Posted On:
Apr 17 2004 12:36am
He stood on the edge of the cliff, the wind buffeting his black cloak and purple tunic. Before him was a vast canyon, its sides steep and a roaring river at it's very bottom. The place was barren for the most part, save for some of the more hardy plant life in the various rock crevices and on the riverbank. The river itself twisted and turned within the canyon valley wildly, almost unpredictably: it would be a river traveler’s nightmare.
The river turns and constantly changes it's course, sometimes unpredictably. He thought. Kind of like my life...
It wasn't so long ago he led a different life, the life of a nomad, the life of a loner, not caring what others thought of him and only desiring to live life as he saw fit. Certain events and encounters changed that life: he found family, he found love and he dared to settle down. But the ever changing river that was his life changed yet again, drastically if not just tragically, and he briefly returned to the life of a nomad, wallowing in his own self pity, leaving his family behind.
It was fairly recently his life's river took another turn and this time he found the Force. In reality he always had it, but he never believed in it until recently. All that he loved and cared for was but a mute shadow in the back of his mind now...or so he believed. On his left wrist he still wore the gold bracelet that symbolized the bond he had with the one he lost, one who's untimely death ultimately caused him to start down this path, the path to the Darkside. He didn't know why he still wore it, but he couldn't bring himself to discard it.
He unhooked his lightsaber from his belt and regarded it, wondering how many more will fall to it's blade. It had taken some getting used to, to weld a blade that had no weight, but that was his only problem with learning to weld it. Having welded a blade of some sort most of his life, he imagined he would have an advantage over many others in duels. He still had his normal sword, which was clipped to the left side of his belt, and he practiced with regularly: he surmised it would be a good thing to keep on him in case he needed to fight while keeping his status as an apprentice to the Darkside a secret.
He felt a shift in his mind, a stirring: his thoughts of a body count had aroused it. It being a dark spirit that had been a part of his family for many generations, passing on to one male each generation and in his generation he had the honor of 'renting space' to it. For the longest time he saw the thing, called the K'Satizitus, as nothing but an unwanted burden, but recently he learned just how useful it was. Not only could it enhance his abilities when in a state he had dubbed 'the bloodrage' but it was a good source of information as well. However it was permanently 'tethered' to him so it's information gathering abilities were somewhat limited. Plus it was a being that did not like being controlled: it wanted to be in control of itself and occasionally tested his will against it's own. Should he lose even one of those mental battles it would be he that became the slave and it the Master.
~Uro wo killing teduy?~ He heard it coo in his mind, speaking in an ancient form of Dosh that was also his old Clan dialect.
"Not likely." He spoke aloud, though just thinking the answer would have been enough. "There is nothing here to kill." To punctuate the point he put his lightsaber back on its hook.
~Yea toaso mo.~ It said in a mock whine. ~Yea premisod te koop mo fod.~ What 'fed' it was namely the pain, death, and general chaos he caused when in the bloodrage. He had promised to willingly go into the bloodrage every once in awhile to satisfy the spirits hunger, as long as it didn't give him so much grief between 'feedings'.
"You'll be 'fed' soon enough." He said sharply. "The Force lead me here, though I do not know why."
~Ahhh...U tost...u tost it mast bo!~ The spirit cackled.
"If it's a test, I'll find out soon enough." He said as he knelt down, his lilac eyes peering across the wide expanse of the canyon and down into the river valley below. He could not see any signs of recent passings, even with his Ranger skills, though that did not mean someone or something couldn’t be here besides himself.
Of course it's not going to obvious. He thought, frowning slightly. He settled down into a meditation position, intending to let what ever his purpose was here to reveal itself rather then going on a wild nuna chase.
Edit: (ooc: sorry...forgot to tag it as open...)
Posted On:
Apr 20 2004 12:05am
~This is bering.~ He heard the K'Satizitus whine. ~Wo huvon't hud uny 'roul' fan sinco thut stapid Beanty Hantor triod te bamp yea eff.~
"What? Slaughtering random village folks isn't 'fun' enough for you?" He said, getting annoyed at how it kept distrubing his meditation.
