Posted On:
Mar 4 2004 3:39am
Orbiting Structure Codenamed Helix - Escape Ship Avalanche
0100 Helix Standard Clock
"I want a full report on what we're dealing with, here," Krauze beat Smith to the punch. He had gotten a whole lot more awake in the few hours since the incident involving the assumed total KIA of Marine Team 3A.
"Well, sir," the highest-standing scientist of the escape convoy began, "Our research shows that the droids our as the science department has codenamed them "Sentinels" are small artificial intelligence in the shape of small likenesses of the structure they inhabit with extraordinary destructive capabilities. They seem to be pre-programmed to kill on sight, and so far our top hackers haven't been able to disable them."
"Haven't been able to disable them?" Smith asked, "Why not?"
"It seems the Sentinels run on a system entirely different than the standard locked doors we've run into," the scientist replied, "One that has completely stumped our top men. We can't crack it, sir."
"Why haven't they attacked the troops currently on the surface?" Krauze asked.
"It's impossible to say for sure, sir," said the scientist, "But we believed they're programmed not to leave the inner structure."
"Interesting..." Smith mused, "Is there any way to disable them?"
"Yes, sir, there appears to be one way," the scientist said, "But it's extremely dangerous and most likely suicide."
"What is it?" Krauze asked, leaning forward.
"Keep in mind, sir-"
"What...is it?" Smith pressed.
"Well, sir. We believe the robots can be manually shut down."
"Manually shut down?" Krauze mused.
"Yes, sir," the scientist replied, "But it involved getting into the main control center of the structure and translating quite a few controls in order to find the 'off switch'."
"Do we even know where this main control center is?" Smith asked.
"Intel is mapping out the underground structure now," the scientist said, "It's slow going, but when we get to the main control center, we'll know."
"How?" Krauze asked.
"Well, for one it'll have the second largest electromagnetic readings, the first being the main reactors which we've already mapped," the scientist explained, "And it'll be the largest room."
"Not second largest?" Smith asked.
"No, sir," the scientist replied, "It seems that whoever built this...'Helix' developed an extremely efficient and extremely small way of keeping the the Helix functioning. It's impossible to shut down, and seems to 'live off of itself', meaning it'll never run out of juice."
"Amazing," Krauze whispered, "Have the techs had any luck duplicating it?"
"Impossible, sir," the scientist said, "It'd take us a millenia just to figure out a square inch of it. It's the single most amazing piece of technology I've ever come across. No doubt the control center will soon change that."
"If you ever get to see it," Krauze was quick to put in.
"Not if, sir. When."
On the Surface of Artificial Structure Codenamed: Helix - Entrance Shaft to Helix Interior
0130 Helix Standard Clock
"Breaching doors now," whispered the commanding officer through the communications link.
"We've got access!" whispered the hacker a little louder than he should've.
"Doors breached, we're moving out!" the C.O. whispered once more.
The volunteer marine team slowly filed into the interior of Helix, hoping not to meet the same fate Team 3A did. The team's main priority in this mission was reconaissance, and, if possible, to bring down one of the Sentinels for further analysis. Hearing the last moments of Team 3A, most of the marine team doubted they'd accomplish the latter mission.
After a walk which seemed like hours, the team finally met their main objective. It was a man-sized ventilation duct which supposedly ran through to the main control center. It was their job to see if it really did and what defenses there were before the brass even thought about sending a man through.
The ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) spook that had been brought along as an observer's main role came into play. Two members from the team were guided through the process of disconnecting the ventilation duct's grate. After about five minutes, the great was propped up against a wall and the spook was steadily feeding an optical probe through the duct. The probe got about halfway to where the control center before a straight laser line spewed from one side of the wall and sliced the camera in half.
The walls were suddenly bathed in a deep crimson and blaring alarms went off. Someone speaking in an alien dialect vibrated off of the walls. Everyone in the team didn't need a translation to know that this was bad news. Even if they hadn't the three Sentinels who suddenly whizzed around the corner would have notified them.
The entire team opened fire, muting the alien voice. There was the continuous fire of rifles and the semi-automatic fire of the spook's handgun. The hacker sent along to take care of security issues ducked into a crouch and covered his ears as he had been previously ordered to do in an event like this.
Two of the three erupted suddenly in a deafening roar, and the third dropted to the ground sizzling and sparking. All of them were definitely out of action. But even after it became apparent that there was nothing left of the first two and only a wreck of the third, the spook approached very cautiously.
Five minutes later, the only remaining Sentinel was packed up into a box and the marine team was hauling ass out of there.
Orbiting Structure Codenamed Helix - Escape Ship Avalanche
0200 Helix Standard Clock
"The intelligence operation was a success," Smith said immediately, not even bothering to say hello.
"Oh?" Krauze offered.
"No lives lost, and we're pretty sure the shaft is the right one," Smith continued, "Only problem is, our optical probe was vaporized halfway there. Oh, and we have a 'prisoner'."
"Really?" Krauze perked up suddenly, "Is it still operating?"
"Are you kidding?" Smith asked, "Those things seem programmed to kill us on sight. No way the team could've taken it alive, especially when they were facing three originally."
"And we only have one?" Krauze asked, "Why didn't the team grab the others?"
"The other two apparently self-destructed right about the same time the third fizzed out," Smith replied, "Apparently, they're programmed to blow the @#%$ out of themselves if capture seems imminent. The team must've overpowered the third before it had a chance to blow."
"Interesting..." Krauze muttered, "Is the whole 'capture' thing another 'most probable explanation'?"
"No, actually," Smith said, "We actually got it fromt the 'prisoner'. The droid's systems seem simplistic enough for the spooks at ONI to be able to dish out regular information. Actually, they've already withdrawn all of the information from it, and they've begun to dissect it. Wanna come watch?"
"No thanks," Krauze replied, grinning, "You go have fun."
"Oh I will," Smith grinned back, "I will."
Posted On:
Jan 22 2005 5:32am
Part Ten: Assault on the Control Room
On the Surface of Artificial Structure Codenamed: Helix - SPARTAN Team 2
2430 Helix Standard Clock
The SPARTAN (Andoz Special Forces) team entered the complex lightning fast. The team was the second out of the five to survive planet Andoz's invasion, and it had definitely earned its ride aboard the escape convoy. Each member had been in over five serious military conflicts since the team's formation, and they did their jobs well.
A laser beam struck the wall inches in front of the lead man's head, and instantly as one they all trained their weapons on the robot. Ten seconds and ten empty clips later, it was in no condition to fight. The special forces team stepped silently over its wreckage as they made their way to their objective.
The SPARTAN team finally reached the ventilation shaft believed to connect to the entire complex's control center. The team set up the strange contraption that had been constructed on the spot for this mission, securing it tightly into place. The team prepared itself for whatever lay on the other side, and stepped back.
The lead man pulled the pin and threw a chaff grenade down the chute. It went off, and so did the team. The first SPARTAN leaped onto the contraption, and the one behind activated it. The man was sent hurtling through the ventilation shaft. This process was repeated with the next four soldiers, then the computer hacker accompanying them, and then the last five.
By the time the eleventh member of the assault team made it into the room at the other end, the firefight was fully underway. Sentinels floated all over the place, four so far having crashed into the ground as they were riddled with bullets. The team kept moving, keeping the hacker inside the tight circle they had formed. Guns blazed in concentrated and supressing bursts.
One of the SPARTANs went down, but another just hoisted the man onto his shoulder's and they moved on. Finally, they reached their destination. A rather large circular console, filled with computers both large and small. The console itself stood near neck-high to the SPARTANS, and, when behind it, only the hacker's forehead could be seen, until that dissappeared as he went to work at the computers.
The SPARTAN team set up a defensive perimeter around the console system, and the Sentinels pressed on even harder. They knew what the aliens were up to, what the hacker was trying to accomplish as he rapidly typed away. Countless Sentinels went down, but even more rushed to take their place. Two more SPARTANs went down.
"Hurry up, wiz!" one of the soldiers called out, letting out a sustained burst of supressing fire as one of his fellows retreated back to the consoles.
"This is amazing..." the hacker half-whispered, half-squeaked.
Yeah, real fracking amazing," another SPARTAN spoke up, "Now how about a little focus!"
"Gimme a sec!" the hacker shouted back, "I'm almost there!"
"Yeah, and we're almost dead!" the soldier barked back, "And if you don't hurry the frell up, we will be!"
The Sentinels gave a final surge, five of them flying forward. Four were knocked out by the SPARTANs, but one knocked over a soldier and breached the perimeter. The robot swiveled about to face the back of the hacker, and its 'eye' began to glow and hum, a sign that it was powering up another laser blast.
A soldier screamed, diving to take the laser beam. Well, diving to take the laser beam that never happened. The humming stopped, the glowing fizzled out, and one by one the Sentinel's dropped to the floor, deactivating. The hacker gave a howl of triumph, pumping his fist into the air in an altogether geeky victory celebration.
"Avalanche, do you copy?" the radioman spoke through his comm.
