Operation Missing Link (Pavo Prime)
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 4 2004 4:04am
As the agents clung together on top of the tower, a heavily armoured security airspeeder appeared over the top of the tower. Blazing searchlights in their eyes, and turning their turrets towards the Coalition agents, they seemed done-for-

-when suddenly, laser-shots seemed to appear from mid-air, and tear out the back-engine part of the airspeeder, which crashed onto the top of the tower.

J-1 looked up, and could just make out the weird outline of nothing. It was certainly nothing, and yet it was also nothing hiding their way out. He beckoned his men forwards and bellow the ship, and a rope-ladder suddenly fell from within the nothing. They quickly climbed in, and the nothing once again took off.

It was, of course, not nothing, but for someone on the outside it might as well have been. But inside, J-1 grinned and shook hands with an Imperial officer, a man who he might have fought against a bare few years ago.

"We need to pick up our last man near the edge of the tower, think you can do it?"

"Can we?" Scoffed the Imperial officer "You Coalition types buckle yourselves firmly in, you're about to experience what few of your kind have done so and survived to speak about it."

The Shroud dipped gracefully over the edge of the tower, totally invisible to all eyes and scanners, to pick up the last member of the team.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 19 2004 1:48am
(Uh, if you don't mind, howsabout I say I pick up the last guy and leg it home?)
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: Dec 19 2004 3:57am
OOC- Since you have a shroud, I doubt there is much I could do. I meant to tell you to go ahead and post on AIM, but I couldn;t catch you on. So go ahead and finsih this baby up.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Dec 19 2004 3:34pm
Alarms, speeders, and footfalls approached at an alarming rate. The Shroud skimmed close to the ground, low enough to allow J-5 to grab on to a dangling ladder and clamber inside. With everyone aboard, the captain ordered the ship ahead at full speed, and it rocketed into the sky.

Security systems were coming online, but finding nothing. The Shroud had to dip and duck around unsuspecting ships, but before anyone fully understood what had gone on, they were away.

"Thanks for the help back there" J-1 said to the Shroud's captain, who gave him a stiff nod in return. J-1 then turned to his teammates with a buisnesslike expression. "All right, we've succeeded in this operation. I want everyone to have their gear together and be in proper dress for our arrival. The Captain has agreed to drop us off near Leritor, and from there we will make our own way back, got it?"

His men gave him a brisk salute. J-1 smiled "Good. And good work men, this might be just the clue we've been looking for."