OOC: Hands of the Gods #2633875312
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 20 2003 12:42am
Ok, Is it my turn yet?

If not, I'm bringing back the damn 72 hour rule, if you guys can't take the half-hour to an hour it takes to write a good post (and only fifteen minutes for a regular one) out of your day for nearly THREE WEEKS then you're gonna pay.

You have TWO days. This is more then taking advantage of my good-will.
Posts: 1549
  • Posted On: Dec 20 2003 7:35am
The problem is Vontas entire reasoning behind being able to access the emergency computers is flawed.

"All emergency systems that run on back up power supplies as defined below.

Main computer to run back up systems such as Life support, emergency systems involving atmospheric and weapons damage containment such as the blast doors, lighting, computer systems to restart downed systems. Escape pod control. All are on line with some power source."

More systems are online then just lights and life support as Lup contends.

If one emergency system, run by an emergency computer, is online then all emergency systems are online with emergency power as I defined in my post.

First, with regards to the computer systems coming back online (the majority which would be located in the bridge(s), which are all ion slagged), explain your source? Escape pods are controlled by individual power, namely in the pods themselves. As evidenced by SW films, doors backup power systems for bulkheads are located in the doors themselves, and at this point would only be accessable at each individual door.

Meanwhile, i find it amazing that 'simply because you are a droid' you can do anything, within a single post. Hell, you managed to cross a massive distance in space (having just engaged imperial forces), changed your IFF signal, got aboard the Yunos and immediately started @#%$ with @#%$. Also factor in the problems of you actually gaining access to the ship, since i'm in the only hangar bay, and you'd have had to break in effectively.

Hell, it took me and Silus a single post to even get aboard, not doing anything, and we're force trained.

If one emergency system, run by an emergency computer, is online then all emergency systems are online with emergency power as I defined in my post.

Just because you say its true doesn't make it so. Beleiving that is tantamount to arrogence.

Command gained not by hacking but by reconition as the highest ranking officer on the ship. According him total system control.

Along with the fact that I bypassed the computer so that command requests have to go through a hub that C4 controls. Allowing him to control the flow of information in and out of the main computer.

You are not a member of the GC. You are a hired employee. This has already been clarified.

No military is going to rank someone like that the relevant status for such an action.
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Dec 20 2003 9:28am
Dolash, you might have a point if your side had not halted the rp asking for a staff decision.

We did not want to post, be labeled cheaters, and still have to edit later because of some decision by staff. Ironic, we did not post and it's still implied.

Unless you are saying that your "side" (those fighting TNO) have no outstanding/pending staff decisions?

If so, state that we can move on.

Otherwise, you need to communicate more with those on your side and stop with the threats.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 20 2003 4:53pm
Listen, whatever's happening onboard the Yunos is irrelevant to the battle as a whole. Wether Vontra takes back command or you take the ship, it's not going to be participating in the battle any further.

PLEASE keep posting, I've spent weeks being bitter about the little damage my massive forces have inflicted so far, and I look forwards to the time when I can remedy that. POST please.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Dec 20 2003 8:07pm
The fact that you don't do "massive" damage because your tactics are highly flawed is no one's fault but your own.
  • Posted On: Dec 20 2003 8:59pm
"First, with regards to the computer systems coming back online (the majority which would be located in the bridge(s), which are all ion slagged), explain your source? Escape pods are controlled by individual power, namely in the pods themselves."

Then by that same logic the computer systems that regulate the life support systems would not have come back online automatically as you had them do. So there are power supplies to other systems.

And, again you are trying to gain information from a downed computer you could not gain information from a computer with no power hence by your own words there is power to the computer.

"As evidenced by SW films, doors backup power systems for bulkheads are located in the doors themselves, and at this point would only be accessable at each individual door."

There is no evidence pointing towards the bulk head power system being independent at each door only that the controls are present at each door to open an close said doors.

"Meanwhile, i find it amazing that 'simply because you are a droid' you can do anything, within a single post. Hell, you managed to cross a massive distance in space (having just engaged imperial forces), changed your IFF signal, got aboard the Yunos and immediately started @#%$ with @#%$. Also factor in the problems of you actually gaining access to the ship, since i'm in the only hangar bay, and you'd have had to break in effectively.

Hell, it took me and Silus a single post to even get aboard, not doing anything, and we're force trained."

IN you last post you Kill all the azguard resistance, Run back to the hanger bay that is several thousand meters away(When getting to that point in the first place took several posts), arrive at the hanger there, board the shroud and leave all in one post.

IFF was changed many posts ago I only alluded to what I did in a previous post.

I landed on a ship that I am allied too in one post and only entered through an escape pod airlock. Also RPing actually docking the ship. The modified aggressor is able to do this sort of docking manually.

traveled to the Yonos 1 post, got to and entered yonos 1 post sending forces on different paths, 1 post to arrive and start setting up said plans.

Done over several post that you seem to not have read.

Saying something IC makes it reality. You knock out all systems with an Ion weapon. Then one system just happens to be online?

If one system can be online then I can define more that are defined as emergency systems just as easiely as you.

Field status rank. Was accorded to him.

And only a member of the GC can say other wise lup you have no say in the matter need I mention that they gave calirrisian an admirals status and han a captains rank off the bat as well.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 21 2003 1:20am
I am aware of that Gash, and I seek to remedy that soon. There was no need for such a comment.
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Dec 21 2003 3:57am
It just sounded like you were blaming us. That's all.

I will start working on my post.
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Dec 22 2003 9:10am
Geez.. Dolash. I've went to look at the thread to begin my part and I see that it looks like it's been your turn since the 15th.

What's up with that?

So post, man. Post.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 22 2003 5:46pm



...and other such exclamations of joy.