Posted On:
Jan 13 2003 2:25pm
The sun breaking across the sky broke Dakkon from his reverie as he sat in the highest firmament of the planet. Atop the highest tower in the Fountain Palace lay nothing but clear blue skies and an unobstructed veiw of all that could possibly be seen, the city rising off the mountaintop of the citadel like goosebumps off the skin of the planets face. He had been there for hours, interupted by only a small security problem with one of the remote access ports to his personal database. The criminals had been seen and moved against by the Queens Guardsmen, but the perpetrators had escaped, leaving a number of the guards stunned. His brow was furrowed in thought as he pondered the consequinces of this activity, for no simple criminal would escape so simply, and with as little a trace.
There were few in the galaxy who could have done so well in their effort, his brother among them. But Lupercus was ruled out, inevitably many would have died in the escape, rather than none. Left grasping for suspects, Dakkon dismissed the train of thought, casting his eyes back over the brilliancy of the city, and the distant oceans glow reflecting the light of Ta'a. He sat for mere moments, before becoming restless, the break in wearing on his mind again.
Frowning, he pulled himself up and heaved his unencumbered form back into the tower. As he landed, his comlink flew out of his belt as it vibrated, hitting the wall with a clatter. A purple light flashed off the top end of the comlink, indicating an important transmition. Bending down he picked the beeping contraption up and began to make his way down to the castle proper.
"Your Majesty? We have one Prince Vondrinach awaiting your presence on Pad 8, castle level B."
Dakkon acknowledged, before making his way back towards one of his rooms. He was surprised that Kamon had been admitted to only the castles landing pad, and not to that of the palace itself, but he ignored the trivial matter, consigning it to memory. The detour to his room afforded Dakkon the opportunity to pull on a shirt over his singlet, but it remaining unbuttoned, before making his way back towards the castles pad.
As he arrived, he saw the craft descend through the light of Ta'a, its remarkable shine accentuating the stirling silver glow of the ships battle forged skin. As Kamon exited the fighter and stepped down onto the landing platform, Dakkon strode forward to greet him.
"Kamon, its been a long time my royal cohort! What brings you here so quickly?"
They clasped hands in greeting, their firm grips counteracting the massive space in time it had been since their last meeting.
"So whats going on?"
Posted On:
Jan 13 2003 7:02pm
Kamon met Dakkons grasp firmly and smiled in welcome.
"It's good to see you to, Dakkon. I am here because I thinking something bad has happened to Ren Janggar. I was supposed to have a meeting with him on Ossus but he never showed up. As you know, he never misses a meeting."
"I followed him to Rodia, and then here. He was here but he's gone now. I need to know where his ship was directed when it last jumped, and what Ren was doing on Hapes. Do you have any idea?"
He walked with Dakkon back towards the palace. The two friends would have to catch up later. This was a veryimportant matter.
Posted On:
Jan 14 2003 2:13am
Following closely behind Vessana, Ren took one last probing look into the surroundings in case of prying eyes. They'd come this far, he wasn't about to take any chances if they wanted to get any further.
As much of a trusted friend as Kas was, it would've been foolish of him to think they were completely safe. His previous visits to Bonaden were brief to say the least.
<font color=lime>"We must remaim cautious, and Vess, remember, be mindful." <font color=white>Ren said, carefully entering the speeder. <font color=lime>"The dark side is like an ever watchful eye, it is vigilant and dangerous.
It is our wish not to garner any extra attention so I will attempt to mask Vessana's presence for the duration of the ride.
And kas?"
<font color=yellow>"Yes Ren?"
<font color=lime>"The less guards we have nearby the better. I don't particualrly want to travel around looking like an overprotected holovid star."
Posted On:
Jan 14 2003 3:48am
…over protected holo-vid star… Kas almost choked as Ren spoke the words. ”One guard overprotection?…” Sliding into the rear of his speeder after the two refugees, Kas told the driver to head toward his city house, and to “Take the long way”. As the speeder began to move out, Kas shifted himself until he was opposite the two.
“Ren, calm down. You’re paranoid. I’m having the driver loose any tails we may pickup though. In ten minutes we’ll be safe and sound at a VC controlled building.”
Turning to Vessana, Kas once again spoke, and though he looked at the woman of the party, it was to Ren he spoke. “Now, would you mind telling me if you had anything to do with the disturbance on Hapes yesterday? My information is not that good as of this time, but it appears two people…” His eyes moved from Vessana to Ren, and back again. “Two people seem to have successfully infiltrated the Hapen royal palace, and then made their escape.”
Kas’ lips pursed in thought, as Ren and Vessana shared a look. “Now, it comes to mind why two people would take the trouble to infiltrate the Hapen palace, yet take nothing. Of course my information is fragmented at this time…” Once again he looked at the two, and continued, his hands clasping. “What is it exactly that you need? If long term shelter is not what you wish, I am guessing what you want is information… information that even the Hapens don't have much of...... information about something force related?” At the last phrase, Kas’ hands spread apart, palms up. By the looks on their faces, he had hit the mark.
Posted On:
Jan 14 2003 4:11am
He was here?
