

You've missed quite a few there Titus, such as, Zark (as he mentioend), Sam (as she mentioned) Joren, Marth, I, Telan. Joren pre-dates TRF, Marth barely does and I date just after TRF started. Now Marth's activity status could be debated, but he still shows up.
Posts: 211
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2007 6:49am
I'm no newb.
Posts: 2164
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2007 11:27am
I was around when Ahnk ran the Brotherhood.

Don't enrage the veterans, foo. :p
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Feb 15 2007 11:31am
I survived purely through blind ignorance and an impenetrable shield of newbdom.