~Ne chullongo thoy uro.~ It said. ~That Beanty Hantor's douth wus fur mero tusty.~
"Be glad you are getting 'fed' at all." He growled. "By now word has gotten out about the slayings and the authorities will be trying to find who did it."
~Se? Mero victims if thoy find as.~
"Would you rather we end up attracting the attention of a Jedi? I am not ready to face one of them!"
~Sach luck ef cenfidonco...~ It teased. ~Yea fergot yea huvo mo by year sido. Mest Jedi wealdn't ovon saspoct yea uro in pecossien ef semothing liko mo.~
Trazu snorted. True any Jedi that decided to mess with him would get a nasty surprise, but he wasn’t sure if the K’Satizitus would be able to defeat one. Yes the thing was a part of the Force, but the abilities it granted him were limited and not likely to be enough to defeat a Jedi in his option.
Still, he had been sitting here for a couple hours now with no further clue as to his purpose here: he was starting to get bored himself. Getting to his feet, he decided to explore the canyon below. The climb down was fairly easy, despite his short stature making it a bit difficult to reach foot placements in places. When he got to the bottom and looked at the river, a wash of memories flooded back to him. He and his now deceased beloved spent a lot of fairly intimate moments near and in a river like this, before they both returned to Trandosha. In the past such memories would have been pleasant, but now they brought him emotional pain, reminding him of what he no longer had.
“Go away…” He muttered, whining faintly with one hand on his forehead, nearly staggering into the river. With a lot of will power, he banished those memories from his head. It was only a temporary relief though: memories one tries hard to forget often came back in force. To prevent any more unwanted memories from attacking him he focused on the Force as he walked along the river.
At one point he felt a ‘tug’ toward a nearby canyon wall. It looked like a normal canyon wall, but the Force was trying to tell him otherwise. He looked everywhere for a switch, a lever, anything that would activate something. In the back of his mind he heard the K’Satizitus laughing at him.
“You know something I don’t…” Trazu hissed, annoyed. “Spill it…”
~Yea’ro thinking liko u nen Force asor horo.~ It said, still giggling. ~Try thinking liko u Force asor.~
“You mean I need to use the Force to ‘activate’ whatever it is the Force lead me to…”
Trazu sighed, wondering what was more annoying: the K’Satizitus or his own stupidity for not realizing the obvious. He took a couple of steps back and focused on the Force again, trying to ‘see’ what the Force was telling him was there. Images flashed in his mind, most too quickly for him to make out completely, one however did stick around long enough for him to make out.
“There’s a door here…” He muttered, reaching out with this left hand and focused on ‘opening’ that door. After a moment, there was groan and sound of rock scrapping against metal as part of the rock face swung out. Trazu couldn’t concentrate long enough to open it fully, but there was an opening wide enough for him to go through.
There was a strong stale and dusty odor coming from inside when he approached the opening, but he didn’t let that bother him. He took out his lightsaber and held it out in front of him as he ignited it, the light from his red blade partly illuminating the area just inside the door with a red hue.
~U hiddon pussugo..~ The K’Satizitus cooed. ~I wendor whoro it louds…~
“Let’s find out…” Trazu said as he stepped into the passage fully, using his lightsaber as a light source. Who knows what is in here… He thought with a faint smile, intrigued by the possibilities that were coming to mind…
Posted On:
Apr 24 2004 12:54am
As a Seeker Lahout had been in many a strange place, and on many a dirty planet. The incident with that cult of the Unspoken stuck out as one of the more unique events that had transpired since he had left Vandenelhiem, yet something deep inside told him that he would see stranger before his search was over.