"You must be mistaken Kamon. I've left explicit orders for Ren to contact me as soon as he reaches Hapes regarding his Intelligence gathering for defences against Jutraals attack. It has been thwarted, but the matter is still live.
He would not flagrantly ignore me like that. We've both known him for years, and he would do no such thing! He is a better man than that."
Dakkon paused from his musings, his mind connecting Kamons arrival and worries about Ren to the break in. He grimaced, casting the thought from his mind. Ren would never do anything like that.
"You must be wrong...
Why jump to such conclusions?"
Posted On:
Jan 14 2003 4:30am
<font color=CC3333>With a little sigh Vess rubbed at the bridge of her nose and sat back in the seat. " You have been misinformed, Mr. Kata. The incident on Hapes was not at the palace but one of the military instilations within the city limits. And yes," she looked at Kas pointedly in the eyes, " Ren and I were the ones responsible."
Her crystal blue eyes turned to look out of the tinted windows to the city streets beyond as they sped by. " Do you have any idea what would happen to the Consortium, Mr. Kata, were I to miraculously return from the dead now? Dakkon has just remarried and a new Queen Mother has been corrinated. You were at that celebration, I believe Mr. Kata? Yet as it stands, were I to just show up at the Fountain Palace and announce myself, it would through the entire Monarchy into chaos. I will not allow that to happen and is why I have not revealed myself to anyone beside Ren -" her gaze once again fell onto Kas, the look in her eyes relaying the serious implications of what she was saying, " and now to you."
<font color=lime>" If it was just a matter of keeping Vess hidden we would have no situation and we would not be here."</font> Ren looked to Vess, taking her hand gently in his as she continued.
" I am sure it became well known after the... assassination, that I was pregnant with triplets as as you can plainly see, Mr. Kata, we bring no children with us." Vess took a deep breath, calming herself and steadying the tremor in her voice.
" You see, Mr. Kata, before the explosion leveled the Ginalo Mansion on Ut and killed everyone else inside, I was taken by the New Lorell Raiders. I'm sure you've heard of them, as their leader is a prince of Hapes and my brother-in-law. Lupercus Darksword is a coward and traitor to the crown who's sole interest in me was to take my children from me when they were born. It is well known that Dakkon is strong with the force, but what is not as known is that the force runs stong in my veins as well. Our children, Mr. Kata, would have the potential to become even greater than both Dakkon and myself. Lupercus knew this, and has taken my son and daughters from me."
The venom that dripped from her voice was ripe with hatred and an obvious desire for vengeance, and that sentiment was mirorred in the icy stare she fixed Kas with.
" We went to Hapes with the intent of finding what was known of Lupercus and the Lorell Raiders, but it seems that Consortium Intelligence is lacking any substantial information that would help us find him and my children. So it is that we find outselves here, with you Mr. Kata. Ren believes that your information network through Vinda Corp is larger than that of the Consortium."
Vess sighed again, attempting to calm the rising anger inside her. Ren put an arm around her, kissing her gently on the temple before adressing Kas.
<font color=lime>" We need to know, Kas. Can you help us find Lupercus, or are we just wasting what little time we have left by being here?"</font>
Posted On:
Jan 14 2003 5:59pm
The incident on Hapes was not at the palace but one of the military instillations within the city limits… The intelligence had been scrappy at best; only slightly better than what the holo-news had been broadcasting. Kas listened to Vessana’s statement quietly, taking in all the information.
…“Triplets? That would complicate things…” Vessana continued with her story, faltering only slightly when she mentioned her children. She had been a queen once, and the training pulled her through.
After Ren spoke, Kas sat and said nothing. Their need was most certainly great, and they were trusting him with their very lives. Looking up, the Secretary of State gazed out the tinted windows. Citizens flew by in their private speeders, and an ambulance howled by.
Turning back to his two companions, Kas nodded his assent.
“Information I can give you. When we get to my place I will have deeper access to VC data. Not total, but a lot.” Kas smiled, and spoke directly at Ren. “Hapes is a monarchy, and a powerful one. They have an excellent intelligence service, one that ranks above average. However, they are a monarchy, and their primary purpose is to keep the peace on their worlds, and to promote trade and tourism. Their intelligence would only be pointed toward people directly involved with Hapes. Avoiding scandal would be their top most priority. I am not familiar with the man right now, but the name of Lupercus Darksword has come and gone. A royal Hapen committing acts of terrorism? Scandalous.” Kas shook his head with the last word.
“The Hapens would do their utmost to hide such a thing. Any information regarding this man would not be accessible to the public. Thus your having to infiltrate a military base. Though, to my mind, really good information about him wouldn’t be available to anyone but the crown family, and the prince’s cabinet. Blackmail is a subtitle and deadly game, one, which even those in the army, can play. Dakkon would not risk such a thing…”
The speeder slowed, and the door opened. Kas was the first to exit, straightening his suit as he did so. Unseen to the doorman who had opened the speeder door, his hand had signaled to the two to stay where they were. The speeder door closed, and the speeder left. Walking briskly to the entrance of his apartments, Kas pulled out his com. “Hiul, bring them to the fourth floor, on the west side. I’ll open the window there and let them in.”