"We're here, Team 2," came the reply, "What is your status?"
"The package has been delivered," the radioman shouted over the celebration, "I repeat, the package has been delivered. We have a friendly environment down here."
"Roger that, Team 2," came the reply, "We're sending down a few marine teams and some civilians. They'll be expecting our new home to be tidied up a bit."
"Thats a 'firmative, Avalanche. They're breaking out the mops and aprons as we speak."
Escape Wormhole - Scout Ship Mother Goose
0400 Andoz Standard Clock
"Hey Jeremy," Skier called, "You notice anything familiar about this ship's name?"
"I don't want to talk about it, John."
"So you did notice then?" John asked, givin a small chuckle.
"I said I don't want to talk about it, John." Jeremy repeated.
"I heard you," John said, taking another puff from his cigarette, "Ask me how much I care?"
"You're gonna run out of those, soon," Jeremy pointed out, "But look on the brightside. You're already so much of an asshole that nobody will notice."
"Funny," John glowered, "You're a funny guy, Jeremy."
"Don't I know it," Jeremy grinned, "I suppose being shot at, shot at some more, shooting a bit, almost dying, and having no real hope of long-term survival brang out the comedian in me."
"Ahhh Jeremy you're lookin' at it all wrong," John replied, leaning back in his seat.
"And how are you looking at it John?"
"The exact same way," John answered without skipping a beat, "Doesn't mean its the right way to look at it."
"I thought everything you did was right," Jeremy countered.
"And I thought you were an optimist," John took another puff.
The viewscreen was open, showing the strange, exotic flashes and bursts of colors that represented Slipspace. The ship floated on, showing no signs of the impossibly fast speeds it was accomplishing. It was intoxication, dizzying to most people when they looked at it, but the hardened pilots of war had long gotten used to it by now.
Maestro entered the room at that moment, his head fixed on the sheets of paper in his hands. The two men swiveled their chairs around to look at him, and he continued to stare at the paper. Passing a glance at each other, the pilots went back to looking at him. He still stared at his paper. John coughed. Maestro stared.
"Maestro!" Jeremy finally called out.
"Yes?" Maestro asked calmly, slowly lifting his head from the sheets.
"...report," Jeremy sighed.
"Well, we got enough rations to last us quite a while," Maestro said, glancing back at the paper as if he had not yet had enough time to pour over it, "But water is another story. The ship was designed to transport the skeleton crew stationed on the outpost to the convoy. A ship with a Slipspace drive was only chosen in the...highly unlikely event that the crew would need to make the jump themselves."
"Highly unlikely..." John echoed, chuckling, "Highly unlikely. Frack."
"So we have no idea where we're going," Jeremy said, "And no idea when we're going to be there, so we're probably either pass it or stop way before it, and now we're on a time limit for how long we have to die. Does that about sum it up?"
"Yeah, pretty much," Maestro replied.
"Greeaat," John said, "Just what I wanted. To die with you sons of bitches."
"Yeah, and we have nobody better to be around," Jeremy grinned, snatching the cigarette from John's hands. He took a few puffs.
"I thought you didn't smoke," Maestro said.
"I don't."
Control Room, Artificial Structure Codenamed: Helix - Advance Exploration and Recon Team
2500 Helix Standard Clock
The Control Center, which had been completely devoid of biological life for who-knew how long, was bustling with activity for the first time in, obviously, a very long time. The perimeter had been expanded by the three marine teams, and the downed members of the SPARTAN team had been evacuated back to the Avalanche. The first man to be hit by the Sentinels had not made it, and his burial ceremony was scheduled for later that day.
Each member of the Recon Team were literally jumping from one section of the room to another, staring at computer consoles until tears began to form in their eyes. It was the hacker that had been a part of the strike team that had found the computer mainframe, and there were no less than three people pouring over its information at one time. None of the marines or SPARTANs had any idea what could be so interesting, but it was very obvious that they were getting a kick out of it.
The SPARTAN team leader waved over the lead scientist. Another SPARTAN and a few marines were nearby, and they all listened in. The SPARTANs and marines kept their distance, however. Even after a near-destructive crisis, military tensions still existed, and were as vicious as ever. The scientist glanced at the SPARTAN leader, glanced at the soldiers nearby, and cowered from the glowers he received.
"Priority comm from the Avalanche, Doctor Daniels," the team leader muttered, completely uninterested in what he was saying, "I believe it to be Captain Chopin."
"Yes, yes, of course," the scientist nodded much more than was necessary, taking the comm, "Yes, Captain Chopin?"
"What is your status, doctor?" came the raspy reply.
"Our...our status, Captain?" Daniels asked.
"Yes, doctor. What have you found out?"
"Ah-ah yes, sir," Daniels replied, "Well, the amount of data is extensive, and I mean extensive beyond belief, sir. Its quite amazing really, how much information-"
"Is there anything there that can still kill us, Doctor Daniels," Chopin cut him off.
"Oh...oh right," the doctor stuttered, "Well, its impossible to say, of course. The complex is quite...quite extensive, not to even mention the surface-"
"Give me a straight answer, doc," Chopin said.
"Not that I know of, no," Daniels replied, "The structures main defensive weapons appear to be offline as of this moment, I believe, and these, these 'Sentinels' are deactive, but-"
"Good," Chopin replied, "What is the status on-"
"Holy frack," the SPARTAN team leader whispered.
Doctor Daniels stared at the soldier, but he was paying no attention to him.
"Oh wow," came a voice, "Ow wow. Doctor...Doctor Daniels! Doctor Daniels! You have got to take a look at this!"
Daniels turned around.
"Oh..." was all he could say, was all he had the strength to say. Chopin was temporarily forgotten, "Oh..."
Exiting Slipspace - Scout Ship Mother Goose
0420 Helix Standard Clock
"John, what the frell did you do?!" Jeremy burst in, screaming.
"I dunno, I dunno!" John replied, franticly yelling, "I swear I didn't touch a thing! It just...happened!"
"Leaving a wormhole doesn't just happen, John!" Jeremy yelled.
"Does it?" John asked.
"What? Of course-well..." Jeremy thought, "I dunno. Maestro!"
"What the frack just happened, Hawkeye?" Maestro entered the room, staring out the viewport.
"Maestro, is it possible for something to cause a ship to unintentionally leave a wormhole?" John asked before Jeremy could say a word.
"Has it ever happened? No," Maestro replied, and Jeremy glared at John, "Is it possible? I have no frelling clue. Nobody knows very much about Slipspace or the wormholes in which we travel. Technically, everytime we jump we take a risk because we really basically have no idea what we're doing."
"So if John didn't do anything," Jeremy glanced at John again, before returning his gaze to Maestro, "Then this was some unknown event that caused us to enter real space. And if this unknown event isn't a one in a million chance, then..."
"Then somewhere nearby is the convoy," Maestro finished, grinning, "We are the luckiest sons of bitches who ever lost our home to alien invaders."
Jeremy nearly leaped into his seat, tapping furiously at the controls.
"But I don't understand, where are they?" John asked, "You'd think they'd be big enough to see."
"Jumps are never completely precise," Maestro replied, staring out the viewport, "We could've ended up a few meters from where the convoy left Slipspace or a few million meters, its impossible to say."
"John, check for any planetary bodies in the area," Jeremy ordered, "If there are any nearby, thats where they'll be."
John didn't answer.
"John? Do you copy?"
"Fellas, we have a much more serious problem on our hands," John breathed, "I'm reading multiple contacts approaching."
He looked up at them, his eyes wide.
"They're Yuuzhan Vong."
Posted On:
Jan 23 2005 4:05am
Part Eleven: Hope
Edge of Helix System - Scout Ship Mother Goose
0421 Helix Standard Clock
"Get us the hell out of here, Jeremy!" John screamed.
"Full power to sublight drive!" Jeremy screamed back, "Diverting shield power from fully coverage to strengthen out asses! Maestro, get the frell back there and calm down the survivors!"
"You're talking to the wrong guy, bub," Maestro said, calm as ever.
"John?" Jeremy asked.
"Jeremy, I am five fracking seconds away from shitting my pants!" John didn't seem to have much control over the volume of his voice, "Do I look to you like a guy who can calm other people down?!"
"Maestro, take the helm!" Jeremy ordered.
Maestro did so, and Jeremy left the cockpit of the scout ship scared as hell and having no idea how he was going to pretend he wasn't. A thousand different questions that didn't matter at all buzzed around inside his head. How had the Yuuzhan Vong found them? Had they used the wormhole? How? Maybe they adapted our technology, but if so, how did they do it so quickly? Had they noticed us yet? If not, then how long would that last? Had they noticed the convoy? And the number one question that he dreaded even whispering aloud: Were they the reason that the convoy was not here? Had it been destroyed?
Jeremy shook his head. All he had to focus on was that the Yuuzhan Vong were here, and they needed to get somewhere quickly before they could catch up. And they didn't need to deal with any panicky, shock-ridden refugees while they were doing so. The other survivors might have been military, but they had witnessed their entire base get shot up and many of their friends slaughtered. He didn't know how mentally stable any of them were, how well they had taken any of it. He didn't really want to know.
