The Head of the Serpent - Nal Hutta
Posts: 24
  • Posted On: Aug 9 2005 3:55pm
Relief washed over Plurga after he heard Desaria say "Agreed." Even as the Imperial made dire warnings of a war to come, Plurga could feel nothing but ecstacy- he had averted the conflict. He had bought his people time to revive their heritage... to become more than the petty criminals that they had devolved into...

And he had singled-handedly assured his clan's continued dominance of Hutt politics, and wiped out the only clan that currently had any hope of dethroning them.

Today was turnig out to be a much better day than he had ever anticipated.

Plurga laid his short hands on the tabletop in the same manner as Desaria. Then, from his own mouth in basic, he said,

"An accord. Long live the Hutts, and Gloria Imperium."

His huge mouth twisted in a smile of pride, as the phrase he had been practicing for this occassion came of without a hitch.
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Aug 9 2005 7:20pm
Listening to the phrase that resounded from one border of the Empire to another brought a rather large smile to Grand Admiral Desaria's face. The Hutt mangled the exact ennunciation of the translated 'Empire' but the gesture was received at full value. He wondered if this Hutt might be smarter than most, and perhaps not as vile. He decided immediately to find out, and stood.

" Plurga, I know not what delacies you enjoy but you are your party may dine with my officers and I this evening if you so wish."

From the corner of his eye, Desaria watched the Viscount del Forza slip from the room without a word and without orders. He needed none for the gloves had come off. The Inquisoriate troops from the Purifier could be landed and rendezvous with Plurga's escorts and begin their task of eliminating every member and affiliate of the Besadii clan. The festivties if Plurga accepted would be a stark contrast to the bloodshed that would erupt over the Glorious Jewel within the hour.
Posts: 24
  • Posted On: Aug 10 2005 8:02pm
"I would be..."

Plurga fumbled for a moment with his basic, searching for the word he wanted to use. With a small, exasperated sigh, he clunked the protocl droid on the head and spoke a word in Huttese.

The cheery protocol droid, unfazed by the sudden physical blow, finished the sentence.

"His magnificence, would be honored, to join you, Baron Desaria."

Plurga fired off some rapid Huttese and the droid continued.

"He is sure that he will find something suitable to his palate, as his tastes are wide ranging and quite exstensive."
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Aug 10 2005 10:03pm
" Excellent. Gentlemen."

The Grand Admiral stood and lead his quests from the small conference room to a much larger vista along the portside of the battleship. There under the stars and in full view of Nal-Hutta they ate and drank, regailing each other with stories of their respective planets and experiences. Much variation was present as the olive-clad Imperials had lead lives in pursuit of glory and honour while the Hutts had experience in evading those Imperials. Some of the officers, despite the general acceptance of the Guard, had to feign interested, but not Desaria: he was genuinely interested and listened intently. He was very eager to learn and acted like the proper host -he was, after all, the product of a boy's education as a gentleman.

On Nal Hutta...

The world was one of swamps and jungles and oppulent palaces themselves surrounded by dingy shacks and substandard structures barely fit to house to livestock. It was a planet of extremes: those who possessed wealth could rival the entrepreneurs of Muunlist and those who did not were the poorest in the galaxy.

Night had descended on what was considered the more populous area of Nal Hutta, a landmass surrounded by foul-smelling lakes and broad savannahs where the more powerful Hutts had villas. From the darkened skies came small pinpricks of silver that grew larger as the distance to the surface decreased. Those looking could easily discern an Imperial shuttle, though the crests upon them were typical black but rather an unfamiliar red. When they landed at various locations, usually a skiff or two met them and the shuttle then unfolded its wings and followed at a ground-level altitude.

The broad palaces were gazed by the occupants of the shuttles that then landed and disgorged their charges into the night. Crimson-uniformed troops with black breeches and a most horrid weapon banned even in the rest of the Empire made quick time inside. Once a breach was forced alarms were sounded and all pretense at cover was cast off. Disruptors were terrible weapons and fired a yellowish-neon bolt: but more unique was the sound, a screeching that filled the night. Ozone was burnt and from any spectator gazing the scene would see a rainbow of rapidly changing colours illuminating what portholes could be seen. Screams mixed with the fire of weapons and klaxons sounded throughout.

The teams continued their dastardly work with a ruthless efficiency that was not trained into them but born. Such men are often the scum of society -in the Empire they were likewise shunned but simultaneously molded into a detestable but elite formation known as the Inquisitoriate. Moving from room to room and chamber to chamber, they slaughtered all caught about. Many bodyguards who felt they were too insufficiently paid to die for their Hutt masters were cut down with them, no quarter given. The Hutts themselves were often found asleep on repulsorlife couches or in some throe of beastial glee: to a beast they were cut down like grass.

Their work done, the Inquisitoriate teams removed those of their own number who had fallen and returned to their transports. Departing scene as they fled above the clouds, the tardy exiters could see the explosives they planted detonate and consume with fire the final resting place of the masters of the Besadii clan.

Nal Hutta was cleansed of those who had defiled the Empire's will and now, though the acrid smell of disruptor fire blended easily with the swamp-air, the waters ren red with the blood of Besadii guards and yellow with the blood of the Besadii's themselves. The Desiljic's were the masters of Nal Hutta now.

Recollecting its errant children, the Purifer came about and made its way lethargicly to its exit vector. Grand Admiral Desaria was sent a transmission over his comlink that he bade Plurga listen, no ear present doubting the Hutt's ability to understand the words or intuit their meaning.

" It is done."