The Head of the Serpent - Nal Hutta
Posts: 49
  • Posted On: Aug 1 2005 5:41pm
Omega Thrax quietly disembarked after Plurga's landing party, shifting past the two Klatoonian guards in the back with no effort at all and walking up quietly next to the Hutt, standing to the back and right like some attendant or advisor would. He would not need to speak here, not when the Hutt was the one who seemed actually in charge and more or less was unless Thrax thought otherwise; thus the masked man stood back, looking unimportant and watching expectantly, his one visible eye scanning the chamber and the honor guard waiting for them. It was rather interesting to actually encounter what was said to be the Empire's best, the Imperial Guard. Thrax regarded them like he would a scientific specimen, making mental notes on how they acted, how they moved; things that might seem useless but could prove effective later on.
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Aug 1 2005 7:15pm
There was no ceremonial fanfare as the shuttle touched down; in its place was the clicking of nearly two thousand pairs of boots as the call to attention rang out. Assembled was the 2nd Regiment of the Imperial Guard and a company of the Guard-Fleet Assault Corps – the only such unit not actively involved in combing over every craft caught inside the blockade. Both Army and Fleet soldiers wore the uniforms of their units but had on their sleeves the bold white cuff-band of the Guard with the trouser striping to match. Jackboots gleamed and medals glistened, for dress meant absolute regalia.

Standing in the aisle separating the regiment, Grand Admiral looked over his arrived guests, captive though they were aboard the flagship. Inwardly, he was not a xenophobic man – he never had been – and could rightfully appreciate the aliens serving as escorts, their robes flowing and weapons as practical for a time as they were ornate. The same could not be said for the Twi’lekk that followed them; while the species itself had a reputation for proud soldiering and bravery and he could think of at least one in the Guard, those who served the criminal lot were deserving of no respect whatsoever.

All eyes drifted to the Hutt that almost pulsed across the decking. Desaria recognized it as the being who had transmitted apologies (sincere or otherwise yet to be determined) to the Fleet by the shawl about its shoulders. Without any special antithesis, he could admit he would not be able to tell one from another. What was discernable even to a man who had never lain eyes of one of the slothful creatures was that this one was much smaller than most.

Next came an attendant that wore a two-tone mask and a plain black suit. Desaria assumed him to be the captain of this Hutt’s bodyguard detail. When the party came to the waiting Imperial delegation it stopped, the Hutt and his guard-captain moving to the fore.

The tallest of the group of heavily-decorated Imperials stepped himself forward from the group so he could eye to eye with the large sentient. “ I am Grand Admiral-Baron Telan Desaria. I command this formation and have instituted this blockade of the authority of the Galactic Empire which claims this region. Notices of Annexation have been to sent to all worlds in this sector, Nal Hutta included. Do you speak as sovereign master of this world or his assigned representative?”
Posts: 24
  • Posted On: Aug 2 2005 3:09am
As the tall Imperial approached, Plurga's honor guards stepped aside, allowing the Imperial a free lane to approach their charge. They shouldered their weapons and turned toward him as he passed, bowing slightly, then returning to attention.

The protocol droid began to speak, enunciating its words with a cheerfulness that seemed terribly out of place.

"May I present his opulence, Plurga Desilijic Fiere, Sovereign Protector of the glorious jewel of Nal Hutta, and Supreme Protector of the Desilijic clan."

The droid paused for a moment, and started to utter another sentence, but was cut off. Plurga the Hutt said, in Basic,

"I speak for the Desilijic clan, who rules this planet."

Like many Hutts, Plurga understood Basic perfectly well. He could not speak the language fluently, but he could manage to get his message across if in certain situations. The droid was destroying the atmosphere of the meeting, and thus he had ventured out of his native tongue in an attempt to preserve the aura of the meeting.

"I am empowered to make binding agreements on behalf of my clan."
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Aug 2 2005 3:20am
Sovereign Protector...much like a Field-Marshal I would assume. Pity Murat could not accompany us, I could have introduced this Plurga to his counterpart.

The lights of the landing bay created the perfect scene for the talks. No illusions could be harbored about the length of any negotiations: neither party would say enough to require another venue. Here, among his men, the Grand Admiral was at home. He hoped with all hope that this Plurga-Hutt would appreciate the majesty arrayed around him from the TIE racks above to the rifle-toting infantrymen on either side.