The feelings that emanated from the hole in the ground before him confirmed that suspicion. Why he was here, in this disserted place, staring into what was probably nothing more than a well was rather irrelevant. He was a seeker, and a seeker was to leave nothing unturned. Besides, he had a feeling. The seventh was speaking to him here, very clearly. The seventh told him to go down, so down he went.
Darkness enveloped his gray head as he floated down the hole. It was dark here, one of those unnatural darkness's that occurred when light was completely absent. Even space wasn't this dark. And yet, when he looked up Lahout could see the sunlight above.
The seventh didn't speak as he lowered himself, but his other instincts told him to take it slow.
A small ball of light appeared before Lahout as he walked along down what appeared to be a hallway. This was not simply a well as he had assumed, this was a man-made cavern. The carvings on the walls made Lahout pause to examine them. He had been an artisan in his guild before being selected for the Search, and a brief examination of the carvings told him that a skilled worker had spent many days here. "Intricate" he mumbled to himself as his fingers traced the contours of a snake-like being.
The rocks groaned as if in pain, and the seventh suddenly sent a bolt of ice down Lahout's spine. There was a dark one here, somewhere. The Seeker narrowed his eyes and allowed the small bit of light he had created flicker out. As it died his pupils expanded, until his eyes were almost completely black. Even here, where light was seemingly complete gone he was able to harvest light, and focus well enough so he could see a faint ghosting of his surroundings. His people were underground dwellers, and they had long ago perfected the art of seeing when there was nothing to see with.
Lahout didn't bother trying to feel out and touch the dark one. Rather, he waited. The seventh insisted upon it.
Posted On:
Apr 26 2004 4:43am
~Will yea slew dewn...~ Trazu heard the K'Satizitus grumble. ~Thoro intorosting curvings horo...~
"What's the use of a bunch of pretty pictures..." Trazu grumbled back, just wanting to know the exact reason the Force lead him here.
~Net jast 'protty pictaros' bat werds...werds bring knewlodge...knewlodge bring pewor...~
Trazu rolled his eyes and pressed on: he wanted more...physical...versions of power. However out of the corner of his eye one carving made him pause. Holding his lightsaber close to put more light on it, he inspected it. The curving was of a massive lizard being fighting against a much smaller one, which had a spear. The lightsabres light made it a bit difficult to make out the details, some being lost due to time, but he was able to recognize the smaller figure as a Trandoshan and the larger ones skull resumebled the skull of the K'Satizitus.
"The founder of the K'Satikur Clan..." Trazu whispered, realizing who it had to be. The K'Satizitus only snarled. "Why is this moment of my people's history recorded here...so far from Trandosha?"
~Den't usk mo...~ The spirit grumbled, in a bad mood now that he was 'reminded' of that particular defeat so long ago.
More interesting in the carvings now, Trazu didn't press forward so quickly. Soon he realized that these walls were covered with important moments of history from not only his people, but from nearly every known in the galaxy.
Someone must have had a really boring life to go and do all this... Trazu thought.
~Semoeno is horo...~ The K'Satizitus hissed suddenly.
Alarmed, Trazu brought his sabre to the front, holding it in a battleready position. "What side?" He asked, softly.
~Cun't toll.~
"Let's find out then..." Trazu said as he edged forward...
Posted On:
Apr 28 2004 3:50am
Lahout stood in the inky shadow, listening to the other being approached. He didn't prod or try intruding upon the other being, he simply waited and listened. A red flickering of light against the walls of the cave registered on his now-sensitive eyes, and they dilated slightly to compensate.
As Lahout listened to the approaching being, both with his ears and with the seventh, he noticed a strange sensation. It was as if there was a certain duality to the approaching being, like there were two of them. Lahout frowned slightly, he only sensed one being, yet it seemed as if there were two of the seventh inside the stranger. There was a murky darkness to the stranger that impeded Lahout from hearing any more. His mouth twisted slightly with distaste, dark ones were despised as weaklings by his people.
