The general idea was to snag an organized group of mon Calamari and ride away in Home One to run off and form a Rebellion, but we never got that far.
Would like to seek approval to completely delete that threat and re-write it from scratch. Would still be taking an organized Calamari group and Home One, but with storyline and characters updated to suit a new version of the Alliance...
They aren't rebelling against anyone, may I please rewrite my RP so you can see what we are doing?
Also, I am inclined to assume Home One is moth bolled around the planet somewhere and would require a fair effort to salvage it from the museum antique it must be. Unless someone has explicit proof that it was blown up or otherwise unobtainable. I was unable to find any evidence of this during my search.
Pronunciation: \ri-ˈbel-yən\ Function: noun Date: 14th century
1 : opposition to one in authority or dominance 2 a : open, armed, and usually unsuccessful defiance of or resistance to an established government b : an instance of such defiance or resistance.
Source: Mirriam-Webster
That's why we assume your intent is to rebel against someone or something (a person, an ideal, etc) as the implication, when one identifies ones self as a rebel or part of a rebellion, is that you understand the definition of the word. Otherwise you're not really a rebel or part of a rebellion; you're just confused.
So if these characters are not rebelling against anyone, or anything, and they're making off with Home One, wouldn't they just be thieves? Grand Theft Spaceship.
Furthermore, I'm not sure I understand the context...
As I understand it you want to go back and basically retcon the events of an old, unfinished thread and the outcome of that thread would a.) take place in the past and b.) leave some undefined group of Mon Calamari in possession of Home One?
If so, would it be your intention to employ Home One in subsequent and recent threads? Because if so, depending on the gulf between completing the aforementioned thread and the present, I have doubts that such a ship would have survived long considering.
Or is it your intention to re-write and complete the story presently (as in; current with the TRF post-Cataclysm time line) and come away with Home One? I would have questions if that is your intent, such as; how could Home One possibly have survived this long at Mon Calamari given how often that planet has changed hands, been fought over, or otherwise a central location in numerous threads?
I guess, Leia, that (speaking for myself) I just don't quite understand what it is you want to do well enough to throw my vote your way. Correct me where I am mistaken?
Also, I'm not trying to be the usual prick that I am... since you asked, I'm just trying to understand.
The Rebellion/Alliance group(s) has/have had (a) quite retardedly confusing foundation(s), member base(s)(s), objective(s), and even identit-y(-ies).
We've had various and sundry plans to try to rectify these fundamental problems over what has become years of the Alliance/Rebellion's marginal existence(s). They've all failed, often before even beginning, for any number of reasons.
"A Rough Road Leads to the Stars" was supposed to be the beginning of Leia's "Rebellion" group. Granted, the word may not actually be applicable to her goals for the group, but insofar as it will develop from fragments of other governing powers and it will claim the heritage of the New Republic (which was, before its founding (or re-founding), itself called a "rebellion"), the term has stuck, at least OOC.
As for your doubts to the survival of Home One over this period of time, I believe they will be laid to rest over the course of the thread, and and subsequent story arc. If you don't believe me . . . well then that sort of sucks for all of us.
The problem with "A Rough Road" right now (as I understand it) is that it was not only the introduction of the characters who would form the core of Leia's "rebellion," but the beginning of Leia's own journey toward that end. The people writing for those characters, however, have now given up and vanished, leaving Leia's story essentially incomplete-able. The reason she is asking for a rewrite, I believe, is to escape the entanglements of those now-defunct PCs and actually finish the "story".
As for what became of Home One after "A Rough Road"? That will be answered as well. I assure you we have a plan, and I believe it will answer many of the questions so many people have had for so long regarding the Alliance/Rebellion.
Also: Leia, correct me if I'm wrong on any of this.
lol... Well, I admit that I was being prickish with my question. As you've probably read, I have poked fun at the semantic distinction (the official title of your group is the Alliance to Restore the Republic but you've also been called the Rebellion and I am not sure why because, as you say, you aren't rebelling against anything that I could ever see) that Beff outlined in the post above. Admittedly, I don't think the group finished telling us what they were about.
As for Home One, I am not going to nitpik and say you can't use it. As long as your write a plausible enough acquisition. Remember, the Dragon Imperium blew away orbital facilities and such when they attacked Mon Cal and had the planet enveloped in their Omega Cloud. If the ship was floating in a museum around a moon and it had working engines, then conceivably it would have been used as a ferry for the general evacuation of the world. So, if you find the ship around a moon mothballed in a museum, it very likely would be the shell of the ship with it's military armaments stripped and see?
Or, you may come up with a simpler explanation but you get the picture. Perhaps the formation of the Alliance predated the Dragon attack.. I am not sure off the top of my head.
With regards to rewriting your thread, are you saying that at several pages, your thread is not salvageable? Can't you write taking Home One in that thread still?
If you are just writing an origins thread, where your character meets Marin Faulkner and takes Home One and forms the basis for your Alliance, fine. Couldn't that origin rp be set prior to the rp you want to change? You could add a line or two in a post in that rp referencing an earlier time or earlier adventure where you met Faulkner and his band of merry men and now, this new origin rp is the story of that meeting?
You see what I am getting at?
What we are not going to allow you to do is rewrite your rp by moving the time period of the formation of this Alliance up... such as you rewriting the formation of the Alliance has happening during Cataclysm or something like that because then you interfere with Faulkner's work in planet takeovers and Bandor's work with Inferno Fleet and all the Alliance elements that happen after your formation.
If that is what you want to do, then you should really start a new group.
I mean, like Om says, if you can come up with a plausible explanation for Home One still kicking around the time period of the previous thread; you won't catch any objection from me. However, I do not personally believe that any such explanation can suitably explain its continued existence beyond its use as an out-dated, mothballed, stripped down hulk.
Let's consider the events which have occurred on and around Mon Calamari since Home Ones last concrete appearance. It seems difficult for me to rationalize its continued existence following, as mentioned by Om, some of the events which have taken place. Looking past that I find myself wondering how, if after all these goings-on, Home One has endured so long without being taken advantage of by anyone else? How does a ship of its size and potential go unused by anyone only to be laying around in mothballs (or whatever) for the Alliance to claim?
When we get right down to it though, the validity of its use seems to pale in comparison to the Empire suddenly crapping out a fleet of SSD sized ships. I think its totally fair for the Alliance to get a hold of Home One or an equally sized and useful ship... I just don't see how.
But that's the beauty of being me; when I read, posted in a thread, how it has kicked around this long and comes to be in the hands of the Alliance...
... in other words you can probably ignore all of my questions regarding Home One...
You know, I missed my chance to have the Reavers infect Admiral Ackbar in his nursing home. Having a zombie Ackbar start chomping his fishy lips into the shoulders of Alliance personnel would have been awesome!