" You have received copies of the Order of Annexation from Imperial High Command, signed by His Majesty Emperor Daemon Hyfe the First. Since arriving to carry out my orders I have encountered resistance that was considerably greater than the individual planetary defense forces could muster. Imperial Intelligence has informed me that those forces were under other controls - - Hutt controls. As to which Hutts they did not say. Therefore I am in a difficult position."

The Grand Admiral gestured to the medium-sized Balmorran to his right who wore a Cross like that at Desaria's neck - though without Pforr Leaves, Sabres, or Rubies. " Captain Vorran has operated in this area before and informs me there is a clan system in place on Nal Hutta and that one clan does not answer to another, each running its own affairs. Now I have been tasked by His Majesty to find out just who is behind the attacks and punish them."

Desaria grew quiet and stepped forward another pace. " I will be blunt - when I find out who it was they will be eliminated most thoroughly. You say it is not your clan, I am willing to investigate that claim and exhonerate you if warranted. If you aide me in finding just who is responsible I can promise that Nal Hutta will not be reduced to slag and my formation can resume its mission.

" If you do not, then I cannor guarantee the safety of anyone on the surface. Guilty or otherwise."
Posts: 24
  • Posted On: Aug 3 2005 3:05am
Telan Desaria did not wait for any privacy to conduct negotiations. His sudden outburst was unexpected and caught Plurga off guard. Knowing he needed to respond quickly, he naturally began his reply in Huttese, as it allowed him to compose his thoughts more quickly. Unfortunatley his message had to be relayed by the cheerful protocol droid. Plurga vowed silently that the first thing he would do upon his return to Nal Hutta would be to order the droid's voice modulator changed.

"Baron, the planets over which you were engaged in battle were under the control of the Hutt clan known as Besadii. This can be verified by a listing of the Hutt Overlords of each world who would register their personal palace on such worlds as there primary place of residence. Such a list exists on Nal Hutta, and you will see that each planet was dominated by minor minions of the Besadii clan. We will happily provide you with a copy of this list. "

Plurga had no qualms with causing harm to the Besadii clan. The rivalry between the two most powerful Hutt clans was the man driving force of Hutt politics. If Besadii, currently on the short side of the power stick, could be further damaged, then Plurga stood to gain from their weakness. However, he wasn't finished. Continuing in Huttese, and speak via the droid he said.

"I am however, authorized to make another offer to your Highness, concering a matter larger than simple justice for wrong-doings. However, I would like such a deal to be discussed in confidentiality."
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Aug 3 2005 3:22am
The Hutt made his reply, a ceremonial show of sorts in front of the men. The rules had been set: the Imperial had struck and the native had parried, all that was required of decorum was satisfied.

"I am however, authorized to make another offer to your Highness, concering a matter larger than simple justice for wrong-doings. However, I would like such a deal to be discussed in confidentiality."

The Grand Admiral needed no time to think on the matter, gesturing for the Hutt to stand beside him and meet his gait. The being's entourage fell in behind, flanked on either side by an honour composed of four Fleet-Assault Corps troopers and four Army soldiers. Silently, with Desaria's own caggle of officers mixed in amongst the guests, they made their way to a nearby conference room. It was set deep within the ship and possessed no windows into space. At its center was a long lozenge-shaped table with a glassy obsidian top. Expecting a Hutt's arrival, the chair at one end had been replaced with a sled reminscent of those they used to move about, albeit much smaller.

Desaria sat at one end, his officers filing in according to rank. Major-General Brusilov, commander of the 1st Division of the Guard, sat on his left while Captain Vorran eased himself into the padded chair to his right. The only crimson figured gentleman sat down next to the Suvarov's captain who shuddered visibly. Three others completed the proceedings the remainder of the seats being taken by the Hutt and his party. The escorting soldiers of both host and guest knew their place and stood outside in the corridor.

The Grand Admiral allowed his thoughts to wander a moment to the two-tone mask-wearing figure who sat at the Hutt's right hand. Something more than met the eye was afoot but he could not surmise what. He reeled in his thoughts.

