This has been brought up already and I thought I might inform everyone here at the same time with regards to the issues of Cree'Ar, League of Nations and/or Reavers...
I was asked about the Cree'Ar attacking Kashan and my answer to them also would be the same for the Cree'Ar attacking Coruscant and other worlds:
Who gets to roleplay a Cree'Ar?
First and foremost, Ahnk or anyone who is a member of the Cree'Ar faction.
Can I be a Cree'Ar character?
I don't see why not. PM Ahnk. There is probably an overall story playing out for them as a group that you might need to know so Ahnk will need to give you the overview of what is and what is not acceptable, then you can take it from there.
I have this idea that the Cree'Ar finds the smurf homeworld and...
I envision this group as a reactionary IC group only. This means that players cannot simply use them to augment their own faction's fleets at whim.
Who can play the LON?
It was my intention when writing Cataclysm that those factions that have worlds as a part of the LON have first dibbs: GC has a world, Union has a world, Commonwealth has a world as well (I believe). Also, character owned worlds in the LON can rp the LON as a group.
I attacked the LON but no one from GC, CW or Union is around! Help!!
A staffer can rp the LON.
There is no staffer around! Help!!
I could rp as the LON..
You are not on AIM much and I don't want to rp with you! BTW, Help!!
Get anyone else who is not a member of your faction to rp for the LON
I'm going to ask a follow-up question - Can the Cree'Ar be killed just as easily as anyone else can, or since they are from another galaxy, will we have to develop special weapons and tactics in order to kill them?
Well, Xylon Hexyra was supposedly a Cree'Ar and he was a Jedi Master and a simple bomb going off during a celebration meal of some kind almost killed him. Amazingly he still had enough strength to whisper "TNO" implicating TNO in the explosion that they had no part of thus being the catalyst to a NR attack.
So, if a simple bomb could hurt him, Cree'Ar are not supermen. That being said, I am not sure how tall or short they stand but I do get the impression they use three limbs as legs...
They also are not the grunt soldiers. The member races of the Domion hold that honor as being the fodder for the Cree'Ar officers/leaders. Parrow Lin being the go-to grunt who I believe is an armoured reptilian(?). So can the Parrow Lin natural scales/armour deflect blaster shots?