Echoes Of the Past Episode 1: Best forgotton (Concluded)
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Jul 5 2002 6:07pm
Captain Dengro jumped from his Howlrunner as damage crews raced in.

<font color=yellow>"sir"<font color=white> an attendant shouted, <font color=yellow>"we have captured an X-wing class craft in our tractor beams sir, boarding personell are on thier way down as we speak sir."

<font color=purple> "good"<font color=white> Said the captain, <font color=purple> "If I can't get that infernal E-wing pilot I'll have to settle for this one. Bring it in!"


<font color=white> Meanwhile on the prison bay, Ren Janngar was listening to action outside. He had felt the Impact of Kass Katta's cluster rockets, rocking the Hull of the Goliath. He noticed his restraints had come loose somewhat. Ren thought that if they were loose enough the elitrical shock would be disabled. Testing his theory, Ren Yanked with all his strength on the chains.

The restraints tensed giving out a moan of bending metal, and with one last pull Ren broke free!

(OOC: Despite the title saying RJO its actually open to anyone. Do u know anyway to change that?)
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jul 6 2002 1:19am
OOC: It's quite simple, just edit your first post, and change the title. The edit button is under your name.

Kas jerked his E-wing back and up and in any direction it could go. The enemy fighters were still on his tail. Sith Spit, he saw the X-wing get grabbed, and pulled in.

Hey!, take over the controls, I.m going to man the weapons now

His R2 responded with a twerp, and the ship started to take a crazy droid driven ride.

I should have brought the R7....

I should have brought the R7....

I should have brought the R7....

I should have brought the R7....

I hope the cruser gets here in time...

I hope the cruser gets here in time...

I hope the cruser gets here in time...

I hope the cruser gets here in time...

Kas had never been this freaked out before, his shields were taking a pummiling, and he had just run out of Proton Torps. The Enemy was still coming, but their numbers were significantly lower.

Re rout power from the hyper drive to the blasters and the shields, Lets paint the sky

OOC: I am in the prosess of getting a capital ship from Vinda Corp for my personal use, somthing like an Inderector or a Lancer. I hope you don't mind if I bring it in...[/b]
  • Posted On: Jul 6 2002 4:33am
Just as Corran's X-wing got pulled from into the docking bay of the large ship he felt a surge of elation from Ren as if he'd just broken free.

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> "Well know one of us is free and the others caught. fair trade."<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> thought Corran

As he looked out his viewport into the docking aby he could see that the boarding squad hadn't arrived yet.

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> "Good that gives me some time."<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> he thought.

Quickly grabbing his blaster and lightsaber and hooking them onto his belt Corran hit the opening button for his canopy. He jumped out and dropped the couple of meters to the floor. He landed in a crouch and immeaditly looked up to where his Q9 unit was floating out of it's socket and done to the floor on it's built in repulsorlifts. Turning around he spied a large stack of shipping crates that appeared to be suitable for his purposes. Running over to it he crouched behind them hoping that they would provide enough cover for him and also hoping that the shuttle would get here pretty soon.

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> "Then I can rescue Ren and that other jedi and get my ass out of here. He might even have some support if that guy in the E-Wing managed to survive long enough."<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->he thought
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Jul 8 2002 12:28am
(OOC: sorry about the late posts, my com crashed twice when I tried to post.)

By pulling out the elctro-chain restraints, Ren had also managed to short out the force field surrounding his cell. Ren stepped out of his cage and began to make his way to the doorway when one of the Gamorrean Gaurds waddled in the door. ren pounced back behind a power transfer conduit praying that he hadn't been seen.

Luckily the slow witted guard hadn't. Looking down into his hands, Ren noticed a cosiderable part of his restraints remained attached to his wrists. A plan brewed inside Janggar's head.

Ren knocked on the power conduit attracting the Guards attention. The Green slob trundled up from his chair, foolishy leaving his Vibro-axe behind.

Coming to the place where Ren had been hiding, the guard found nothing, turning back though he was met by two boots into his face, Ren had put his smidgen of training to use by employing a mind trick on the green guard and was able to duck behind him without noticing and wrap the chains around the beast's ungainly neck.With one last ferocious tug, Ren snapped the Guards neck.

