Consider this - joining the Empire?
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Jun 21 2005 3:01am
Slaskia... Raioballo Republic... think about it ;)
Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: Jun 21 2005 3:02am
Will do :D
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Jun 21 2005 3:05am
Worst. Idea. Ever.

And not for lack of anyone to crush (*looks in BDE's direction*). But because, quite simply, it would never happen. There's no chance in hell that the entire Coalition would decide "hey, let's join the Empire!" The Empire is inherently evil. The racism directed towards aliens is not our of fear of them, but out of the belief that humans are superior to aliens.

Dolash, you're looking at these RPs to simplistically. Defence is simply a justification that the IHC uses to convince the less hard-line public that what they are doing is neccessary...

The GC would never come all this way only to give up and join the Empire. It goes against all of their defincing principles.

Also, it would be boring. This is "Star Wars", not "Star Internal Affairs and Discussions with Regards to the State of the Union". Sure, you can tell a story about that, but it's not very interesting... people like stories about grand wars and heroes and epic battles.

That is, at its heart, what Star Wars is about. Good vs. Evil. Not good giving up and comrpmosing.

Assuming you did want to try this, I would have to say that (IC) the most likely happening would be that TNO would execute Regrad and anyone else with any ammount of power in the GC... or at least jail them forever.

There's no way the Empire would simply invite the entire GC leadership to join its ranks. It would invade, conquer, and kill. And then probably enslave every alien in the GC.

I don't see any merit at all in this idea, I'm sorry.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Jun 21 2005 3:06am
*rubs his hands* Excellent... it all falls into place... MUH HA HA-erm, I mean, Splendid :) *applies the anti-wrinckle cream*
Posts: 400
  • Posted On: Jun 21 2005 3:18am
Dolash... you realize that this goes against Joren Logan's beliefs (that the Empire is inherently evil).

If you were to actually do this, Logan would revolt and take the GCers loyal to him (which would pretty much be the entire Onyxian province and probably the rest of GC) and start a civil war.
Posts: 16
  • Posted On: Jun 21 2005 3:27am
It's good to see that this community is so pro-Imperial on an IC and OOC level.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Jun 21 2005 3:29am
I have the odd sense it could lead to some fun RP if you try it Dolash. Just wait until Logan/Vodo gets back so the White Knights can be really invovled please?
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Jun 21 2005 3:40am
I can guarantee that there would be peace if the GC surrendered to the Empire.

Logan, stop the fighting. The Empire only wants peace.

Guys... guys... The trandoshans are stupid animals. Don't follow the example of an inferior race or let the futures of your children be dictated by those that can never understand your need to just stop the damned fighting.

The world is never what you want it to be.

Accept it.

Sure there will be those that may not actually benefit but they are nothing more than mere animals. They'd be as lost as strays anyway no matter what you do. It's a mercy when you take them to the pound.

People are more important than animals.

More important.

Give peace a chance.

You know you want too...

..and I am not a crook.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Jun 21 2005 3:45am
But... I like animals :D
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jun 21 2005 3:48am
All right, all right, I see this idea isn't favoured heavily.

I'll drop it, but definetly I need to make some sort of change, the current situation's been in place for like a year. Anyone got any tips or suggestions as to what I SHOULD be doing, then?