Silence once more...(open)
  • Posted On: May 10 2002 3:59pm
"All right, everybody who wants a ride out now, hop on."

He scanned the group, pretty sure he didn't need this kind of firefight, a large group of lightsaber wielding force users about to play a game of grabass on an open street. Running down the list in his head, this was one of the five stupidest ideas he had ever seen.

He reached for the ancient pistols, pulling them from his glove box, checking the clips, setting the mechanisms to automatic. He was pretty sure it wasn't going to save him from him a force wielder, but it would at least piss them off. He set the coordinates quickly, waiting to see if anyone wanted a ride out, his eyes moving through the group.
  • Posted On: May 10 2002 7:10pm
Tex eyed the sith as everyone walked away. If there was one thing Tex had learned it was not to trust a sith. Tex followed the man and Jade back down the path away from the astonished sith.
Posts: 224
  • Posted On: May 12 2002 6:45am
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Dakkon kept walking, Jade behind him and another blonde man walking close also. He was a jedi, and normal one anyway...<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"So, you are? I'm Dakkon Blackblade, resident punk at OSJ."
  • Posted On: May 12 2002 10:10pm
" I'm Terex Datoo." Terex said as he stuck out a hand. "You handeled yourself well back there."

"I've dealt with people just like that Sith before mindless zombies," looking for trouble. "I'm sure you know the type."

"Well I must go." i'll see ya back at the HQ Jade." Tex said as he walked toward his ship. " Nice meeting ya Dak" Terex called back as he started his ship and, floated into the air on his way back to TSS