In his time with the Jedi, Ren had been taught to have a respect for all life but not at the expense of his own.

Sensing Captain Dengro was on his way back to continue with his torture, Ren searched for his gear.

Finding his blaster and lightsaber, Ren took a slice at Klango's cage. With a few swipes, Ren was able to disable the force field surrounding Klango's cell.

Grabbing his friend, they made thier escape.
  • Posted On: Jul 8 2002 3:32am
ooc:awwwwwwwww I was supposed to rescue you

ic: As the boarding team entered the hangar Corran crouched back into the corner. As he looked them over he breathed a silent sigh of relief. They hadn't brought a scanner. The scanner would have picked up on his heat signature and on Q9's electronics. Slowly he inched his way towards the door keeping one eye on the door and one eye on the boarding team that was clustered around his X-Wing.

"I wonder how this X-Wing got out here." asked the man Corran decided to call Fat.

"Must have been put on autopilot." responded his companion Tall.

"One damm good of a auto pilot. That thing was dodging all our guns for about 2 minutes. And it's not like it was using a advanced R2 unit either. See the R2 socket is empty." replied Fat.

"Too bad it would've made a nice present to the boss. You never know it might have been remotely controled by a pilot." responded Tall

"Naw must have been the Auto-Pilot. We didn't pick up any comm transmissions like that except an auto warning from that space station. Now let's just rig a alarm on this and move it over in the corner and put a net over it. You wanna go get a net from storage." said Fat

"No. Why don't you get it." responded Tall sullenly

"Listen Buddy." Fat said as he turned to Tall. "I'm your boss and I say that you're going to go get a net ok?"

"Ok ok I'm going." responded Tall

ooc:sorry to leave this one hanging I g2g
  • Posted On: Jul 8 2002 4:16am
OOC: I may join this RP, but I need to point out to Kas that having an R2 unit that is an astromech droid for an E-Wing is quite impossible. I'm not exactly sure, but I think you would need a R7 or higher.
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Jul 8 2002 4:23am
(OOC: OK, plus you can probably still rescue us some how)


With a heavily tortured Gungan drapped over his shoulder, Ren Janggar hobbled down one of the Goliath's twisting corridors. Ren was using his force senses to guide himself through the labarynth of tunnels.

Coming upon a door, Ren proped Klango down against the wall to open it.
The door came open with a loud swoosh but on the other side stood Captain Drengro, with a furious look strewn across his face.

<font color=purple>"somehow I knew you'd escape, but somehow I knew I'd be the one to stop you!" <font color=white>Cackled the Captain as he drew his lightsaber out from its sheath. Dengro wasn't the least bit force sensative but he wa one hell of a swordsman.

<font color=purple>"I knew this day would come, finally I'm going to gain my revenge for what you did to me. You made my family leave me, you killed them.By stealing the Stone of Golgan from the Hutt palace you sntanced my family to death. You took that away from me now I',m going to exact my revenge.

<font color=white>Ren spoke while drawing his lightsaber, but he did not yet ignite it. <font color=lime>"Dengro, you know that it was you who chose to join with the Hutts, you could have saved them.

<font color=white>The captain hesitated for a second,<font color=purple> "I . . ., I cannot help that now, you must die!!!!!"

<font color=white> With that, Dengro lunged at Ren who ignited his lightsaber just in the nick of time. The captain forced Ren back down the corridor, constantly slashing his saber back and fourth in the Direction of the young man's head!

<font color=lime>"It doesn't need to be this way Dengro, you can still save yourself!

<font color=purple>"Never!!!!!"

<font color=white>Dengro took a wild swing missing Ren but chopping a considerable chnk out of the wall.

Steam and coolent sprayed from the wall into the corridor, creating a mist. Ren could not see where his opponent was.

A blaster bolt shot out of the clouds of mist knocking Ren's saber from his grip.

Ren sprawled across the floor and lunged for his lightsaber but another laser hit his lightsaber sending it further away from Ren's reach.

Suddenly Dengro lept out of his cover and came down on top of Ren. He began to lay into Ren's face with heavy fists of hate each one more hate-filled than the last. Ren then summoned all his strenght and used a force push to knock Dengro away. He then turned and brought his lightsaber back into his hands, igniting it just in time to counter a saber blow from the Captain's sword.