Two minutes later, the three of them were alone in the spacious 134th floor. “Welcome to my lair…” Kas said with a bow. “Please, make yourselves at home. Everything is the finest money can buy… the sofa’s have built in message, heat, cold, even deep tanning. I’ll order up some food, as it is my regular dinner time. Double portions though, as I expect you are both hungry. I’d order more, but it would raise eyebrows. Drinks anyone?”
Kas laughed at Ren and Vessana’s frustrated looks. “Calm down you two. You’ve probably had a good two days of stress, and you both need a little rest. Time is important, and how you spend it is even more important. You could drive yourselves to death searching for your children, and when you find them, fall over dead from exhaustion. Or, you could spend a little time to rest, eat, and recoup while I query information. The choice is yours”
A bell in another room rang, and Kas turned to leave. “Food is up. I’ll be back… in the mean time, try out the chairs.”
Posted On:
Jan 14 2003 6:59pm
Kamon grimaced.
"Besides the fact that I detected the residue of hyperpsace entry and exit from his ship in your system? I can feel theForce Residue of him using it. He was here and he obviously didn't want to be found."
Kamon thought for a moment. Ren didn't want to be found. He was here and Dakkon didn't know it. He must have been after something.
"Have there been any strange things going on lately? People that feel they have a memory blank? Strange things on the holonet? Missing information? Hackings? He could have been here to use your information bank."
Posted On:
Jan 17 2003 3:40am
<font color=lime>Why the delay, why the wait, why in the hell do we have to wait . . .control, paitience.
<font color=white>Ren was finding it increasingly difficult to maintain his composure since the near miss on Hapes. However glancing to Vessana's weary face, he noticed that she was still holding true under it all.
Vess had been at the heart of the ordeal from the beginning and remained even more vigilant and determined than he had possibly imagined.
Smiling, Ren's sight wandered out the room through a nearby window, sighing out a little chuckle.
<font color=white>"What a fool I've been." <font color=white>Ren whispered to himself.
<font color=red>"What did you say Ren?"
<font color=lime>"What?" <font color=white>He murmered, breaking his gaze from the horizon. <font color=lime>"nothing." <font color=white>He chuckled lightly.
<font color=lime>"Nothing at all."
<font color=white>Vess slide down onto Kas' couch, releasing a deep wheeze of relief. Joining her, Ren collapsed onto the springy furniture.
<font color=lime>"Wow, whatever kas payed for these it was worth it!" <font color=white> Exclaimed the Jedi while Vess giggled and burrowed her way into his arms.
The sun was steadily approaching the horizon.
Not since thier last night on Ossus had they felt as reassured with each other's presence.
Ren then turned as the orange glow struck his face, moving his gaze to Vessana. Taking his hand he brushed back the few locks of dark brown hair from her forhead.
She turned, thier eyes locking in place like they had before.
<font color=yellow>"Hey dinner's up guys!." <font color=white>Boomed Kas breaking the pair's gaze as he stormed into the room followed by a large food kart.
<font color=yellow>"I hope you guys are hungry."
<font color=white>Ren sharply rose from the couch drawing a deep breath.
<font color=lime>"I, uh, I think I should do some meditation. <font color=white> He blurted, frowning and biting his lower lip. <font color=lime> " You eat up Vess, keep your strength up."
<font color=white>Collecting himself, Ren strode off and out onto the balcony.
<font color=yellow>"Um . . . I'll save you some then!?" <font color=white> Yelled Kas jokingly.
Whincing, Ren burst out onto the balcony, snarling at himself.
<font color=lime>Why? Why the hell do you do it to yourself?I'm such an Idiot.
<font color=white> Then, out of the darkness, a shinning spire of white mental light hit the Master's mind blinding and confusing his senses.
Ren dropped to his knees, grabbing his head, his breath pulsating, the stabbing pain etched across his features.
Posted On:
Jan 17 2003 5:10am
Dakkon nodded slowly, his mind deep in thought. He had considered this already, but the crime had instantly been banished from his thoughts. This must have been something big.
There was a break in. Yesterday.
Professional, and no signs of anything stolen, but someone accessed the military intelligence computer core. The MI CompCore holds all our information on anything that even remotely relates to the military. There was no signs of hacking in the database, so it must have been someone with an access password. My slicers are working on finding the user access records as we speak..."
Suddenly his comlink chirped, a fluro green light shining. It was his personal entourage colour code.
"Yo, i've got the access log. One Ren Janggar made the access. Personel records indicate that he is..."
Dakkon looked crestfallen.
"Never mind, i know him."
He turned back to Kamon.
"It must have been something big. Like i mean bigger than anything thats happened to him before, so much so that he couldn't come to me."
Dakkon activated his comlink, red channel for military command.
"Zakharov? Prepare Empire Fleet. I shall board my flagship. For M'haeli."
The man acknowledged and Dakkon replaced the comlink, looking at Kamon.
"Shall we go see whats happening with Ren?"