I brought in reinforcements before your ships got there just because due to your previous attack I thought reinforcements were necessary. I could have just said that the whole fleet was at Ando, but I decided to be more realistic.
As far as damages:
If you add up all my meterages, the ships I'm firing on have about less then half the length(with the exception of 2 VSDs and the Reign.
But to be co-operative the new damages are:
Reign: Shields down to 75% VSD 1: Shields down to 40% VSD 2/3 Shields down to 60% Illustrious 1/2 Shields down to 50% Strike Cruiser 1: Shields down to 10% Strike Cruiser 2: Shields down to 20% Belarus Cruiser 1/2: Shields down to 20% Fire Light Cruiser 1/2: Shields down to 15% Constrainer Picket Ship 1/2: Shields down, hull perfect
Fighter Damages: Depends on what you do.
My Damage: Assuming you attack all my ships equally, shields down to about 80-90% on them all
Jan, as you are about to find out, meterages does not mean you automatically win. In this case I think you underestimated me and my ships. Time to pay for it.
Now, excluding the loading post, it takes two posts to do mass volleys, correct? Also, some other things I need to know, first off, Jan, what is the range of your ships from my ships? They have to be in at least 10 kilometers, but I'm trying for an exact range.
It takes two posts to mass fire missiles. Doesn't matter if the first post is you picking your nose, loading the missiles, pausing to go to the john, or acquiring a target.