As he rounded the corner, he nearly ran into Angel. She had just finished passing out food rations, and she didn't look too happy.
"There are way too many people on this ship very interested in saving the human race through procreation," she hissed, drawing a laugh from Jeremy.
"Yeah, well you may not have to worry about that for much longer," Jeremy said, lowering his voice to a whisper as he continued, "We've got incoming. Its the Vong. Those bastards followed us somehow."
"Jeremy," Angel gasped, staring at him, "If the Vong are here, then the convoy could be..."
"I know," Jeremy said, "But thats not something I want to think about right now. I'm more concerned with how the...others are doing."
"They're fine," she said, "For the most part. A few still won't talk, and some more aren't exactly...altogether here, but they should be fine."
"Thats good," Jeremy nodded, thinking, "We're probably going to be getting shot at soon. A lot. I just wanted to try to convince them everything is gonna be alright. Damn it, I don't wanna lie to these people. They're military, for fracks sake, but..."
"But you don't know how military now that everything they have ever loved went boom," she finished for him.
"Exactly," he confirmed.
There was a crackle as the ship-wide comm activated.
"Jeremy!" it was John, "Get your ass up here!"
"Ah frell, what now?" Jeremy asked to no one in particular.
"Now!" the comm went out again.
"Frell..." Jeremy whispered, "This better be good."
"You go," Angel said, "I'll talk to them."
"You sure you can handle it?"
"Are you fracking kidding me?" she asked, grinning, "Anyone freaks out, I'll break their arms."
"...right," Jeremy managed as he ran back to the cockpit.
He was greeted by a completely unattentive Maestro and John. They were both staring down at one of the monitors. He coughed, and none of them bothered to look up. He coughed again. Still no response. He cleared his throat very loudly. Nothing. Walking over to the two of them, he pinched John on the back of the neck.
"Ack frell!" he managed, "Very funny, Jeremy. Now take a look at this."
Jeremy looked down at the monitor, and was greeted by a very, very large blip.
"That..." Jeremy began, "...is one big Vong ship."
"Guess again," John replied, "Cause its not Vong."
"Huh?" Jeremy asked, "One of the convoy ships? No way. They're not that big."
"Overkill is fuciking with you, Hawkeye," Maestro said, "He has no idea what the frell it is."
"Well, theres one way to find out," Jeremy replied, "Lock onto its position, and head for it."
"You sure?" John asked, "I mean, whatever the frack it is, it may not be so friendly."
"I'm sure," Jeremy said, "Maestro, zero in on it, and zoom until we got a visual."
"Pending..." Maestro muttered, typing for a few seconds, "Done...what the frell is that?"
"It looks like two small rings, one inside another..." John whispered.
"Small?" Maestro asked, chuckling, "Look at that blip, Overkill. This thing is fucking enormous. Its the size of a large planet."
"Impossible..." Jeremy muttered, "Nothing can look like that so perfectly and be so big. Its not natural."
"Maybe its not natural," John offered, looking up to see the two staring at them, "Well, it could be."
"Whats that?" Maestro asked, pointing to an area on the zoomed picture.
"What? I don't see anything," Jeremy said.
"Me neither. Probably your eyes screwing you with, man," John added, "None of us have slept in a while."
"No, I'm telling you. Something's there," Maestro said, "I'm zooming in some more."
Maestro did so, and it wasn't long before the other two could see it as well. An area of stars were being blocked out by something very large and black.
"Look at that," Jeremy pointed out, "Whats that?"
"Its the color of the stars, but..." John trailed off for a few seconds, and finished, "But its in a straight line. A very tiny line."
"Zero in on that, Maestro," Jeremy said, "And zoom in as far as you possibly can."
"Roger that," Maestro said, typing rapidly again, "Pending...done."
"Frell..." Jeremy and John whispered simultaneously.
On the screen in front of them, enlarged and in perfectly legible lettering, there was one simple word that gave so much hope:
Control Room, Artificial Structure Codenamed: Helix - Advance Exploration and Recon Team
2530 Helix Standard Time
"What do you got?" Krauze asked.
"Well, Senator," Daniels began, "And may I add its very nice to be able to talk someone much more civilized than-"
"Out with it, doc," Samuel cut him off gruffly, "I want to know what the frell you people are pissing your pants over."
There was a very awkward silence.
"Well?" the Senator asked finally.
"Y-yes sir," Daniels stuttered, once again a stranger in a strange land, "Well, it seems to be a very detailed and amazing visual history of this galaxy, from as far back as when this structure was abandoned by...well, whoever built it."
"So it doesn't say anything about the race that built the structure?" Smith asked.
"Well, no, sir. Not really. I'm sorry, sir," Daniels said, "We were very dissapointed about that as well."
"Does it really matter?" Krauze asked, "If the race that built this...Helix...isn't in the history, then its obviously been out of this galaxy's picture for a long, long time. Who the frell cares? We've got very, very detailed information about the current status of this galaxy. We've found other life, people. Other, friendly life. Thats fracking amazing."
"Indeed," Daniels said, beaming.
"So, fill us in, doctor," Chopin said, "A rather brief version, if you please. I would imagine if races can built things like these, this galaxy's history has got to be pretty long."
"Well, sir," Daniels started, "It seems the ancient race that built this structure was very, very advanced, even for this galaxy's standards. No current governments have the technology capable of creating another Helix right now. In fact, none of them really know about this place."
"Well, thats good to know," Smith said.
"Very, sir," Daniels said, "Galaxy-wide situations aren't exactly...peaceful."
"Thats not-so-good to know," Krauze muttered.
"Continue, Doctor Daniels," Chopin said.
"Well," Daniels began, "All of the galaxy's history is very interesting, to me, anyway. But I'll start where things start to have to do with current situations.
For thousands of years, the galaxy was under relative peace under the main government now known as the Old Republic, called the Republic back in those days. But decades ago, a Sith Lord created a military coup, and-"
"Woah woah woah," Krauze stopped him "Sith Lord? What the frack is a Sith?"
"Thats...thats rather complicated, and completely unbelievable," Daniels scratched the back of his neck.
"Unbelievable?" Smith echoed, "Explain."
"Well," Daniels thought for a second, "There are Jedi and there are Sith. The Jedi are a group of people who have harnessed the power of this...energy, I suppose it could be called, known as the Force. They're keepers of the peace. Defenders of the galaxy. Upholders of ideals. The whole knight in shining armor thing brought to life. Some of them are like...well, wizards, who use 'the Force' telekentically and elementally. Then, there are Jedi who prefer to use what are called 'lightsabers'. They are like swords, only instead of a metal blade, there are beams of light that can slice through almost anything."
"Doctor, you are correct," Chopin said, "That is completely unbelievable."
"But amazingly, its true," Daniels replied.
"Okay, so that explains who the Jedi are," Krauze spoke up, "What about the Sith?"
"Well," Daniels shuddered slightly, "If everything has an opposite, than the Sith are the Jedi's. They're ruthless...dark Jedi...who use what is known as the 'darkside of the Force'. Think of them as the evil wizards, only much worse. The Darkside is harnessed through pure hatred and rage. They're not someone you want to run into. The Sith themselves were an alien race, long-extint, very powerful in dark Force powers. The Dark Jedi who call themselves Sith in current times are followers of an ideal."
"Interesting," Smith offered awkwardly, "Alright, continue with where you left off. A Sith Lord staged a military coup?"
"Yes," Daniels said, "The Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, head of the Senate of the Old Republic, apparently had a dark side to him. He was also known as Darth Sidious, one of the last surviving Sith Lords from a math Sith blood bath that occured a long time ago. He overthrew the government with their clone army and created the first Empire, naming himself Emperor Palpatine. Himself, along with his pupil, the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader, almost drove the Jedi into extinction.
A few decades ago, a group of governments and races known as the Rebellion overthrew the Empire, and the Jedi returned under the banner of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Very little known is that Skywalker is the son of Darth Vader, whom he killed."
"He killed his father?" Krauze asked.
"Apparently," Daniels claimed.
"Not very Jedi-like of him, don't you think?" Smith asked.
"The Jedi cannot attack, as part of their code," Daniels said, "But if they are attacked, they are allowed to defend. And the Sith love attacking. Anyway, where did I leave off? Oh yes.
The Rebellion turned itself into the New Republic, and for a while there was peace again, like there had been with the Old Republic. But the Empire came back. In fact, they overthrew each other a couple of times before the Empire, now known as The New Order, emerged victorious."
"Oh boy," Krauze said, "The bad guys won."
"Now now," Daniels chided, "The New Order is not exactly on the level that the original Empire was. I'm not saying that they're the good guys, but not everything is black and white anymore. But TNO, as they're called, are not the only large government in the galaxy. There is also The New Galactic Coalition, a group of races much like the Rebellion, only a recognized government by The New Order. After a short Galactic War that didn't turn out well for them, they signed a peace treaty with TNO, and things are uneasily peaceful at the moment."
