I can at least inform you Bacta production industry is underway and going strong.
Attention TNO
If TNO doesn't reply soon, Corise is going to enact the 72 year rule so you fuckers better hurry up and respond.
Telan already reasonably responded:
And fuck you.
It's a 370 word post. Not the fucking Magna Carta!
And fuck you.
It's a 370 word post. Not the fucking Magna Carta!
You mean TNO doesn't respond to every 370 word post that vaguely mentions one of their planets, not making it clear what type of response is necessary?
I'll post something.
The evidence of absence is not the absence of evidence. Right?
Shut up Beff.
I love you, too
I love you, too
posted. some backdrop for your story
Has it really been two generations since the events in X-Wing: The Bacta War? I thought that was only like fifteen years ago.
i thought it was closer to thirty. If I'm wrong, I'll edit. I've always written Desaria as being just a boy when Endor occurred and joining the service afterward. I may have to change alot...