Shadows on the floor appeared as the being inched his way around a corner, and Lahout got a full view of the being. His eyes dilated again to compensate for the light, but he was able to make out the form of the being. A lizard man... thought Lahout. He had seen a few of these on the various planets he had been to.
Posted On:
Apr 28 2004 5:01am
~It's cleso...~ The spirit said, sounding eager. ~Cleso oneagh fer mo te smoll...~
"You're a spirit...you can't smell anything..." Trazu mumbled, wishing the thing would be quiet long enough for him to focus.
~Net scont ef tho physicul kind feel...Scont~
"Just shut up!" Trazu growled sharply, his voice echoing off the walls.
~Eh nico...yea jast teld tho thing wo uro horo...~ The K'Satizitus teased.
"Well I don't suppose you know exactly where it is..." Trazu said, more softly this time, not that it would help now.
~Ammm....ne...~ There was a mischievous tone to the spirit's voice, which meant it was toying with him again.
Trazu sighed, realizing the spirit wasn't going to be much help this time: it being a thing of chaos...it only helped him when it wanted to help him. With the exception of when Trazu was out killing people...
He reached out with the Force, probing for where the other individual in the cave system was. Same room... Trazu concluded, but with his limited training he couldn't pinpoint where in the room. So he resorted to something the Scorekeeper gave his people. Moving his lightsabre back, he shut his eyes, forcing them to go into infravision mode. When he opened them he scanned the area, being careful not to look at is sabre, the light from which would force his eyes to switch back to the normal light spectrum.
There...in the corner... He thought, spotting a heat signature not far away. He couldn't tell what it was exactly, other then it was another humanoid. His Ranger side kicked in: since he didn't know who or what it was, he intended to keep his distance until he learned more about it.
"Who are you...and what are you doing here?" He asked, his sword arm tensing in case it decided to attack...
Posted On:
May 21 2004 6:54am
The being hissed out a phrase in heavily accented Basic. Lahout didn't move from his position, nor did he reply. Instead, he continued to feel out this being. The duplicity he felt intrigued just as much as it revolted.
He knew well the traditions of his species. Dark ones rarely lived long, a dark Mar'hute had more than once lead to death on a massive scale amongst the clans.
His eyes continued to adjust to the change in lighting, and gradually he was able better see the other being. It was a lizard man, as he had first suspected. The weapon he held was of that of a Jedi, yet Lahout had yet to meet a Jedi whose essence held this same duplicity.
The weapon, a Lightsabre the y called it, was a formidable weapon equal to that of the Shard the elder pu'ti carried. In trained hands it could kill before the target could blink, but for some reason Lahout didn't think this being was as trained as the Jedi he had seen on Naboo, months back.
Posted On:
May 21 2004 11:18pm
The lack of reply wasn’t out of fear for him, according to what the Force revealed to him. Instead there was intrigue, even curiosity, instead and this both annoyed and put Trazu at unease.
Maybe he doesn’t understand Basic He thought.
~Er muybo ho desn’t andorstund it dao te year uccont.~ He heard the K’Satizitus chuckle.
“Oh shut up…” Trazu growled, briefing wondering which was more annoying: this unknown person or the spirit. He did admit he let his ability to speak Basic slide a bit, having spent a while on his own with only the K’Satizitus to talk to, who only spoke an ancient form of Dosh.. Fortunately, the Clan he used to be a part of used that ancient dialect as their Clan language, so he wasn’t at a disadvantage when communicating with it. Still, talking to the spirit was rarely fun in the first place.
He focused his attention back on the silent one and moved closer. The figure hadn’t made many threatening movements, just stood there watching him and Trazu was starting to get curious. Slowly he moved his saber to the front, both to avoid looking like he was being aggressive and to prevent the light from blinding them both temporarily. What the red light of his saber revealed brought a faint frown to his lips: he had never seen someone of this race before.
“Are you the keeper of his place?” He asked, calmly. “If so I apologize for my intrusion, for the Force drew me here.”