"Alright," Chopin said, "So, if we decide to get involved with any politics in the future, we have to choose a side. Doctor Daniels, since you seem to be the expert in galactic affairs so far, which would you recommend? This...New Galactic Coalition or The New Order?"
"Neither," Daniels said.
"Neither?" Smith echoed.
"Neither, sir," Daniels repeated, "As I mentioned earlier, the NGC and TNO are not the only governments in this galaxy. The closest relatively large government is the Hapes Consortium, who seem to be a nice enough bunch. Actually, we're considered in Hapan space."
"Wait wait wait," Krauze stopped him, "If we're in Hapan space, how have they not noticed this...big freaking...thing?"
"Well, Senator," Daniels said, "We're in what are called the Transitory Mists. Its uncharted, and very dangerous for them to explore. This galaxy uses what is known as a hyperdrive. Its much more flexible than Slipspace, but you can't just plot any course. You're still in normal space, even when in hyperspace. So if you fly into something, its gonna hurt."
"I see..." Krauze said, "But this is if we decide to let anyone know we exist."
"Sam," Smith replied, "There aren't very many of us left. I think we need all the help we can get."
"Point taken," Samuel muttered.
"Sirs, there is something else you might be interested in," Daniels cut in.
"Yes?" Chopin asked.
"This galaxy was invaded by the Yuuzhan Vong as well," Daniels said.
Dead silence.
"And they fought it off," Daniels continued.
More silence.
"Just thought you might like to know," Daniels whispered.
"Thank you, Doctor," Krauze muttered, "Thats very comforting."
"Sirs! Broadcast from the Avalanche!" the SPARTAN team leader approached them.
Chopin took the comm and listened for a few seconds.
"The Avalanche is reading multiple contacts on long-range sensors," Chopin finally said, "Someone knows we're here."
"No way to know who until they got here," Smith muttered.
"Not necessarily," Daniels said.
Posted On:
Jan 24 2005 3:31am
Control Room, Artificial Structure Codenamed: Helix - Advance Exploration and Recon Team
2540 Helix Standard Time
"So you're saying," Chopin began, "We can see whats coming before it actually gets here?"
"Oh, we can see more than that," Daniels smiled.
Krauze, Smith, and Chopin jumped backward in fright as the doctor powered up the holoprojector. It was much more advanced than the normal holonet found throughout the rest of the galaxy, giving a very crisp, clear, and detailed view of pretty much anything you wanted to put on it. And what Daniels chose to put on it was pretty amazing to those who had not seen if before.
"This..." Daniels beamed, "...is P869Z241Y, the closest planet to the Helix structure. It has a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere and a very lush forest environment throughout most of the planet, along with three rather large oceans. Perfectly suitable for human life, and likely why Helix is in this location."
"Amazing..." Krauze whispered.
"Indeed, sir," Daniels nodded, "This...this is P621T480M. Also nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere. This planet consists of dozens and dozens of islands, don't be mistaken, some of which are very, very large. Its a very beautiful place, if I may say so."
"Doctor, I don't mean to be rude," Smith cut him off, "But if you could get to the issue of Andozian security?"
"Ah...right, sir," Daniels blushed and stumbled with the controls, "Ah, the fleet of...whatever they are...seem to be approaching the farthest planet from the solar system's sun, a rather large gas giant, P975W261O. We should have optimum visibility."
The holoscreen cut to a picture of empty space, but not for long. Slowly but steadily, the fleet of ships came into view, and right away they knew what it was and to whom it belonged to. They had all seen such a fleet before. They had all seen it right before they had left their galaxy. They had all seen it destroy everything they held dear. It was their enemy. The Yuuzhan Vong.
"Confirmed," Smith said, finally, "We have a Priority One Alert. Tell the Avalanche to go to battle stations."
Chopin nodded and went to carry out the orders. Daniels went back to work and Smith looked over his shoulders. Krauze sighed and rubbed his face. He did not like one bit what he was about to do, but he had little choice in the matter. He knew what must be done, in order to save his life and everyone around him. Jeremy Smith and Johnathan Skier had been like sons to him too. He had already lost them, he didn't want to lose John too.
"Doctor Daniels!" Krauze barked out louder than he had intended.
"Yes, sir?" Daniels looked up, and so did Smith.
"Does this...structure, have communications capabilities?" Samuel asked.
"I...I believe so, yes, sir."
"You know how to work them?"
"Yes, sir," came the reply.
"Sam, with all due respect, I don't think the Vong are gonna listen to what you have to say," Smith cut in, but Krauze held up a hand to silence him.
"Can you..." Krauze faltered for a moment, but straightened his posture and continued, "Can you send a transmission to these...Hapans?"
"Yes, sir," Daniels replied.
"Hold on just a second!" Smith said, "Sam, with all due respect, are you fracking insane? We have no idea just how friendly these people will be to an alien race in their own territory!"
"Actually, I believe we do," Samuel replied, "Doctor Daniels, how friendly do you believe the Hapans will be to an alien race in their own territory, based on that history thingamajig?"
"Uh, well," Daniels stuttered, "Difficult to say for sure, sir, but I don't believe they will be hostile in any way. Furthermore, sir, I say its worth shot."
"Sam!" Smith hissed, "Someday we may want to get involved in galactic politics but I doubt right now is the perfect moment!"
"So do I," Samuel replied, "But damnit Jacob, we have a very large and very pissed off Yuuzhan Vong warfleet headed straight for us and we have the frelling Avalanche to try and stop it! Those don't seem like the best surivival odds to me!"
"Don't you fracking 'Sam' me, Zenith Admiral Smith," Krauze said, "I'm the politic, and I know better than you the risks in what we're doing, but if we don't then we're as good as dead anyway! Doctor Daniels said this galaxy fought off the Vong before, and we need all the fracking help we can get!"
"...alright," Smith conceded, "Send the transmission."
"Good, thank you," Samuel replied, "While I'm doing that, I suggest you get all the civilians and personnel you can off of those convoy ships and on to the surface, and run all ships on skeleton crew. And, if possible, minimize the Avalanche to the absolute minimum personnel required to be combat effective."
"I agree," Smith said, "I'll get on that."
"Doctor Daniels?" Krauze turned.
"Sir?" Daniels asked.
"Prepare to record transmission."
"R...right now, sir?" Daniels asked.
"No! After we have some lunch!" Krauze said, "Yes damnit now!"
"Yes sir!" Daniels said and began typing furiously, "Pending...okay, speak."
"People of the Hapan Consortium. I am former Senator Samuel Krauze of the...former Andozian Republic. I am speaking to you right now in desperation. Our people...what is left of our people...have been at war with the Yuuzhan Vong for years now. We believe you have faced a similar threat as well. Our war, however...did not go so well.
We were forced to escape our own solar system and, somehow, we escaped our galaxy in the process. You see, we have never before heard of this...'hyperdrive' technology. We use Slipsace drives to travel through wormholes but it is...unstable. Our top scientists are theorizing that something to do with interference in the wormhole itself and your...'Transitory Mists'...slingshotted us through space at high speeds and...well, dropped us off here.
Our current base of operations is located on an alien artifact inside the Transitory Mists, something we have codenamed: Helix. You'll know it when you see it. I'm sending along with this message our lightspeed coordinates and our sincerest pleas for help. We cannot defeat this attack alone. You are our only hope."
"That was good," Smith said.
"You really liked it?" Samuel asked.
"You did excellent, sir," Daniels added.
"Really?" Krauze asked, "Not too over the top?"
"Perfect, Sam," Smith grinned.
But Krauze was no longer looking at his long-time friend. Smith followed his gaze behind him and at the holoprojector. It still showed the appoarching Yuuzhan Vong warfleet.
"Sam?" Smith asked.
"What is that?" Samuel asked, turning to Daniels.
"What, sir?"
"That," Krauze said as he approached and pointed.
"That?" Daniels echoed, "I don't really know, sir. It looks to be a small ship of some sort, probably an advance scout for the Vong."
"Does this thingy have zoom?" Krauze asked.
"I believe so, sir," Daniels went over to the controls, "Zooming now."
The picture zoomed in on the ship.
"Thats no Vong vessel," Smith said, and gasped, "Thats one of ours!"
"There! Theres the name!" Krauze pointed, "Zoom in on that, doc!"
Daniels did so, and the words Mother Goose stood before them.
"Mother Goose..." Smith whispered.
"John, do you know of a ship by that name?" Krauze asked.
"Eject...eject..." Smith murmered.
"I'm sorry?" Samuel asked.
"Huh?" John snapped back to reality, "Oh, sorry. No, I don't-wait...yes. That was the ship that was supposed to ferry those still working at the monitoring station in the Jargulan Prime Asteroid Belt."
"Why isn't it in the convoy?" Samuel asked.
"We recieved a comm from the Belt before we jumped," Smith said, "The Vong had hit them, we thought they had all died. We jumped without them."
"Daniels, open a comm to that ship!" Krauze ordered.
