Is it a Ghost? (Af'El)
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Feb 16 2004 6:49am
Fleet Admiral Kraken stared out the viewports as the stars swirled around his ships. His mighty flagship, and the other ships of his protectorate would soon once again be joined in battle. The only question was, who would be the victor this time. Last time, tatically, it had been a draw, but since his fleet withdrew from the Ando system without conquering the planet, the Coalition had every right to call it a victory. But now, with his fleet rebuilt, and his fighter wings once again at full strength, Admiral Kraken once again sought to lash out at his enemies, and strike a deadly blow. This time, he would be hitting an enemy world, a radioactive world that contained one of the species most specially suited to missions of infiltration, and sabotage, or espionage. These alien scum are known as the Defels. One such Defel was once parterned to the filfth known as Niles Ferrier, a piece of fringe scum trash, who, thanks to a big role by the Defel, lured into an ambush and killed forty army men, officers, all loyal sons of the Empire, just to gain favour by a bunch of smuggler trash. Thrawn should have had Ferrier, and his Defel put to death right then and there in the debreifing afterwards. thought Kraken. But, he would get his chance to exact retribution. Starting right here, and right now.

Then, it was time. The Imperial fleet exited hyperspace, one big group, that immediatly paired off into four indiviual fighting squadrons, and as it was, they were some distance from the world of Af'el, so distant that it appeared to the naked eye to be more of an asteriod, then a planet.

OOC: Manifest:
Division 1:
1 Allegiance Star Destroyer
10 CEC Gunships
72 TIE Defenders
Divison 2:
1 Reign Star Destroyer
10 CEC Gunships
96 TIE Defenders
Division 3:
2 Victory Star Destroyers Mk1
10 CEC Gunships
72 TIE Defenders
Division 4:
2 Victory Star Destroyers Mk1
10 CEC Gunships
36 TIE Defenders

Reinforcments on standby outside of system:
2 SC
2 BMCs
  • Posted On: Feb 17 2004 12:20am

"You're kidding..." Legion General Jakob said incredulously.

"No sir. It's confirmed that Vice Admiral Kraken is onboard. It is his flagship." An aide reported, "And sir, the fleet has been alerted, and Captain David reports spotting four Imperial vessels, possibly a reinforcement group for the main force."

"Have David destroy the reinforcement group first, then proceed here." Jakob replied, "Also, raise the shield and activate all defenses. And launch fighters."

"It will be done sir." The aide responded.

Outside system

Captain David leaned forward, staring intently at the four Imperial ships grouped together, shields down and weapons powered down. Typically, it was the practice to do all that once active action is expected.

"These guys must think they're safe and sound while their big brother goes and takes care of business." David muttered to no one in particular.

"All ready sir." His aide, Commander Fornost reported from his station.

David shrugged, "Fire at will."

The Sovereignty fleet closed in on the hapless Imperial ships, surrounding them from all sides, and firing.


"Hold position here. Raise shields and load weapons and missiles." Captain Tornes said to his bridge crew as he watched the distant Imperial fleet approach.

"Prepare for battle."



10 Tholatin-class Star Destroyers (Outside System)
1 Neron-class Xyto Cruiser (Outside System)
10 Victory-class Star Destroyers (Within System)
800 A-Wing Fighters (Within System)
30,000 Mines - Active
Planetary Shield mk II - Active
Planetary Ion Cannon - Active

Damages -

2 SC - Heavy Damage
2 BMC - Heavy Damage
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Feb 17 2004 1:02am
"Sir, report from our reinforcements! They are under heavy attack!" said the sensors and communications officers.

"Order them to fight back the best they can. Tell them to try to flee the system they are stationed in." said Admiral Kraken.

"Yes sir." said the communications officer.

Aboard the Strike Cruiser Asp.......

"Sir, enemy vessels dropping out of hyperspace within our vicinity. All over the place sir. Enemy Star Destroyers, and the like. We are heavily outgunned sir!" said the sensors officer.

"Bring up shields immediatly! Weapons likewise, pick the two smallest ships and have all our firepower concentrate on them. Punch us out of this net!" said the captian.

The hull took a heavy pounding from the enemy ships. Multipule decks reported breaches. Then, the enemy fire stopped, impacting against an invisible force outside their ship. The shields had come up.

"Sir, all the ships report at least 15% weapons destroyed, and hull integrity near 25%." said the communications officer.

