Returning . . . Somewhat!
Posts: 88
  • Posted On: Jan 14 2005 4:04am
*says nothing and just looked at Jade.... that look of this board or Mine? *
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Jan 14 2005 5:48am
True, the flight sims (the only one I played was TIE Fighter... man what a game that was) is much easier to accept as cannon than stuff from something like Kotor or JK.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Jan 14 2005 2:17pm
What are your sources Darth Nihilius?
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jan 14 2005 4:34pm
Mara was the Emperor’s hand, did his bidding and heard his voice, etc etc etc, but I don't ever remember hearing about her being a Force Vampire. CUSWE doesn’t either.

As a side note, I find CUSWE’s new design very cluttered and hard to use. I had to load three pages just to find a search box. Before you could just type in on any page.
Posts: 939
  • Posted On: Jan 14 2005 5:01pm
If you liked that you've got to get yourself a copy of X-Wing Alliance, it's TIE Fighter x 100.

More ships, downloadable modpacks containing any SW ship ever concieved, kickass missions. Definitely worth tracking down.
Posts: 939
  • Posted On: Jan 14 2005 5:01pm
Also, on a side note, the single player missions were fit within the basic canon storyline completely, no bullshit side avenues simply for the sake of gameplay.
Posts: 1772
  • Posted On: Jan 14 2005 5:38pm
Nihilius, Mara Jade was never a Force vampire in the Thrawn series. Ever.

Whoever told you this is full of Bantha poodoo.

And there are no Force vampires. At all. No such thing exists.
Posts: 254
  • Posted On: Jan 14 2005 11:35pm
Mara Jade was like a force vampire but thats just a theory not actual fact but my friend is Jaymach, a very much of an expert of the Force that he got a brand new site Force Users Info Site and this is what he told me

"well before she found Emperor Palpatine she wasn't powerful at all.....but as soon as she teamed up with Palpatine then she became all powerful and could do whatever he asked her to.....then he died and she lost her power again and had to go to smuggling just to keep going.....then when she met up with Luke she seemed to start feeding off of him and she got powerful again and she's always more powerful in the NJO books when she's with Luke."

That my sources are like CUSWE and Galactic Empire databanks, where MC90 should have 6 proton torpedo/missile tubes and on here I see it doesnt. MC40a should have 2 warhead launchers.
Posts: 2504
  • Posted On: Jan 14 2005 11:53pm
sounds like Mara just needs another force user to focus her power, not that she's taking her power from the others.. I'm pretty sure Palpatine or Luke would notice a drain
Posts: 254
  • Posted On: Jan 15 2005 12:01am
It wouldn't be a drain but if she is close to someone who is a force user then she would be powerful. Not everything is explained in the words in the books and if you look closer about the character's history and their presence state of living, you would see the truth.

BTW, did anyone notice Yuuzhan Vong was mentioned in a way in the first KOTOR game and lets see if you know who said that about what I'm saying.