The Journey (Closed)
  • Posted On: May 2 2002 4:59am
Well....that did it...if there was one thing Cairo inherited from Han, besides his name, it was his temper.

"Love interest? <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Love<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> interest, Owen!? How could you!?"

Cairo had somehow forgot to mention about Ben, but she was too upset over the situation at hand to remember that now...
  • Posted On: May 2 2002 5:06am
Owen scowled.So this was it...they were having their first fight.

"Cairo, I thought I was never going to see you again.I thought I was never going to get off that stupid planet! What would you have me do huh?"
  • Posted On: May 2 2002 5:30am
"Wait. Just like I di---" She stopped herself short. She didn't hadn't been a month after he was gone that she'd let Ben kiss her, and on the lips, no less. The horrified expression that came over her face was hard to read, and she knew that Owen wouldn't be able to read it...but...

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Bleep bleep bleep....approaching Delph...hyperdrive disengaged<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

...he would know soon enough.

They glanced at the viewscreen; Delph was in full view. Cairo looked back at Owen, "I have something to tell you too."


"Owen, I di--"

<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> "Cairo?"<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> Jai's voice suddenly came over the comm.

Cairo sighed, "Yes Jai...I'm here."

"Just makeing sure. Welcome back. Have you got Owen."

"Yes...he's here."

"Wonderful. I would conduct a welcome-home party...but I'll wait till you two have had some time alone." The teaseing tone in Jai's voice wasn't helping the situation any. Cairo cut transmission without bidding her sister g'bye, something she'd never done before.

She grabbed the controls and landed the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Solo Pride<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->. She shut it down and lowerer the ramp. She began to walk out.

"Cairo?! Where are you going? What did you have to tell me? to me."

Cairo looked back at Owen, she felt so awful, so guilty. But why? He had dateing someone while away. Why didn't he seem so sad? Cairo was upset and confused...two things Solo's arent good at being.
"I...I can't think here. I'm going home."

"Can I come?"

Cairo smirked softly, "I suppose."


Awhile later, they entered Cairo's apartment in downtown Tantis. Cairo plopped down on the couch with a sigh, and--without thinking---hit the "play" button on her holo-recorder...then it hit her: she had forgotten to erase the messages she had left on there from a week or so back...

"Cairo, darling, it's Benny. I..I was hoping we could do something tonite. I know we just went out last night but i have to see you agian. Same place? Same time? Lover's Point at 8, my love. I'll see you there. Bye, sweetie."

Cairo turned pale and looked up at Owen, who didn't look to pleased...
  • Posted On: May 2 2002 5:42am
This was the last thing Owen expected.For <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Owen Aiden<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> he might have walked out.But he slipped into his <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> SolidSnake<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> persona.He simply grabbed the projector and snapped it in half as if it were flimsiplast.He smashed it to the floor and looked at Cairo.

"I knew this was going to happen!.I had a dream this did.Why did you do that?!"
  • Posted On: May 2 2002 5:28pm
Cairo bit her lip and cowered slightly, "T-the same reason you went with that girl...I thought I'd lost you. I saw the ship blow up, and the peices scatter...I thought you were dead. Everyone told me to move on...I'm sorry."
  • Posted On: May 2 2002 7:12pm
<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Nobody touches my girl.Period.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><!--EZCODE BOLD END-->

Owen backed away slowly.Everything seemed as though it was closing in.Trinna;s death, Ethan's all came up into a huge fist and punched him right in he face.He slumped to his knees and fell over.

Cairo came to him and was by his side instantly.
  • Posted On: May 2 2002 7:41pm
"Oh Owen..." Cairo fell to her knees beside him, and held his head cradled in her lap. She stroked his hair back softly..."Owen, darling, say something."

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> This is all my fault.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, she thought mournfully as she held him tenderly.
  • Posted On: May 2 2002 7:52pm
"I thought I had lost you.Do you know what kind of feeling that is? thought I was dead,but I knew I was alive and I knew I was never going to see you again."

He struggled into a sitting postion.

"That was the worst thing you could ever imagine.Knowing that you are stranded and not able to see the one person you loved more than anything in the universe"
  • Posted On: May 2 2002 8:27pm
Cairo sighed sadly, she wasnt sure what to say..

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> " see the one person you loved more than anything in the universe."<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

Cairo looked at Owen when he said that. She smiled softly, "You love me that much?"
  • Posted On: May 2 2002 8:46pm
Owen reached over and touched her chin.

"I love you more than that.I just don't want to see anything happen to us.Ever"

He stood up.

"Now let's go find Jai"