Posted On:
May 9 2002 9:08am
the anicent speeder moved quickly throug the city streets, the sleek black lines having long since corroded and a thin covering of dust and dirt covered the speeder. It was obvious that the machine had seen better days, but the man inside kept driving, the hood of his cloak up, the cloak threatening to spill out behind him.
He turned his head once to check on the cargo he was carrying, making sure that nothing had shaken loose. Damn junk dealers, they always packed things the worst possible way you could pack something, fragile things were stored underneath alrge heavy objects, a bit of chewing gum being the only thing holding a box together. His cargo was secure, but he pulled the tube from his coat, biting down on the cap and letting the liquid flow down his throat.
His head ache was starting to subside as he turned the corner, the ancient speeder turning as nimbly as the day it had come off the assembly line. he pulled back quickly on the steering column, letting the speeder come to rest. he saw the group of people standing out in front of him, eyes slowly moving from person to person.
"Oh dear...."
Posted On:
May 9 2002 10:29am
<!--EZCODE BOLD START--> The Hapan Crown Princes entourage approaches the scuffle, nothing the jedi involved. Prince Darksword grasps his lightsabre with trepedation. 2 Shadow Jedi and a Sith. By himself without the help of his other Rogue Jedi, this would be trouble if things came to blows.<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->
Posted On:
May 9 2002 11:03am
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Blackblade burst out laughing, not mocking, merely inciting her more. He leaned into jade, his hands moving to his sabres and whispers to her.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"She acts like a right @#%$. Maybe she doesn't realise we are both about to complete our trials. I'm sure she wouldn't enjoy picking on someone more her size."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Dakkon turned back to the sith <!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->lordess<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> . Looking her up and down, he saw a pink and fluffy side hidden within her darkness. Well not darkness, merely a shaded light.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"You should not act all <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> high and mighty, i know everything<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> until you know the details. You don't realise that <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> I<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> am one of the reasons she turned. OR if she has actually turned, you never considered with all your <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> evil<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> experiance that she could be, gasp, lying?? Just waiting perhaps for you to turn, and rid the galaxy of your semi-dark self? Thats how we Shadow work you realise? Using all your tricks against you. And if that doesn't have you checking your 6 occassionally.... Well, it will knowing your insecurities.
Ahhh, i know why you didn't realise! Your internal lightness has hidden her true path from you...."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Dakkon smirks, his eye's darkening knowing that the <!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->warrior<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> before him had no self control whatsoever.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Now what may i ask is your quarrel, apart from being verbally ripped apart by someone of much higher intellect? What is your purpose here? Trouble?"
Posted On:
May 9 2002 7:10pm
Terex steps back to Jade's side, His hand still on the blaster. He wants to ask her what the hells going on,but decides it would be in his best interest to wait and, see how this was going to turn out.
Terex surveys' everyone's face trying to make sense of what's happening in front of him. He knew the woman that used the whip was a sith. From his few experiences with siths, he knew they looked for trouble. Tex also knew that when dealing with a sith it almost always came to blows. And for that reason he kept a sharp eye on the woman and, the new arrival to this little gathering. During this whole thing Tex kept his eye on the group and, his hand near his belt. Tex was not one to instigate an altercation but, if it came down to blows he would be ready.
Posted On:
May 10 2002 1:34am
Loki, Sith Lord and training Priest, grinned at the rampant thoughts of violence which surrounded him. Without warning, the swift Sith shrugged off his cloak, ignited twin crimson blades, much like those of his father, with a wide, and rather sickening, grin.
"All those who find the prospect of being dead unpleasant, please leave. The rest of you.. let's play."
Posted On:
May 10 2002 2:21am
Athena took a look around her. None of these people even all of them combined could out fight her. She knew she could hold her own against all of them.
Not only did she have Jade and Dak Blackblade. But now The Hapan crown prince showed his face, Terex moved jade for no reason and a man sitting on a speeder was watching.
Loki her husbands son was there, she had heard his voice.
Athena watched as Jade was moved for no reason and smiled as the smell of burnt flesh filled the air. Dak had not made a move from where he was, and her light whip having the same power as a normal lightsaber removed him of his left arm. It lay upon the floor. There was no blood from the wound because the heat from her weapon closed the wound as fast as it had made it.