"No need, sir," Daniels said, "Receiving transmission."
Daniels patched it through, but he made an error. The communication was broadcasted throughout the control center and the convoy ships.
"Escape convoy? Can you read?" came a staticy voice, "This is Scout Ship Mother Goose, is anyone recieving me?"
"Roger that, Mother Goose," Krauze put on his best military impersonation, "With whom am I speaking to?"
"Jeremy Smith, sir."
Smith stared. He didn't stare at anything in particular. He just stared. It looked as if he was staring at everything at once. His vision blurred, focused, blurred, and focused again on the wrong thing. Tears welled up in his eyes, but they wouldn't come out. Jacob sturggled for breath, and breathed heavily at the same time. He fainted.
"Your father just fainted, Jeremy," Krauze said, "Hold tight, we're going to bring you home."
Posted On:
Jan 26 2005 7:37am
MBC Wayward Sword, Transitory Exploration Fleet.
Transitory Mists, exploration sector XS-24601.
"...And so with the discovery at Charmigrad, this brings the total of settled planets within the Mists to two."
There was a chuckle behind the Prince.
"And it also means you can dump off Jasmine to somewhere well out of the way!"
Dakkon stiffled a laugh, realising quickly the improper nature of the insult towards the newly abdicated Queen Mother.
"Don't let me hear any jokes like that again...
In public."
The aide nodded, smile still evident upon his features.
To his left a military attache spoke up, more than willing to pursue his questioning agenda while the option was available.
"And what of our expansion plans? We surely are not simply considering an inward expansion as your statement to the media suggested?"
Dakkon inclined his head in agreement.
"True. Since the Empire has held Tanaab, its taxes and import duties has severely limited our traders ability to access the Perlemian. Following the Stenness Node, our second angle of expansion consists of Umbara, Contruum and the Roche belt. This should allow a solid chunk of access for our traders to have free reign over the belt.
This link allows total free trade between ourselves and the Black Dragons, if need be while also allowing us to control/influence the trade occuring between the Empire and Dragons."
The attaché was tapping away at his PDA, analysing his patriarchs decision. A moment later his head rose again, beaming.
"Its about time we left the cluster again, for too long have we been insular...
Might i ask who will be leading the first stage of our expansion?"
At that moment the ships commanding officer entered the room, the Prince immediately turning towards him. Hayter bowed his head slightly in respect when he saw the Prince.
"May I introduce you to Commodore Hayter. He will be leading the assault on the Stenness Node."
The aides and entourage all looked the man up and down, being as judgemental as possible. Such was their way.
Hayter meanwhile was straight to the point.
"Your Majesty, we have just received a transmission from an unknown source. Here."
The officer held out a thin piece of transcript which the Prince accepted.
"People of the Hapan Consortium. I am former Senator Samuel Krauze of the...former Andozian Republic. I am speaking to you right now in desperation. Our people...what is left of our people...have been at war with the Yuuzhan Vong for years now. We believe you have faced a similar threat as well. Our war, however...did not go so well.
We were forced to escape our own solar system and, somehow, we escaped our galaxy in the process. You see, we have never before heard of this...'hyperdrive' technology. We use Slipsace drives to travel through wormholes but it is...unstable. Our top scientists are theorizing that something to do with interference in the wormhole itself and your...'Transitory Mists'...slingshotted us through space at high speeds and...well, dropped us off here.
Our current base of operations is located on an alien artifact inside the Transitory Mists, something we have codenamed: Helix. You'll know it when you see it. I'm sending along with this message our lightspeed coordinates and our sincerest pleas for help. We cannot defeat this attack alone. You are our only hope."
The Prince stopped and held himself silent for a moment while the gravity of their statement dawned on him.
The Vong, here? Shit...
"Commodore Hayter, you have command. Rally what units you can and transmit the coordinates. We need to nip this Vong invasion in the bud..."
Hayter saluted, immediately turning on his heel back towards the bridge.
As he left Dakkon fell back into his chair, visions of the last battles with the Vong plaguing his mind.
(OOC: Its crap, yes, but i'm tired and hungover. Hayter will post next then you're good to vaporize...)
Posted On:
Jan 28 2005 1:32am
MBC Wayward Sword, Transitory Exploration Fleet - Ten Minutes Prior
Jack turned his gaze from the viewports, where he had been looking out, over the endless mass of stars that comprised the Transitory Mists, "Yes Commander Locke?" He asked.
Locke, one of the sub-captains of the Sword handed him a datapad with messages scrolling down on it's screen. Jack took it, his eyes darting from side to side as he read the scrolling text, "Interesting." He said, "When did you get this in?"
"A few moments ago. Communications just picked it up." Locke replied.
Jack nodded, "Have you verified this communication?" He asked.
Locke was hesitant, "Actually... no. We did scans, but we couldn't locate the origin."
Jack nodded, "Send out scout ships."
Locke nodded and turned on his heel to go and get the scout ships ready.
Jack turned back and headed to meet with Dakkon.
MBC Wayward Sword, Transitory Exploration Fleet - Present Time
"What is the report from the scout teams?" Jack asked, coming up behind Commander Locke, who was hunched the communication's officer's console, watching the young comm officer study scans of the Hapan Military comm bands.
"Not yet." Locke replied, standing up and turning to face his superior, and lowering his voice so only he and Hayter could hear, "What is this all about? We can't find anything about a "Helix" in the entire database, or the holonet... do you know anything beyond what the communication says?"
Jack shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest, "No. But we can only be good soldiers and follow orders... but I have a bad feeling about this. Get the crews to their fighters, and charge all weapons systems. I want to launch a perimeter force as soon as we drop into realspace-"
He was interuppted by the excited comm officer, "Commodore! We are receiving a communication from Scout Team One Seventy Three."
Jack leaned over the console on the opposite side of Locke, who was doing the same just as the communication began to play through the speakers.
"Wayward Sword! This is Lieutenant Modrin, commander of Scout Team One Seventy Three. We are under heavy attack by Yuuzhan Vong forces in the target sector!"
Jack cursed inwardly, "How many?" He spoke into the transmitter.
"Multiple capital ship analogs, and hundreds of coralskippers. We can't get an acurate reading--"
Modrin was cut off in midsentance. Only static was heard now.
Jack sighed to himself and turned to Locke, "Ready the fleet. Battle stations."
"Launch!" Jack shouted at Locke as the long streaks of hyperspace were replaced by the thin points of stars.
The entire Transitory fleet was there, reverting alongside them, as well as who they were here to face. The Vong force was not large, but they definately outclassed and outnumbered the Hapan forces. Jack had three Battle Dragons, and one flotilla of five Lorell Gunships, as well as the Sword itself.
En route, Jack had given specific instructions on ship placement and tactics to the individual ship commanders, and even as the ships were reverting to realspace, they moved into their assigned positions.
The Avenger fighter bombers flew out in waves, the squadrons forming a wide, half-moon shape around the fleet and advanced on the Vong ships, with the Lorells creating a perimeter in front of the Dragons, who formed around the Sword. This created the long-used Hapan "orbit" fleet position - with the entire fleet surrounding the main command ship, which was free to open up with all guns, while the other ships took the brunt of the enemy attack. They transmitting nothing to the Vong, who were already shifting to meet them, but Jack did prepare a recorded message to Helix which was to be sent upon reversion.
"Senator Samuel Krauze - I am Commodore Jack Hayter of the Hapes Consortium. I am under orders to defend you. Welcome to the Galaxy."
The Hapan forces advanced on the Vong, swiftly coming into firing range.
Jack opened a comm channel to his entire fleet, "All ships - this is Jack Hayter. Lets give them hell. Fire at will."
The fighters hit upon the Vong like a storm, swarming the biggest ship - designated V1 by the Hapans. The coralskippers replied in kind, and individual dogfights ensued. Jack left Locke with the responsibility of directing the fighter forces, he had to focus on the capital ship battle.
The Lorrells followed their plan and split to the sides, broadsiding the V1, and peppering it with laser fire. The dovin basals managed to suck most of the shots in, but some got through, leaving the alien ship with pock marks along it's hull.
The Dragons hit next, but instead of broadsiding, they swiftly came into range and began to rotate. As one turbolaser along each Dragon's hull fired, the ship had to rotate in order to bring the next one to bear. But the only problem was the Dragon couldn't manuver, and was virtually a sitting duck.
As the Battle Dragons and Lorrells took fire, the Sword was not taking much of a pounding. This was because Hayter had positioned most of his ships out to guard the command ship in the "orbit" pattern. The formidible Matriarch Battle Cruiser then brought it's own weapons to bear on the Vong command ship. Dovin basals, trying to protect the ship from the Lorells and Battle Dragons, had no chance of stopping the added firepower from the Wayward Sword The Vong Command ship began to break up, with explosions rocking it's outer hull.
Jack smiled slightly to himself as he observed all this. Everything was going well...
"Commodore! Look! The Timeless!" Someone shouted. Jack searched space for the appropriate Battle Dragon...