" I have the authority to speak for the Emperor. Present your suggestion."
Posts: 24
  • Posted On: Aug 3 2005 3:43am
Though he was unhappy to do so, Plurga continued in Huttese to avoid any inadvertent errors made due to his rougher command of Basic.

"Baron, please excuse my following statements if they offend you in any way. They are not intended to do anything other than establish an understanding.

Your incursions into Hutt Space, even the notices of annexation of which you previously spoke, are an affront to the Hutts. Though we do not condone the methods our Besadii brothers made to stop your attacks, that does not mean we tolerate lightly your breech of our sovereign space. The Empire has long allowed the Hutts a free reign in our territory, and we have reciprocated by diverting our activities away from Imperial areas. In many of my fellow Hutts eyes, you have violated an agreement, unwritten, but still one which we have not broken.

You're attack on Nal Hutta... you're approach of our adopted homeworld with hostile intent will be a catalyst. Where you have fought only mercenaries before, further action will be resisted with every ounce of strength we can muster. Though it is often forgotten, the Hutts have a long history as warriors, and if you don't believe me, as any historian about Xim the Despot, who was destined to rule the galaxy...

Until the Third Battle of Vontor.

However, I, and my people, are in no position to force our will upon you. As such, the following proposal has been agreed upon by my Uncle, who has the authority to speak for the Hutt clans, and will enforce its provisions among them.

We will agree to respect your territorial gains in our space, including Ylesia. In return for a cessation of conquest in our space, we promise to secure the remained of our borders and fortify them against incursion. In the event of a war between the Galactic Empire and the Black Dragon Empire, we shall resist any Dragon attempts to make passage through our territory, and allow Imperial vessels to assist in such a defensive effort."

Plurga wondered how Desaria would respond to the final few statements. Though it had never been openly declared, it was easy to see why the Empire was suddenly attacking Hutt Space. They were attempting to bottle up the menacing Dragon on their doorstep, cage it in so it could not go off on a rampage. The Hutts were not stupid, and understood this. Plurga could only hope that the Imperials would understand the gravity of the situation, measured in lives lost and material destroyed, if they declared open war on the Hutts.
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Aug 3 2005 3:55pm
[font='Times New Roman']Where in the dark heart of a Sith did that come from? The Dragons…a fairly reasonable strategic assessment of the situation. No one ever said Hutts were stupid. Criminal yes, stupid – no. Grand Admiral Desaria had not anticipated the succinct and correct analysis from Plurga, but he allowed no show of such on his face. Regardless of the situation, he had to remain stoic, a trait he had taken on with his elevation into the Twelve.

Desaria had to retain the initiative of the meeting, and thus countered adroitly. " May I remind you, Plurga, that Hutt Space exists only at the whim of the Empire. It was permitted existence by edict of Emperor Palpatine and has remained untouched for that reason. However the strategic situation from over thirty years ago until now has changed."

The table had been set with a decanter of brandy on either end in preparation and while the Hutt and his minions had none, the crystalline glass in front of each officer had been filled and each had already been deprived of a quarter of its dark-maroon contents. The Grand Admiral brought his to his lips and swallowed, pausing to enjoy the flavor. While he was genuinely an aficionado, the deliberation with which he completed the act was simply a ploy to gather more time, as he suspected the protocol droid was for his counterpart.

" Firstly, let me applaud you on your vision. But I also caution you – I do not underestimate my enemies nor do I overstate the abilities of my men; I have witnessed first-hand the destruction that can be wrought upon a defiant world. I will thusly make you aware that should this come to an impasse, I have been authorized to execute Standing Order Base-Delta Zero. I do not think it will come to that.

" You have made a sound proposal and one that I can see as being beneficial though, as I am sure you can imagine why, cannot be made official. If asked, the Empire will deny having any treaty or pact with the criminal underworld which your represent and lead. " The Admiral held up a hand to forestall the objection that was soon to come from the Twi’lekki majordomo. " No offense was intended but let us be real.