~Mister henerublo strikos ugiun…~ He heard the spirit snort and Trazu sighed mentally and ignored it.
Posted On:
May 25 2004 2:17am
Lahout continued to say nothing, even though the lizard being was obviously expecting a reply.
Keep them off balance his combat master had told him many a time.
Keep them off balance his financing tutor had repeated more than once.
Keep them off balance the local Pu'ti had repeated during every tribe meeting. It was a common technique, make the enemy do the thinking and guessing.
While he didn't regard this lizard being as an enemy, not yet anyway, he knew that beings in this galaxy were unpredictable in their ways. They could appear to be your friend one moment, and the next they would kill you without blinking.
His eyes were now becoming more attuened to the unnatural red light. On Vandenelhiem a Mar'hute could spend years without an external light source, provided their eyes acclimated properly. The pupils of some Mar'hute eyes were unable to widen enough to do as such, while some could do it but preferred an external light source anyway. Lahout fell to the latter category, which was by far the most common on Vandelhiem.
“Are you the keeper of his place?” He asked, calmly. “If so I apologize for my intrusion, for the Force drew me here.”Lahout remained motionless as the being spoke, and took a reassessment. The lizard was young to the
seventh, or what this galaxy called the 'Force'. But then, everyone in this ignorant, backward galaxy was but a childling to the
seventh. The lizard held a weapon not common amongst the populace of the galaxy, and he seemed to be ... possessed. Lahout smiled internally; that was what it was. The duality, the strange twin-ness within this lizard was similar to that of a possession.
And he was dark.
Lahout decided upon a course of action.
"Yes," he said in reply to the lizard's question. A slight tweak with the
seventh changed the intonation of his voice, making sound ancient.
[ooc: appearance of Lahout is just like my
Kas avatar(link).]
Posted On:
May 25 2004 11:49pm
The voice sounded ancient, suggesting this strange creature was very old. He didn’t look old, but Trazu knew appearances can be deceiving. However with the confirmation that he was the keeper of the establishment, his interest went back to the structure itself.
No doubt there was a lot of knowledge to be had here, but Trazu was a bit lacking in the archeology field and needed someone else to decipher the meaning of all the carvings. Now, what was the best way to get this ‘keeper’ to reveal the secrets.
“You and your predecessors have done a lot of work here. Marvelous work from what I have seen so far.” He started, figuring a bit a flattery wouldn’t hurt. “It makes me curious however, as too why you would go through the all the trouble to record defining moments of history of so many races upon these walls and yet keep them hidden from public view.
“The slaying of the K’Satizitus, a moment of importance in my own peoples history and one I am directly linked to, is recorded on these walls. That moment happened at time when my people didn’t know there were worlds beyond our own, let alone other sentient life from what I know. To find it recorded here, is surprising to say the least.”
He felt the K’Satizitus stir uneasily at the mention of it’s defeat so long ago, but thankfully it remained quiet.
Quiet, because the spirit was busy gathering information on the place with what reach it had. There was indeed a lot of history recorded here, but not by the creature or ones like it his host was currently chatting with. Trazu did not need to know this yet it felt, deciding to let the creature play his game of pretend with it’s host a bit longer. It knew that this individual was most likely drawn here for the same reason as Trazu was, though what that was escaped the spirit at the moment.
What was annoying though was that this puny little creature kept probing both itself and it’s host with a sense that was similar to the Force from what it could tell. It forced itself to ignore it, for putting up a block of that magnitude would hinder it’s efforts at information gathering. The block it had up to keep his host’s sister from feeling what was going on with him hindered it enough.
With it’s deeper understanding of the Force, being a spirit helped as well, the K’Satizitus reached out to feel out this place more thoroughly. It found it went much deeper into the ground and that there was some sort of central chamber at the bottom. The K’Satizitus felt a tug in that direction and knew it should convince Trazu to go in that direction, since Trazu was too new to the Force to feel it himself.
Being a chaotic thing though, it wondered if it really wanted to do just that…