Then he saw it. The ship was on the verge of being destroyed. Because it was protecting the Sword from Vong plasma fire, it could not keep up with the barrage.
"Squadron three!" Jack shouted into the comm, "Move to sector three-seven and protect the Timeless!"
The squadron commander acknowledged and moved his fighters to do so, but it was already to late. Jack had to shield his eyes from the explosion.
His stare became cold, but he soon realized that without the Timeless protecting the left flank of the Sword, the battle was about to get more interesting...
"Three, stay there and watch the flank." He ordered even as the debris were begining to settle...
Posted On:
Jan 28 2005 8:21pm
The Past
Caloran Alpha System – Caloran Prime
0600 Andoz Standard Clock
<o =""></o>
They were silent. Every single one of them. Down to the very last man, they were silent. They were silent as they crossed the combat line. They were silent as they climbed over the debris strewn across the ground, some left there, and some placed there on purpose. They were silent as they crawled through the open fields, filled with dead bodies. The stench was enough to make any man break out into dry heaves, if the sight had not already done so.<o =""></o>
But these were not just any men. They were the elite. They were the proud. They were the deadly. They were SPARTANs. The pride of their military, none could compare. A single SPARTAN was worth a hundred normal soldiers. They had been trained to near death and combat hardened beyond the point of being able to function normally outside of combat. Every single soldier had seen battle before. Even before the Fifth War had begun. Many had even been in the Fourth War.
<o =""></o>None of them had seen anything like this. The veterans of the Fourth War had crawled across fields of battle much like this, but even they could not recall such a sight. They had crawled through the bodies of their friends and the bodies of their enemies before, but none had crawled through bodies like these. Amongst the dead were the people they fought with, and the people they fought against. But it didn’t end there. There were more bodies. Much more. More bodies than their allies and enemies alike. They were the bodies hat had the terrible effect on them.
<o =""></o>They were the bodies of the very people they were trying to save.
<o =""></o>Women, children, young men and old men. People too old or not old enough to fight but never too old or not old enough to die. The bodies were barely distinguishable from the dead soldiers, but the difference was there, and the difference was terrible. These weren’t the bodies of strangers. These were the bodies of friends. Relatives. Brothers, sisters, uncles, cousins, neighbors, co-workers, bosses, employees, all normal people. All dead. Even to those who had not come from Caloran Prime, it was a shock to see, because they knew that in all likelihood the same thing was happening on their own home planets.
<o =""></o>But they could not let any of this phase them. They were not normal soldiers. They were SPARTANs. And now was not the time to mourn. Now was the time to kill. Now was the time to take revenge. Now was the time. And they were fully capable of it. They were SPARTANs. Trained to serve, trained to protect, trained to defend, trained to defeat, trained to show no mercy, trained to kill.
<o =""></o>But there was one thing they were not nor could they ever be trained to do, and it was during this night when they would realize it. They were not trained to die.
<o =""></o>Ahead of them lied the objective. The capital city of <st1:city w:st="on"><st1 ="">Caloran Prime</st1></st1:city>, Avalon. It had once been a place of magnificence, the first colonization outside of their own solar system, and the heart of Caloran Prime. Now it was dark and foreboding, for within it was the enemy. It was their job, their duty, to change this. The enemy was there, but it was their job to change that by dawn, and there would be hell to pay if they didn’t.
<o =""></o>There was hell to pay.
Each soldier’s head snapped up as dozens and dozens of bright lights illuminated ahead of them, each coming from within the city. It only took them seconds to realize what they were, but by then it was too late. It had already been too late. The lights representing their death, and the silence represented the calm before the storm. And the storm was coming. And the storm came. The lights represented their death. The lights were artillery batteries.
<o =""></o>A hail of artillery shells hit the ground all around them, and soon enough the ground around them ran out and people started dying. Shrapnel and flames tore into the bodies of the dead and the living alike, some were sent flying into the air, and some were struck down into the earth. Some soldiers fired hopelessly at the city off in the distance, but the more pragmatic ones simply accepted their fates and died without firing a shot.
<o =""></o>This was the Fifth War. This was hell.
The Present
Control Room, Artificial Structure Codenamed: Helix
2600 Helix Standard Clock<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>Tears welled up in his eyes, but none fell. Years of military training had beaten all of the crying out of him. The Vong were coming. Everyone in the Control Room had to face that fact. The Vong were coming, and they couldn’t stop it. The very fate they had barely escaped in their own galaxy had chased them here, and the chase was about to end. They were about to die, and there was nothing they could do to stop it.<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>Then the Hapans came, and with them came hope. The aliens had come, not as aggressors, but as saviors. Every soul on the artificial structure by the name of Helix, which was now thousands and thousands since the civilians had been evacuated here to wait out of the fight, had a smile upon their face, for there was a chance that they might live to see another day, a day without Vong. Every person had a smile upon their face, except one.<o =""></o>
Samuel Krauze drowned himself in memories of his war days, as he always did when he had no short-term purpose in the real world. Usually a lot of alcohol accompanied this, but the Control Room wasn’t exactly the best place to be drinking, and the only place he was allowed to be in. He had seen many battles, but the one that plagued him most was the one in which he had lost his arm and foot. The failed assault upon Avalon during the Fifth War. He had been a SPARTAN back then, just like the soldiers that guarded this very room.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
He looked around the Control Room, but he did not see the artificial structure he was on. He saw Avalon. This was Avalon, the place he had tried to get to but could not. The Control Room was the city hall, and the surface of the structure was the city itself. The people around him were the very people who had killed all his entire team, or the people that gave them shelter. And…<o =""></o><o =""></o>
Where were the artillery batteries?<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>
“Frell…” Samuel whispered to himself.<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>It was such a simple question, and amazingly one that nobody had thought to ask. Where were the artillery batteries? He asked himself again, but no answer was forthcoming. He stood up suddenly, his eyes darting around the Control Room. He had to find Jacob, he had to find Smith. The Control Room was big, but not this big! Where could he be? Where…there!<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>“Jacob!” Samuel yelled, running across to him.<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>
“I’m kind of busy, Sam,” Jacob replied without looking up, and indeed he was. He was directing the Avalanche in combat, “Can this wait?”
“No!” Sam yelled, “It has to be now!”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Sam, I’ll get to you as soon as I-“<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>
“No, damnit!” Krauze nearly bellowed, grabbing his friend and shaking him, “NOW!”<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>Jacob looked up at his friend for the first time and saw how dreadfully serious his face was. Samuel was a jokester, someone who always did his best to make light of a situation where there could be no foreseeable good side. To see his expression so grave as this was something that Smith found truly shocking. What could have possessed his friend so? He had to find out.<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>
“You,” he pointed to someone nearby, “Take over. I’ll be right back.”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
They moved over to somewhere more private.<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>
“This better be good, Sam,” Jacob said, “In case you haven’t noticed, we’re fighting a war.”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Do you remember the assault on Avalon?” Krauze blurted out.<o =""></o>
“The what?” Smith asked, “You mean the one where you…”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Do you remember how we were given away?” Samuel asked, his eyes wide, “How someone tipped off the enemy, and they destroyed us with their artillery batteries?”<o =""></o>
“Is this what was so important?” Smith said, exasperated, “You made me come over here to reminisce about war stories?”
“No, damnit! Listen!” Krauze hissed, “Avalon destroyed their enemies, us, with their artillery batteries! Their defenses! Every great place has defenses! Avalon had artillery batteries! This may be a different galaxy, but Daniels said war has been around here for a long time, and this is most fracking definitely an important place! Where are Helix’s defenses?”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
Jacob stared at Samuel. Samuel stared at Jacob. They stared at each other. Their eyes turned to stare at Doctor Daniels, who was assisting a soldier in providing combat intelligence to the Hapans. They stared at each other again, and stared back at the doctor. For a full minute, neither of them moved, simply staring at the doctor, a thousand things running rapidly through their minds. Finally, they snapped out of it. Literally snapped out of it.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“DOCTOR DANIELS!” they both yelled, rushing over to the man.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Yes, sirs?” the doctor turned to address them.<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>
“Does Helix have any defenses?” Krauze asked quickly.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“I’m sorry?” Daniels asked.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Damnit man, focus!” Smith bellowed, “DOES HELIX HAVE ANY DEFENSES?!”<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>
The entire Control Room went silent.<o =""></o>
“I…” Daniels stuttered, “I’d have to check.”<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>
“Then hurry up and check, man!” Krauze yelled, “We’re fighting a frelling war!”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
In The Center of the <st1:city w:st="on"><st1 ="">Battle</st1> </st1:city>– Scout Ship Mother Goose<o =""></o>
2610 Helix Standard Clock<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Frack!” Jeremy yelled as another plasma burst flew across their viewport, “Frack! John! Get Angel and get into those turrets, now!”