" I will increase our deal in fact to solidify the relations between us. The terms will be as follows: the Empire will not attack Nal Hutt and we will lift our blockade immediately. Before we go, Inquisitoriate troops will be landed who, with your men as guides, will hunt down this Besadii clan and eliminate them. This will leave your clan as the undisputed master of Nal Hutta or if not, in a position to become so. In return, you will not contest the occupation of any worlds between this system and the BDE border. If you expand, you will have to do so in the opposite direction. You will also restrict your activities inside Imperial space to smuggling and renounce any and all piracy arms of your organization. In smuggling you will have to deal with the Navy’s Customs Bureau, but I do not think you are unaccustomed to them."

The Grand Admiral placed his hands together. " Your reply, Plurga?"
Posts: 24
  • Posted On: Aug 5 2005 11:23pm
Plurga was happy to hear Telan's very pragmatic response. When Koril started to protest the Baron's comment about denying any offical deal between the Hutts and, Plurga had been prepared to reprimand his assistant before Telan cut him off.

All in all, the tenants of the deal were good. There was one slight problem with it, and Plurga was about to raise that point, but he was happy at least that Desaria hadn't flatly refused his suggestion. The alternative to negotaitions had been clearly outlined by the Imperial Admiral, and Plurga had no doubt that Desaria wouldn't hesitate a moment before opening up with everything he had on Nal Hutta.

Besides, Telan was offering to destroy the Besadii Clan, which would be a major boon to the Desilijics. That aspect of it alone almost made the deal agreeable... but not quite.

"Baron, I appreciate your consideration of my offer. I will accept your proposal, but I have one slight problem with it."

He hesitated for a moment then plowed forward, thinking of no way to phrase what was to come next lightly.

"The Si'Klaata Cluster lies in the area in which you have prohibited our expansion. However, the Desilijic already mantain marginal control over the four major worlds in the cluster, one of which is the site of the ancient battle I referenced earlier and is one of the most honored sites for my species.

The species on the other three planets have been allies of the Hutts for thousands of years. I would be laughed at by all if I returned planetside and suggested that we give up this vital territory.

I therefore ask for an exception of these four planets, Vontor, Vodran, Klatooine, and Kintan, from the expansion limitation. We shall make no more efforts in this sector, and I assure you that we shall not allow BDE to enter our territory any more than we would let you or another galactic faction."

He knew he was asking Desaria to compromise.

He only hoped that the Imperial would be as pragmatic as he had been earlier.
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Aug 8 2005 7:30pm
The Grand Admiral listened intently and felt his respect for the sprawling Hutt grow ever so slightly. Sitting there across the table, Desaria gained some insight into the Hutt character. He had not known they had ever served as warriors on a large scale and he could freely admit he would never have guessed.

Imperial pride demanded vengeance on those who had dared resist her might and Plurga the Lesser was not opposed to liquidation teams eliminating his competitors. The decision made in the Admiral's mind was the logical one - indeed it was the only one he would made before resorting to force.

" Agreed."

The word wafted across the room like a perfume on the wind. Doubtless the Hutt and his men were pleased by it and the Imperial officers secretly baffled. Had their commander just made a deal with the Hutt? He had.

" We of the Guard above all understand the sanctity of the fields where our ancestors lay and we will not take them from you. I must ask that they be free of military equipment beyond the barest of defensive needs. In addition, a squadron will be sent here under Customs command and a garrison established on Nar Shadda, your somewhat dingy primary satellite. We will secure for you the space lanes here and give the security we are taking away by forcing from the area your military capabilities."

Grand Admiral Desaria enjoyed another sip of his cognac but this one was not intended as a delaying action. " You already know of the strategic purpose of the Empire's presence here - I would doubt the intelligence of anyone who has seen a map and not drawn the neccessary conclusion. I will be direct with you - this area is a reactor waiting to melt down. When the Dragons come we will resist them fiercely but these sectors along the border will suffer most. Our reason for being here is to buy time and give them more abatis over which to crawl. I would suggest that the assets you will keep hidden from the Customs squadron you augment considerably. These people will not be choosy about who it is under their guns so I would ready yourself for the coming of Armageddon. This will be a war unlike any we have fought previously - these are religious zealots."

Looking first at Inquisitor del Forza then to Captain Vorran, Grand Admiral Desaria placed his hands flat on the table-top. " I believe we have an accord."