This Sith was not here to play games, to stop her or even near her you should have a damn good reason. So far none of the people here did.
" Know it all dear? I don't spout off at the mouth unless I do. Now I don't turn the darkness is one with me as I am with it. Don't play with fire unless you care to get burned. Now Pick up your Arm and LEAVE unless you want to lose some more pieces. "
Athena turned to look at Jade...
" And as for you I don't care if you both are about to take your trails. I have already past mine and My apprentice's are more then likely better then either of you. Unless you want to Dance with someone who has been a Master of The Darkside longer then you more then likely have been studying the Shadow ways... fine I have my dancing shoes one. Or if you care to leave with all of your body parts where they were when you got here. LEAVE! "
She looked at all five of the people who where there ready to either fight or at least protect a 'Child' cause that is all that needed protection.
The Sith Lord's eye's burned deep into each of the people she looked at.
" Now seeing how the odds are even, 5-1 or in this matter it could be 6-1 or 5-2 depending on Loki over there. We all can fight... "
Posted On:
May 10 2002 3:29am
Terex glanced at the arm that now lay on the ground. Tex had not come here to fight, but he was not going to let Jade stand alone. Fire started to flicker from his finger tips. With one hand he took his lightsaber from his belt. <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> italic Don't start this if you can avoid it <!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> He told himself. Tex was far more cautious then he would of been had this happened five years ago.
Tex kept his icy blue stare on the Sith. He stood a few steps back and, waited,with sabar in hand. " We don't need to do this sith we can walk away right now" That's the option I would much prefer.
I know you have a taste for blood and, that gentleman over there Terex motions toward the arm and,its owner knows first hand. "But does someone need to die?" Tex says as he still stands ready for battle, looking down at the sith "Its up to you."
Posted On:
May 10 2002 5:25am
She looked at Tex. A slight and sadistic smile danced upon her lips. She shook her head slightly.
" I didn't come out here to fight such unworthy people. They stopped and commented upon me and the other person. "
Athena felt out with the force and noticed the Hunter was still there.
" Had they not commented or even stayed to watch they would be fine. But no no-one ever learns until they have to deal with it the hard way. Well I am the hard way! I don't remember you being asked to speak anyways. So if you don't like the idea of a fight, leave or fight. "
(OOC for those of you who don't know Athena. Shes a REAL @#%$ hence the CT. Shes mean, a damn good fighter. Ask Jade. And shes relentless. Watch her temper, the madder she gets the harder she is to fight against. Shes not nice, and she attacks to remove limbs and kill. Yes I know the rules no killing unless the other one says. )
Posted On:
May 10 2002 6:15am
"I have no desire to fight you." Tex says. "I have no argument with you." " To tell you the truth my skills where it comes to combat are, a bit rusty to say the least." "The only thing I want to see is everyone walk away with their lives." Tex says. Its no secret I don't agree with sith costume but, you do have my respect. As Tex said this he put his sabor back in his belt,and began to back away. He walked over to the fallen man and, attempted to help him up.
Posted On:
May 10 2002 3:57pm
(OOC: And i also believe that according to statute posted by Gash when discusing the damages to Snowkan that you cannot maim either. Statute law i believe would apply her, hence i'll ignore the a)semi-godmoding in being able to slice off my arm with no chance of defence, something even a relatively new apprentice would be able to avoid with ANY foresight. Let alone someone who is basically a Shadow Knight, an order dedicated to the elimination of the Sith as opposed to 'maintaining order in the galaxy' BS. (no offence OS) b)the aforementioned statute. c)the fact that it is not a good sign on your level of RPage to have done something so blatently arrogent/unfair RP wise.)
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Dakkon turned and began to walk away, knowing full well the fact the sith had no intellect with which was worthy of his time and argumentative skills.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
The lack of willpower is pathetic; he thought, knowing full well the likelyhood that the sith as trying to listen.
"Jade, lets go get a drink, this poor excuse for a confused jedi isn't worth our time. And we shall see how long Arai takes to cleave that womans head..."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> His hands remained on his sabres, both of them ready to ignite should, no when, the cowardly sith desided to strike. Both him and Jade were ready as they walked away.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->