<o =""></o>
“Yessir!”<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>John vacated his seat in the cockpit, rushing out to find the other gunner onboard, and leaving Jeremy alone to avoid the laser bursts and plasma fire flying all around them. The Vong were almost in weapons range of them when the Hapans had arrived. Now they were within weapon range of everyone, but nobody seemed to care much about them. The two forces seemed more hellbent on destroying each other.<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>
Had Jeremy not been trying to save his own ass and the asses of everyone else on board the ship, he could have easily paused to witness the terrifying beauty of the battle around him. He had seen many things in his lifetime, but nothing quite as spectacular as a Hapan Battle Dragon. Nearly all of the ships in the fight were several times larger than the largest Andozian capital ship, excluding the convoy ships, but the Battle Dragon easily stood out. They spewed out laser blast after laser blast in a circular motion that was absolutely amazing and terrifying to look at at the same time.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
And in one sudden moment, the Battle Dragon he happened to be looking at exploded. It had been the Timeless, and it terrified Jeremy to see such a ship be vaporized. It must have taken thousands of men to wield that ship, and in an instant all of them were gone. Another explosion sent the Scout Ship skidding out of control. The Yuuzhan Vong flagship had been destroyed, but that was the least of Jeremy’s worries.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
They were headed straight for a Hapan ship, and there was not much he could do to prevent it. In a few seconds, they would be spacekill on the very people that had been sent to save them’s hull. Jeremy closed his eyes and awaited the end, but the end never came. He opened his eyes slowly and looked out the viewport. They had stopped, literally stopped completely meters away from the ship.<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>
”Jeremy!” it was John, ”What the frack just happened?!”<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>
“I have no idea…” was all Jeremy could say.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
”Unidentified vessel,” that was most definitely not John, ”State your name and your purpose immediately or face immediate elimination.”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“This is…” Jeremy stuttered, “This is the Mother Goose of the Andozian military. We are currently trying to avoid dying. With whom am I speaking to?”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“This is Deck Officer Morris,” came the reply, ”Of the MBC [i]Wayward Sword, flagship of the Transitory Exploration Fleet. We are tractoring you in now.”<o =""></o>
“What the frell is a tractor?” Jeremy whispered.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
Control Room, Artificial Structure Codenamed: Helix<o =""></o>
2620 Helix Standard Clock<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>
“Wow…” Smith whispered, “Wow.”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“And that’s a simulation?” Krauze asked, “Of what this thing can do?”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Yes, sir,” Daniels said, “It seems like it.”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“So this thing can potentially wipe out the entire Vong fleet?” Chopin asked.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“If this is accurate,” Daniels whispered, “It can do a hell of a lot more than that, sir.”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
Silence.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Order the Hapan fleet off,” Krauze said finally.<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>
“What?” everyone else asked at the same time.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Order them off!” Krauze repeated, “If this thing is as powerful as it looks like, getting caught in the crossfire would be very bad, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel like destroying our new allies.”<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>
“Senator,” Chopin cut in, “That’s a very big if. This structure is ancient, that thing may not even work anymore.”<o =""></o>
“They’re losing, Captain.”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Senator?” Chopin asked.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Don’t play stupid, I can tell,” Samuel said, “They’re losing. The Hapans, they’re losing. If we don’t do this now, they’ll all die. I don’t want that on my conscience.”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Senator…” Chopin began.<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>
“Damnit, Jacob,” Krauze turned toward his friend, “I don’t want another Avalon to remember. I can’t change what happened back then, but I’ll be damned if I can’t change what happens now! Order them off!”<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>
“Zenith Admiral…” Chopin pleaded.<o =""></o>
“Do it,” Smith said finally.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Sir-”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Do it!” Smith yelled, “Now!”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
Chopin went over to the communications center of the Control Room, and picked up a comm. headphone. He began speaking into it.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Order your ships away from the Vong fleet.”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Yes, you heard me correctly.”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Yes I’m serious!”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Yes, now!”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Don’t ask questions, just do it!”<o =""></o>
“Affirmative.”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
He put the headphones down and walked back over to the group.<o =""></o>
”You have a way with people,” Krauze said.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“The trick is to ask them nicely,” Chopin replied.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“I’m glad you’re on our side,” Krauze said.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Doctor Daniels!” Jacob caught the nervous doctor’s attention, “Fire the weapon.”<o =""></o>
“Now, sir?”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“No, later. Yes now!”<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>
“Okay, here it goes…”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
Daniels pressed a few keys, and nothing happened. He tapped them again. Nothing. Again. Still nothing. Everyone began to look at Krauze, and he started thinking about what he would say in his defense. And then there was a very, very, loud sound. Followed by another very, very loud sound. Immediately after that, there was a very, very large laser beam.<o =""></o>
The Vong had lost all interest in the retreating Hapan fleet, and had once more begun their advancement on the artificial structure. The lead ship took the laser beam full on, and exploded in seconds. Dovin basals went up on the other ships, but the laser beam found gaps. One by one, each ship in the Yuuzhan Vong warfleet exploded. It was a literal massacre.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Wow…” Jacob said again.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Yeah,” Krauze replied.<o =""></o>
”Sam…” Jacob began, “When you really think about it, you didn’t prevent another Avalon. You made a new one.”<o =""></o>
“I know,” Krauze replied, “But the whole prevention thing sounded cooler. And I think I can live with this one.”<o =""></o>
Aboard the MBC Wayward Sword<o =""></o>
2630 Helix Standard Clock<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>
“These are supposed to be aliens?” John whispered as they stepped down from the ramp.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
There was a welcome party to greet them. Hapan soldiers, and the entire hangar bay crew. Even crew members from other areas from the ship. It seemed that everyone wanted to get a look at the new aliens that had come to occupy the very large, strange object inside their space. Everyone stared at everyone.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Apparently,” Jeremy finally whispered back.<o =""></o>
“They don’t look like aliens,” John whispered, “They look human.”<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“Yeah, they do,” Jeremy whispered.
<o =""></o>
“Shouldn’t you say something?” John whispered.<o =""></o>
”Like what?” Jeremy asked.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
“I don’t know,” John answered, “Anything.”<o =""></o>
<o =""></o>“Uhh…” Jeremy said aloud, “Thanks?”<o =""></o>
Posted On:
Jan 28 2005 10:56pm
(sorry, wrong character)
Posted On:
Jan 28 2005 10:58pm
Yuuzhan Vong / Hapan Battle - Sector 37
"Three-Eight, cut to the right. Three Seven, take the lead skip!" Squadron Commander Jearth Niel yelled into his headset as he twisted his Avenger into a barrel-roll, narrowly avoiding a pursuing skip's deadly plasma shot.
His two wingmen responded to his order, with Eight cutting across and luring the lead coralskipper, who was flying in formation with six other Vong snubfighters, to the left when Seven promptly blew it out of the sky.
"Good shooting guys! Seven, cover me and get this bastard off my tail!" He ordered.
His port wingman hit the brakes, coming up behind Niel's pursuer, destroying it easily.
"Good job, now lets get back to... PULL UP!" He shouted, as a Yuzzhan Vong anti-fighter frigate swiftly, and suddenly moved into Sector Three Seven (on MBC Sword's flank) from it's position with the rest of the Vong fleet. It's mission was to obviously remove the Hapan sqaudron sent to protect the area, which had been left open when the Timeless was destroyed.
Niel opened a channel to the rest of his sqadron, "Pull back to Sector Three-Six and get some cover from the Sword. Three-Two, move out and cover-"
MBC Wayward Sword
Hayter sighed to himself as he watched Sqadron Three get obliterated by the frigate. Locke looked up, his face revealing his chagrin at the loss. Jack quickly shook it off. There were better times to focus on that.
"Forget about it for the present, Commander. Move Squadron Eight to Sector-Three Seven." He said, turning to his commlink, "All port turbolasers, target that Frigate and fire at will." He said coldly.
He watched for a moment as his orders were carried out, the frigate's dovin basals could not handle the concentrated fire, and soon, it was nothing but floating debris. A fitting vengeance.
"Sir, I am getting a priority message." The communications officer spoke up, clutching his headset closely to his head, apparently listening to the message.
"The Vong?" Jack asked.
"No. Helix sir."
"Put it through." Jack said, sitting in his command chair, his eyes glazing over the tactical readouts.
Jack was startled when the voice came through, and soon, suspicion and increadulity swept through him as he listened to the voice speak.
“Order your ships away from the Vong fleet.”
"What?! Did we hear you correctly? You want us to back away?" Jack asked, angrily.
“Yes, you heard me correctly.” The voice responded.
"You must be joking." Jackr replied, thinking this was some sort of sick joke, "You can't be..."
“Yes I’m serious!” The voice cut him off.
"You want us to back away right now?" Locke cut in, stepping up behind Jack.
“Yes, now!”
"But--" Jack started, but was cut off.
“Don’t ask questions, just do it!”
A cold look came over the young Hapan Commodore's face. They had better have a good reason for this...
"Very well. We will do as requested." He replied.
“Affirmative.” The voice replied.
Jack turned to Locke, giving the other man a small shrug, "Do it."
Locke turned to his own commlink, "All Hapan forces, this is the Sword. You are ordered to stand down and retreat. I repeat..."
