Operation Large and in Charge (TJO)
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Jun 11 2005 7:07pm

The agent was rubbing his ankle when out dashed a robed figure.

"Get him!" he shouted as the trooper's vehicles were pulling up. Started, it took a few seconds longer for them to get out thus increasing the distance between them and the fleeing figure.

To make up for it, they began fire their blasters.

Some troopers were in speeders and so began to maneuver their craft off the main lane to engage in pursuit.

The stormtroopers were running after the figure but were not gaining ground until the figure stopped, turned around and deflected the shots that probably would have hit.


The speeder bikes increased speed to close the distance, their weapons targeting.

It was only by running into an abandoned building (or a building that appeared abandoned) that saved the fleeing Jedi from being cut down by the speeder bikes.

"In there!, In there!" the troopers were shoutlng to each other.


The Intelligence Agent could not run after the fleeing Jedi and so hobbled into the prison's small lobby, his attention drawn to the unconscious figure sprawled behind the counter. His mouth was full of drool.

Is he dead?

Several troopers (including Captain Matt Dailry) stepped past him to see to the prisoner.


"Poor bitch, they OD'd her on drugs thinkin' she was Ubese or somethin. Come on boys, let's get her to the med center and report our findings."

They began to carry the body of the female prisoner up some stairs to a small landing pad. The small skimmer was just the thing to take the Captain, Mr. Baker and the prisoner to a nearby medical facility.

As they loaded her into the back of the craft, Baker signaled ahead to have a medical droid or doctor handy to counter the overdose quickly.