I don't see why the existence of black holes on TRF should even remotely be a problem, or should even be under discussion. In the SW universe, black holes exist, it has been documented in many books. Whether or not it is BS in our universe is irrelevant. The Force, Lightsabre's, Projected Energy Shields, Repulsorlift Fields, Hyperdrive, Turbolasers, Dogfighting Starfighters, it's all complete BS in our universe, as is 90% of SW canon. I see no reason why we should treat, or even think of treating black holes any different from everything else.
Estro, sorry about the mistake. Guess I should actually read the RP....
I think the point that Rico is trying to argue here is that while the planet as a whole is caught in the inward pull of the black hole, it is done so at a distance that the planet's own gravity still remains more potent then that of the black hole at the distance involved. It would take maybe several decades before the planet was in close enough proximity to the black hole for the reverse to take place.
High school science doesn't cover such occurences, :P
Although, from my understanding, Crakcer is on the right track. It seems to me that the planet is being slowly pulled out of its orbit by the black hole, and in a matter of years it will be pulled so far off as for it to be destroyed. The planet is also held by the gravity of its sun, but the black hole is more powerful, hence the movement...
Therefore, in a matter of years, it will be pulled out of its current orbital tract and its enviorment will change drastically. Historically, the planet may have started as a boiling world a la Mercury, and end up as an ice ball...
But Titus rasises an interesting point: why are we debating astrophysics here of all places? Those pretty much went out the window when TRF decided to be a Star Wars RPG.
Theologically, you can get close enough to a high gravity source to ignore a more massive one... the moon is a good example... but we're talking about a black hole. Black holes have SUPERMASSIVE gravity wells, well over a thousand times the pull of stars. In fact, black holes eat stars. A planet in orbit of a star that, in it's orbit, hit even the tail end of a black hole, would break it's orbit immediatly. The more likely occurance would involve the black hole forming or expanding close enough so as to pull the entire star in and all it's planets, a case supported by
In that case, I hope you realize it's orbit around the sun is basically done for... if it catches the star then the planet is a couple of thousand or million miles inside the orbit of the black hole... it's pace towards it is much faster, unless you're talking a planet bigger then it's own star.
In any case, the effect of gravity is proportionate. If it's pulling a planet, even slightly, it would rip ships from their nesting place in orbit and pull them into the dark inner reaches of the black hole. There would be no logical way to escape.
The Maw is canon. We make an exception for it the same way we made an exception for Jorus whatshisname who controlled an entire fleet of star destroyers with the force. If anyone tried that blatent faggotry here, they would be shot down immediatly.
Oh Ahnk, don't be so picky. So what if the theories surrounding black holes at this point in time would imply the impossibility of this thing? Having a black hole near a planet is cool, interesting, and characterful, and as this is a writing and roleplaying environment, I think it should be allowed simply on the grounds that it's cool.