Jack sat back, as the Transitory Fleet, in perfect unison, backed away, in full reverse, keeping their weapons, and bows facing the enemy and the alien artifact Helix.
Locke finished his directions to the fleet and walked back over to Hayter, lowering his voice, "What the hell?!"
Jack could only shrug, "I have no idea..."
Suddenly, their unspoken questions were answered, and in a very big way. A point-laser beam suddenly lanced out from Helix, targeting one of the Vong ships. obliterating it with one shot.
Jack just frowned. Awe soon turned to anger. They had that weapon the whole time and decided to use it NOW? Many Hapan soldiers died defending these "unarmed" people. Was this some sort of sick game?
"Move into range of the artifact, prepare to receive visitors.
“Uhh… thanks?”
Jack stared coldly at the two men standing before him. He did not smile. He simply stared for a moment. When the other two Andozians looked uncomfortable enough, he approached, extending his hand to both of them, "I am Commodore Hayter. I am in command of this fleet." He said.
Posted On:
Jul 14 2005 7:19am
Part Twelve: Alize
Control Room, Artificial Structure Codenamed: Helix
2630 Helix Standard Clock
“Frack! Get some fire extinguishers in here!” Jacob yelled out through the smoke.
“What do you mean you don’t know where the fire extinguishers would be?!” Chopin yelled somewhere not far away, “Well damnit, find some!”
“Jacob!” came Krauze’s voice, “Jacob! Where are you?!”
Many parts of the control room had literally burst aflame. The launching of the terrifying laser burst that had cut through the fleet of Yuuzhan Vong warships had certainly done a number on Helix itself, even in the control room. Jacob dreaded to think what was going on in other portions of the gigantic structure.
The chaos ended abruptly as water poured down from the ceiling, quickly putting out the various small fires that had popped up all around them, and somewhat clearing the heavy smoke, at least to the level where it was possible to see the shadowy figures of those nearby.
“Good work Daniels,” Krauze said, almost emotionless. He and Jacob had managed to locate the doctor, who wasn’t paying attention. He was too busy staring, wide eyed.
“I didn’t do it…” Daniels almost whispered.
“Must’ve been an automated system,” Jacob reasoned, “It would be only natural for a structure as advanced as Helix is to have one.”
“No, I don’t think it was…” Daniels replied, his voice near a whisper.
“Then who turned them on, Doctor Daniels?” Krauze asked, furrowing his brow.
“I would imagine…” Daniels’s voice broke, but he continued, pointing as he did so, “that did.”
Krauze and Smith followed Daniels’s finger, their eyes widening considerably as they did so. In the middle of the control room, someone…something that had most definitely not been there before hovered. Smith could not help but let his jaw drop in awe at the…being that almost, but not quite, stood before them. If he had been able to tear his eyes away from the sight, he would have seen Krauze blinking furiously.
‘She’ was as he would have imagined an angel would like, Smith speculated. Humanoid features were very prominent in ‘her’ figure, and she was very beautiful. But her legs faded into quite a few tendrils that slithered through the air, swaying back and forth randomly. She glowed pure white, an aura seeming to radiate off of her, masking any sort of distinguishable features in its glow.
Soon, the entirety of the control room was staring at her, their mouths agape.
“State your names and functions,” her voice was booming and terrifying, with a hint of mechanism. She was an AI, Jacob realized.
Nobody answered. Nobody dared speak.
”State your names and functions,” she repeated, her voice noticeably sharper. She seemed to be focusing on Smith, Krauze, and Daniels.
“D-D-Doctor Michael Daniels,” Daniels stuttered out, breaking the silence in a voice that seemed almost as booming as the ‘angel woman’s’.
“Zenith Admiral Jacob Smith,” Jacob managed weakly, struggling to keep his voice from cracking.
“Senator Samuel Krauze,” Samuel’s voice was calm and commanding. He may have been a politician at the moment, but Jacob knew Samuel was a soldier at heart.
“You are not automations,” there was a hint of something in the AI’s voice. Perhaps…curiosity? ”Is the great conflict over? Have the Ancient Ones finally returned? Scanning…DNA…not a match. You are not the Ancient Ones.”
“Daniels?” Krauze whispered out of the corner of his mouth.
“Fascinating,” Daniels whispered, “She seems to be an artificial intelligence of some sort, truly amazing. This kind of technology is-”
“What about the Ancient Ones she’s talking about?” Krauze cut him off.
“They must be the original builders of the Helix structure, sir,” Daniels whispered, “I’ve encountered references of them in some of the systems, but I don’t know much more than that they built Helix and aren’t here anymore.”
“Obviously,” Krauze muttered.
“I am capable of hearing everything you say,” the AI boomed, ”Your lowered voice tones confuse me. Explain yourselves. Why have you come here?”
“Daniels?” Krauze finally asked.
“M-me?” Daniels squeaked, “Why me?”
“You’re good with computers,” Krauze reasoned.
“Oh…” Daniels meekly replied.
”I grow impatient, the ‘angel’ boomed.
“Y-you see-” Daniels attempted to begin.
A beam lanced out from the center of the AI toward Doctor Daniels. Before anyone else could react, Jacob threw Sam out of the way and dove, catching the beam square in the chest and collapsing on the floor. Daniels stared down at his body, horrified. Krauze screamed, but Smith could no longer hear him.
His body had gone entirely limp, and, to his horror, he realized that he was moving away from it. He was leaving his body behind, and approaching the AI through the beam that she had shot out from herself, the beam that connected their bodies. What was happening? What was she doing? Smith tried to scream, but he could not. The aura surrounding her enveloped him, and his world was white.
Aboard the MBC Wayward Sword
2630 Helix Standard Clock
“They don’t seem too happy to see us,” John whispered out of the corner of his mouth.
“How do you know?” Jeremy hissed back, “For all you know, that could be their way of showing happiness.”
“I’m just saying, they don’t look happy,” John whispered, “Shouldn’t we introduce ourselves?”
“Huh?” John had a way of distracting Jeremy from even the most important of things.
“Introduce ourselves, you know? To the aliens,” John whispered, “It’s the polite thing to do.”
Jeremy stepped forward, completely unsure of himself.
“Eilon Lieutenant Jeremy Smith, codename Hawkeye,” Smith snapped off a smart salute, transforming immediately into his military hardened personality.
John stepped forward.
“Eilon Lieutenant Johnathan Skier, codename Overkill,” another crisp salute, and for a moment Jeremy hoped the impossible had happened. Unfortunately, his hopes were quickly dashed, “We come in peace.”
“Frack you’re an idiot,” Jeremy muttered under his breath.
Somewhere Very White
2635 Helix Standard Clock
“Am I dead?” Smith asked himself, looking up at nothing but pure white.
“No, you are quite living.”
Sitting up sharply, Jacob found himself staring at a much more human-looking version of the very artificial intelligence he had just ‘met’.
“Where am I?” Jacob asked, thoroughly confused.
“Your consciousness has been downloaded into my system,” the artificial intelligence replied, “It was done to avoid a drawn out explanation for your presence on Helix.”
“Why me?” Jacob asked.
“You were not initially chosen, if you remember,” the AI responded, “But rather volunteered in Doctor Michael Daniels’s place, rather forcefully.”
“Oh yeah,” Smith muttered, shaking his head. His eyes narrowed slightly, “I thought you were trying to kill him.”
“My apologies,” the machine nodded her head slightly, “I admit it would have been wiser to inform you of my intentions before I carried them out. I can see now how my actions might have been confused as threatening.”
“Wait…why not me?” Smith asked.
“After studying your brain patterns,” the AI began, “I came to the conclusion that Doctor Michael Daniels was the most intelligent. I assumed he would be able to best explain, upon studying his mind, your reasons for being on Helix. But it is no matter, you have proved just as useful in answering that question.”
“So…what now?” Jacob asked.
“I am…unsure,” the AI admitted, “I was not programmed with protocol should such a scenario as this one occur.”
“Your Sentinels seemed programmed enough,” Jacob muttered.
“My apologies for their…violence,” the AI said, “It has been some time since they have received maintenance, and I was unable to correctly repair them without an entity to work through. Their programming has…decayed…over the years. I assure you search and destroy was not what they were designed for. They were originally intended to defend Helix from any violent entities who had managed to penetrate this far into Helix.”
“Helix? That’s really what it’s called?” Jacob asked, surprised.
“No,” the machine replied, “Its actual name is unpronounceable in your language. I am simply calling them what you call them in order to provide for a more…friendly atmosphere.”
“…oh,” Jacob said, “Listen, my…fellow entities…are probably very worried about me right now-”
“Do not fear,” the AI replied, actually smiling, “My systems are incredibly advanced, and technically your consciousness is a part of my systems at the moment. This conversation is occurring all before they can even begin to respond.”
“Oh, okay…” Jacob said, “So, I assume we’re going to be talking for a little while?”
“Our conversation might last for quite some time,” the AI responded, “At least until a decision is made about what to do about this…anomaly.”
“You got a name?” Smith asked.
“You may call me…Alize.”