The two sabers became locked together for a moment,and for that moment Ren could see the anger brewing in the Dengro Mangar's eyes, he could see the hate for his own self, the hate that had been driving him all these years in search of Ren.

Suddenly Dengro's body went limp and fell to the ground. Only when he looked up did he realise that Dengro had been shot in the Back.

A man was standing there holding a blaster in the air,<font color=yellow> "The names Horn, Corran Horn, I'm here to rescue you." <font color=white>Said the man, ofering his hand out to Ren.

<font color=lime>"Thanks, but I don't need rescuing, I was doing just fine by myself,"<font color=white> Said Ren, brashly as he pulled himself to his feet.

<font color=yellow>"I think I'll have more time for a proper introduction later, I think my blaster simply dazed your friend here."

<font color=white> Ren Picked up Klango, and the trio made there way down the corridor.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jul 8 2002 6:39am
OOC: Looks like my cruser won't get here :). Yes, you are right. R7 is the minimum, but if you notice, I have been having the R2 do only one thing at a time. And I said Should have brought the R7 like 5 times.


Kas took over control of the E-wing, and re-assessed the situation. 4 enemy ships still followed, and they were getting further and further away from the cloak enabled ship all the time.

Ok, let's do that move we pulled in quantos.... dang, I had the '7 then....

On a sudden umpulse, Kas slamed on the dampers, and went into a tail spin. Diving "down" he flored the accelerator, and shoved the E-wing to full power. This manouver took 3 ships by supprise, and sent them into confusion. The 4th stayed with him, still battering his shields.

<R2, drop the magnetic mine[/b]

The mine dropped out of the storage compartment, and for a split second, floated in space.
But only for a split second. The 4th fighter wizzed by, and unluckly mannaged to pick it up.

The detonation was swift, the pilot never felt a thing

Kas smiled, turned his ship, and let the blasters roar.
At a long range, and hitting dead on, the powerfull cannons ripped through the shields of the three last persuers.

Turning his ship, Kas glanced over the enemy monster. That x-wing had apperantly gone in, and the friggate(?) hadn't stopped moving. Kas followed.

R2, moniter all radio signals, and all communications of any kind coming from or going to that ship, as well as all internal communication. Let's see what goes on in there.

OOC: Sorry for the "rushed" post, I am rushed
  • Posted On: Jul 8 2002 1:55pm
ooc: Hey i'm joining as myself not Ren controlling me. Are we on Rens or Kas's Ship now. I'll just say i woke up and saw Ren treating me.

<font color=silver>*....* As Ren was Treating Klango Jabroo for his injurys following the torture Klango Opened his eyes and Saw Ren's Face smiling back at his freind. Klango Smiled half heartedly because of the pain. He wanted to hug Ren but the pain was too much. He looked at Ren and laughed to himself.*.....*

<font color=Orange> Klango:" (weakly) [i] " you'sa got a bit of dirt on your face.....Hahah" " Do you never Wash Ren!!!!!"
" What happened last thing Me'sa remember is.......well nothin!
Me'sa Can't remember a thing Ren please tell me'sa what happened and Why me'sa cant move me'sa arms and legs!!!!"
  • Posted On: Jul 8 2002 6:32pm
Corran winced as the gungans high pitched voice suddenly started yabbering. Turning to Ren he waved to get his attention.

"Tell your friend to shut up. There still might be a few guards around here. Know the main hangar bay is right Ahead. I'm going to go check it out and see if there's a shuttle you can take. My Astromech unit will tell you if somebody approaches."

"How will I know what it's telling me?" asked Ren

Corrans astromech harrumphed a decidely not astromech sound.

"I have fitted myself with a basic vocorder. I will be able to communicate with you perfectly. Unlike those outdated R7 units." said Q9 his voice sounding mechanical but still clear.

Corran smiled at the look of shock that crossed Ren's face. Q9's talking trick usually did surprise people. He then turned back to the corridor ahead of him. Slowly he inched towards the hangar bay keeping his senses extended for guards. So far he hadn't sensed many but you never know there might be somebody guarding their ships.