"All ships, focus fire on that Small Star Destroyer on the port side. All weapons on all ships, concentrate on the engine compartments, and bridge tower. Fire at will." said the captian.

30 Medium Turbolaser Cannons, and 30 Medium Turbolaser Batteries, plus 25 Medium Ion cannons focused their firepower on the enemy destroyer as the ships came about, and drove hard straight at it.

"Sir, the shields are down to 45%." reported the sensors officer.

"Already? Damn, increase speed to all ahead emergency. Same order goes to all ships. We will get out of here, or die." said the captian.

"Sir, enemy destroyer has difficulty manuevering. Our ion cannons are having an effect." reported sensors.

"Good. All ships, prepare for hyperspace. Course, Coruscant." said the captian.

The three ships blasted past the ever increasingly crippled Tholatin Star Destroyer, her stern shields almost dissipated, and her engines shuddering and groaning mightily from the ion cannon bombardement. A Belarus Medium Cruiser couldn't take the strain in her engines, and the reactor core blew, creating a mighty shockwave explosion that buffeted the three other Imperial ships, and rained large pieces of debris on the damaged Tholatin, drastically weakening her shields.

Back abaord the Flagship

"Sir, the enemy ships have our four, err, make that three cruisers outgunned. But, they are out of the net now, and are proceeding to hyperspace." said the sensors officer.

"Thank you. Load all missiles, arm all weapons, activate the gravity well generators, and bring us forward at cruising speed. Yesti, time until we reach missile range of the enemy fleet?" asked Kraken.

We are fifty thousand kilometers from the enemy fleet, so it will be about twenty minutes until we reach firing range." said the naviagtor.

"Thank you. Now we wait....." said Admiral Kraken.

OOC: Damages:
1 Tholatin Star Destroyer Moderatly damaged

1 Belarus Medium Cruiser destroyed
3 other ships moderate shield damage, heavy hull dama[/b]
  • Posted On: Feb 18 2004 8:17am

Captain Tornes watched as the large enemy fleet moved forward, into the fifty thousand kilometer range.

"Status?" He asked.

"Missiles loaded, we're ready." His subordinate, Major Tousant reported.

"Fire." Tornes said.

Eight hundred concussion missiles lanced out from the ten Victory-class Star Destroyers, moving faster than any of the Imperial ships could hope to match.

About three hundred struck the Allegiance, with about twenty being picked off by the inacurate weapons.

Three hundred hit the Reign, with some being picked off, on it's forward shields, bringing them down.

The rest, about two hundred, hit a few of the gunships, bringing down their shields, but not stopping them.

"Missile strike is a success." Tousant reported, "And command reports the mines are being activated."

"Prepare the next volley." Tornes ordered.

Outside System

David watched as the Imperial ships retreated, vanishing into hyperspace, "Perhaps that will teach them never to come here again." He mused.

"Sir, they are gone." Fornost said.

"Prepare the microjump, let's get back to work, fellas." David replied as the eleven Sovereignty ships also entered hyperspace, bound for the Af'el system.

Damages -

Allegiance Star Destroyer - Forward Shields Down
Reign Star Destroyer - Forward Shields Down
5 CEC Gunships - Shields Down
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Feb 18 2004 5:29pm
The missile launches were detected, from a long ways away. Fifty Thousand Kilometers was a long ways away to launch missiles, well outside of their fuel capacity. As soon as their fuel ran out, the gravity of Af'el began to slow their approach to the Imperial fleet. All the ships had to do was to turn to avoid the warheads as they slowly approached the Imperial formation. A few warheads struck the slowly turning allegiance, causing minor shield damage, but other than that, very little damage was caused. Admiral Kraken ordered his own torpedoes and missiles to target the larger enemy ships, but decided to hold his fire until they reached range where the projectiles were more likely to hit their targets. Firing solutions were also passed down from the weapons batteries. The gravity well generators had come online quite some time ago, stopping any fleet from coming in from behind them well out of firing range. Then, they reached the mark.

"Fire" ordered Admiral Kraken. Three hundred twenty concussion missile leapt out from the Victory Star Destroyers, and another one hundred ninety two Proton torpedoes from the Illustrious Cruisers, as well as one hundred sixty concussion missiles from the gunships. The missiles leapt forth across the space between the two fleets, and impacted against the Soveriegnty Ships, causing one Victory Star Destroyer to be utterly crippled, and two others moderatly damaged. He then ordered the starfighters to be deployed as a screen one kilometer out in front of his formation to intercept any enemy missiles or starfighters, and ordered his missile tubes to be reloaded. His fleet was now 25,000 kilometers away from the enemy fleet. He ordered all ships to halt, bringing them pretty close to the range of the planetey ion cannon.

