The Anzati are just a species, they aren't all Dark Jedi. And they eat brain 'soup', not ... force... essence or whatever.
Returning . . . Somewhat!
The Anzati are just a species, they aren't all Dark Jedi. And they eat brain 'soup', not ... force... essence or whatever.
Oh wait, I know something else. A life witch, I think her name is Keira, or something. She can give support to a person struggling to live, and it renews his life for some amount of time. And then she withdraws her support, and the person dies instantly. Tried to pull it on Lando Calrissian. That's in the Corellian Trilogy.
Emeril uses essence.
Stop that Kraker. This is just people failing miserably to come up with cool ideas. Its not canon in the slightest.
Hey, I see Grevious watches Food Network...
Emeril!? Are you kidding, Iron Chef beats his ruddy old show any day of the week!
That show is nuts.
But not as good as Xtreme Ultimate Challenge.
But not as good as Xtreme Ultimate Challenge.
Sadly, it is canon. Unless we chuck out the entire Corellian trilogy (which I am strongly in favour of!). It did happen... and yes, the author is an idiot.
You mean Most Xtreme Elimination Challenge? That show is fucking insane.