To someone who actually completed the NJO series -- did they ever explain where the Vong came from and how they got over the wall?
Galactic Wall - NJO readers
No. They were two busy failing to explain how a fucked up living planet or some shit somehow magically stopped the Vong in their tracks and restored everything to normal...
Which reminds me: can someone explain the end of the series to me? I never got it...
Which reminds me: can someone explain the end of the series to me? I never got it...
The idea of the 'Yuuzhan Vong' was just thought up by some junkie while he was high on a planet he believed to be 'living' during his state of...spiritual elevation...
And for some reason, when I read 'Galactic Wall' the first thing I thought of was Pink Floyd.
And for some reason, when I read 'Galactic Wall' the first thing I thought of was Pink Floyd.
Basically it turns out that the Vong orginally came from Zenoma Sekot, or one of the planet's distant ancestors.
The Chiss want to unleash their bio-weapon against the Vong, but the Jedi interfere to delay that.
Jedi attack the Vong on Coruscant and Luke duels with the Supreme Overlord and I must say kicks some major ass. However, it turns out that Shimira was only a puppet, being controlled by that little gollum like figure "Onimi"
Luke defeats him. There's a massive fleet battle happening in the Coruscant system, but Sekot shows up.
It all boils down to the idea that the Vong get put on Sekot, their original or indirectly orginal homeworld, and go off to places unknown.
Thats how I remember the series ending. May have a few inaccuracies as I read the final two books sometime around last Christmas. I have both of them at home and can reference them if need be.
The Chiss want to unleash their bio-weapon against the Vong, but the Jedi interfere to delay that.
Jedi attack the Vong on Coruscant and Luke duels with the Supreme Overlord and I must say kicks some major ass. However, it turns out that Shimira was only a puppet, being controlled by that little gollum like figure "Onimi"
Luke defeats him. There's a massive fleet battle happening in the Coruscant system, but Sekot shows up.
It all boils down to the idea that the Vong get put on Sekot, their original or indirectly orginal homeworld, and go off to places unknown.
Thats how I remember the series ending. May have a few inaccuracies as I read the final two books sometime around last Christmas. I have both of them at home and can reference them if need be.
Right... I remembered it was stupid. I should reread the last one sometime, but the whole living planet thing kinda turned me off the series.
The only mistake I noticed is that it was Jacen who killed Onimi not Luke. Other than that it all happened pretty much how you typed it up.
Right. The Yuuzhan Vong Armada of like 25,000 warships or whatever shows up near Mon Calamari and a massive space battle erupts between them and 1/2 of the combined Galatic Alliance fleet. The other 1/2 is staging at Contruum for an attack on Yuuzhan'Tar. 1/4 of the Vong Fleet splits off and begins to head for Contruum when Zonama Sekot shows up over Yuuzhan'Tar, upon which the entire armada is recalled. The Alliance fleet then proceeds to reclaim Corulag, which from there they stage into the Coruscant system. 1/2 of the Alliance fleet engages the Armada at Muscave, while the other 1/2 of the Alliance Fleet engages the Yuuzhan Vong Home Defense fleet in orbit above Yuuzhan'Tar. A section of the Yuuzhan Vong Armada again breaks off, with the vessel containing Alpha Red, to attack and posion Zonoma Sekot, with the Jedi, Smuggler Alliance, and Hapan Navy attempting to stop them from doing so. Anyways after Shimrra is killed, Onimi launches the coffer into space, and the great ship joins the home defense fleet. The fleets engaged at Muscave rush to Coruscant, where they join the other fleets engaged their in one massive battle. Then after Onimi dies, the coffer explodes, and the Yuuzhan Vong, having never been without the Supreme Overlord, either surrender, or ram their vessels into Alliance ships. In the meantime, over Zonama Sekot, the Smuggler's Alliance and Hapan Navies are both badly decimated, and Sekot appears to surrender when it launches grappler ships to bring both the Vong ships and Alliance ships to the ground, when Sekot welcomes the bewildered Yuuzhan Vong home. And that concludes the naval engagement activity for Unifying Force.
That's pretty dumb. What about the whole 'absence of the force' thing and about using special crystals in your lightsabre? That didn't jive with me from the start, but I don't know how it works out in the end.
In the Jacen/Onimi battle, the reason Onimi was a shamed one, and the same reason that he was attuned to the force, was that he, I'm not sure how it was described, grafted skin cells of a Yammosk to him, thus opening him up to the force connection that Yammosk's use. That's why he could use the force. And apparently most Yuuzhan Vong Biots, just not the Yuuzhan Vong themselves, are force sensitive. Either that or maybe growing the special lambents, amphistaffs, or whatever inside the galaxy of force attuned them somewhat to the force. Since the slayers were created inside the galaxy, this may also explain why they were able to be force shoved?