OOC: Damages:
1 VSD utterly crippled, and critically damaged:
Shields: 0%
Propulsion: 0%
Weapons: 5%
Hull: 5%
2 VSD shields down to 75%.

1 Allegiance SD Shields down to 75%.
  • Posted On: Feb 19 2004 8:29pm
Af'el System - Neron/Tholatin Group

"Reverting from hyperspace now, sir." Commander Fornost reported as Captain David felt the shutter as the 3000 meter vessel returned to realspace.

"Raise all shields and load missile tubes, and charge the weapons. All ahead full to their rear." David ordered.

The Neron class Xyto cruiser and it's accompanyment of ten Tholatin-class Star Destroyers moved forward to strike at the enemy's rear formation...

Af'el System - Victory Group

"The Celest has been hit! Badly!"

"Fire our complement of missiles and retreat!" Captain Tornes ordered, "And get tractor beams on the Celest. Get her out of here."

"Yes sir."

The Victory -class Star Destroyers again fired off their eight hundred missiles before swinging around, and retreating toward the minefield orbiting Af'el. It was a disorderly retreat, as they dragged the crippled Victory behind...

Damages -

Allegiance Star Destroyer - Shields Down/Heavy Hull Damage (25,000 kilometers is not that much and the missiles have a very long range)
Reign Star Destroyer - Heavy Hull Damage
5 CEC Gunships - Heavy Hull Damage
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Feb 19 2004 11:21pm
When the enemy launched their next wave of concussion missiles, Admiral Kraken's fleet was ready for them. With an order from the Admiral, the Illustrious cruisers came forward to screen the larger capital ships with their flechette launchers, picking off 50% of the missiles that came against them. Then it was the turn of the starfighters, which had been previously deployed as a screen to ward off missile attacks. The first division had a wing of starfighers deployed to shoot down any missiles, successfully doing this to sixty missiles. The second division had ninety six ships, of whom eighty managed to shoot down missiles. This left a combined total of two hundred sixty missiles to impact against the Imperial ships. Of these, most hit the Allegiance, drastically weakening her bow shields, and some hit the Reign, causing heavy shield damage, while a few more impacted against the gunships. Having weathered that storm, the Imperial formation now had to deal with another threat..........

"Sir, enemy ships coming out of hyperspace astern of us. I count one large cruisers, and ten smaller ships." said the sensors officer.

"Very well. Since the enemy fleet in front of us is retreating, we will merely deal with the fleet behind us first. Bring all ships about 180 degrees, and let's launch our next salvo of missiles at some of the smaller ships. Likewise, have our ships open fire, all portside weapons targeting the large cruiser. As for our starfigthers manuever to the other side of our fleet, then target the smaller cruisers with their torpedoes, with us transmitting targeting celementry to their torpedoes. Ready? Fire." ordered Admiral Kraken.

The Imperial ships once again let loose with their torpedoes and missiles, firing some four hundred and eighty concussion missiles, and one hundred ninety two capital ship grade proton torpedoes, and some five hundred fifty two proton torpedoes starfigher type at the enemy ships. Then the Imperial ships opened up with their heavy complement of turbolasers, and ion cannons, all focusing their fire on the large enemy cruiser. The large cruiser was peppered with turbolasers, and ion cannons, causing the shields to collapse, and multipule shots rake the hull. Then the explosions flared up as the large torpedo and missile salvo struck three of the smaller Tholatin class Star Destroyers. With that down, the next missile salvo was prepared.........

OOC: Damages:
1 Neron Xyto Cruiser Moderatly/Heavily damaged: Shields: 35%, Hull: 100%. Systems: All weapons, manueverability, etc., cut by 25% due to Ion cannon fire.
2 Tholatin Star Destroyers crippled: Shield: 0%, Hull: 65%.
1 Tholatin Star Destroyer moderatly damaged: Shield: 10%.

1 Allegiance Star Destroyer: Bow Shields: 0%. Hull: 85%.
1 Reign Star Destroyer: Bow Shields: 0%. Hull: 85%.
4 Corellian Gunships: Shields: 50%.
  • Posted On: Feb 22 2004 3:19am
David frowned as the Imperial ships turned to engage his forces, "Move us back." He said as weapons fire from the Imperial ships hit the forward shields of the Neron-class Xyto Cruiser.

"Back?" Commander Fornost echoed.

"Yes. Stay facing the enemey, just move us back, all speed, all ships." David replied.

The force of the Neron and Tholatins under Davids command engaged their rear thrusters, putting distance between them and the Imperial fleet in a retreating move.

"We need to repair our ships. Just pull as back well out of their range while we lick our wounds." David stated.

Meanwhile, the Victory-class Star Destroyers were still facing the Imperial fleet, but they had retreated well past the minefield, also undregoing repairs.

As this was happeneing, ground forces on the surface prepared for the coming ground war.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Feb 22 2004 8:45pm
"Sir, the two enemy fleets are backing off." said the chief sensors officer.

"What are their vectors?" asked Admiral Kraken.

"Say way they came, with their same profiles facing us." said the chief sensors officer.

"Before they get out of range, fire a salvo of missiles at the retreating Xeron Nyto cruiser." ordered Admiral Kraken.

Another Four hundred eighty concussion missiles and nine hundred forty four proton torpedoes leapt out of the captial ships and starifghters, heading straight torwards the now retreating Xeron Nyto cruiser. Thanks to an order from the commanding officer of that ship, it's damaged bow shields were still facing the Imperial fleet. The Proton torpedoes from the starfighters hit first, collapsing the remaining shields, with a few impacting the sections of the hull. Then the proton torpedoes from the Illustrious cruisers arrived, pounding the hull with a fury. Finally, the concussion missiles impacted the bow, causing heavy damage, and as their name implies, sending large and long concussions throughout the ship, creating large amounts of structural damage.

"Sir, they are now moving out of optimal missile range. Unless we send our starfighters after them, there is no way that we can fire missiles at them. Good news is that they can't fire at us either." said the sensors officer.

"Good. Recall the Starfighters squadrons, and begin work to patch up our hull. Also begin recharging the shields. And send a message to HQ, CP, informing them of our current situation, and that we request reinforcements at point zero three alpha. If I think the enemy does what I'm expecting them to do, we will need reinforcements." ordered Admiral Kraken. "Lastly, reload missile tubes, and prepare to fire on our original targets."

Damages: ORS:
1 Xeron Nyto Cruiser moderatly damaged: Bow Shields: 0%. Total Hull: 65%, with bow obliterated, and moderate/heavy structural damage amidships. Firepower reduced by 25% for rest of engagement. Propulsion, other systems, reduced by 5% for duration because of structural damage.
  • Posted On: Feb 23 2004 10:59pm
"Seal those hull breaches." David ordered his engineering crew as he watched the Imperial fleet move away from his formation.

"What about planetary defenses?" He asked Commander Fornost.

"They are almost in range. It appears as if they are performing some sort of last-minute repairs, and they have no idea that they are drfiting into range of the minefield." Fornost replied, his fingers flying furiously over his console with text scrolling down it.

"Prepare all weapons, and load all missiles. Make sure we are fully prepared to attack again."

David watched the numbers ticked down as the Imperial fleet moved into the ORS minefield...


Captain Tornes smiled as the hundreds of mines closest to the Imperial ships activated their onboard propulsion systems and moved forward toward the huge Allegience class Star Destroyer as it drifted a few hundred kilometers off the minefield.

Hundreds of more mines, activated by their counterparts, activated and moved toward the huge ship. Now there were thousands being activating and moving toward the entire Imperial fleet as the crews onboard tried desperately to repair their ships after the engagement with David's group.

The mines moved toward the Imperial fleet, still at a great distance.

"Fire missiles." Tornes ordered as the Victory-class Star Destroyers shuddered, their hundreds of concussion missiles flying toward the hopeless Imperial ships, and slamming into them.

"Back off, give us some space, and let the minefield do it's work." Major Tousant ordered.

The ORS ships watched as the Imperial fleet was assaulted from all sides by the missiles.

Damages -

Allegiance Star Destroyer - 10% Hull Strength (Engines 0%-Weapons 5%-Other Systems 15%) - Due to Missile

Reign Star Destroyer - 25% Hull Strength (Engines 10%-Weapons 15%-Other Systems 35%) - Due to Missile

5 CEC Gunships (Previously Damaged in former posts) - Destroyed - Due to Missiles