Dark Visions (Self-Training)
Posts: 88
  • Posted On: Sep 13 2003 10:38pm
"Ainam! You cannot leave! The Republic needs you!"

"There IS no more Republic, Hakhrah! Its been destroyed! Whiped out! All that is left is the poor excuse that you people label the New Rebellion! Lets face it, we chose the wrong side. Lady Vader was not like Vader himself. She couldn't see how futile it was..."

"How dare you! How dare you say those things about the Mal'ary'ish!"

"The Mal'ary'ish abandonded us, Hakhrah!"

"You don't know that!"

"Yes, I do."


Ainam awoke, startled from his sleep by the unending dreams. Memories. Memories of the day he had seen the New Rebellion for what it was. Since then, he had been drifting in space with no apparent course. He thought about travelling to the Imperials, but that didn't seem right for some reason. In his seclusion from society, he had not heard about the Galactic Coalition. He had not heard about the attacks on Corellia and the twins, Talus and Tralus. He was closed off from everyone and everything. And Ainam liked it.

But no, this didn't seem right, he had to convince himself that. This wasn't how he was supposed to spend his days, the Noghri realized. He had to go to the Imperials, he had to show his kin the error of their ways. But if this was true, then why did his mind keep telling him it was wrong. It wasn't wrong! He knew that! But suddenly it didn't matter what he knew. All that mattered was that he stay away from society.

No! He had to fight back! He had to go to the Imperials! Ainam struggled to make his way to the cockpit of his ship, a Barloz-class Freighter. It had no name. Ainam didn't really care. It was just a bunch of different pieces of metal and wire put together. As he reached the cockpit, he wondered which planet he would go to. Dorthal, he decided. It was a nice, unimportant Imperial planet. But then the Noghri thought that to be strange. Why not go for one of the more important planets? Ainam shrugged to himself. One planet was as good as another. Dorthal it was. It wasn't very far, anyway.


As soon as he arrived in the system, a message was sent from the planet. They're fast... Ainam mused, smirking, much faster than the Republic ever was. The Noghri began to reply, but suddenly he was off of his seat, and on the ground. His ship had been hit! And it was coming from Imperial ships! Ainam struggled to get back to the console. To tell the Imperials he was on their side. Why had they been so quick to fire? He had traded his Rebellion ship weeks ago for this one, and he had made sure it was unmarked.

"Planet Dorthal, this is Ainam Yzarc! Why have you fired upon my ship!"

"We have no need for your lies, Rebel scum!" came the reply, "We scanned your ship, we know you're a Noghri traitor!"

So that was it. The one thing that he should have counted on, but hadn't even thought of. The Noghri had betrayed the Empire to the Republic long ago, and apparently the Imperials didn't believe in second chances. But who would? The Noghri had killed Grand Admiral Thrawn, one of their best navy commanders.

When another blast rocked his ship and several warning lights flashed, Ainam was startled back to the situation. He swung the Freighter about, and plotted the co-ordinates to hyperspace. The Noghri sweared to himself, for he hadn't made plotted an escape route before he had arrived at the system. But it wasn't his fault, he didn't no. Then it hit him. He did know! He had told himself that it didn't feel right, but he hadn't listened. That didn't make any sense, but at the same time it made perfect sense.

The third blast had him wondering if he would make it out in time. Then he saw it. An Victory Star Destroyer to his port side. He punched in a random jump, and before the Star Destroyer even had time to open fire, Ainam was long gone.


The Noghri quickly exited hyperspace again, and stared as he did so, shocked. Not more than 50 meters away was a planet's mass shadow. If he had stayed in hyperspace for a second longer, he would've been dead. Not having time to pause, for the Imperials could be on him, he calculated a safe jump to the first planet that came to mind. Tatooine. In minutes, he was gone.


Ainam considered going down to the planet, but he decided against it. Human (or non-human) contact was not something he needed right now. What he really needed was sleep, but the thought of that scared him. If he slept, then the dreams would come back again. Memories of that day he had left everything behind. Everything, for nothing. It was true. Now that the Imperials had rejected him, he had nothing.

Instead, he decided to look over the signals he had intercepted during his short stay at Dorthal. Holo broadcasts, he believed them to be. Maybe they could tell him something about the New Rebellion. Whether they had been completely crushed or not. When he played them, he watched with more than a passing interest.


The Galactic Coalition? The Outer-Rim Sovereignity? These were all unknown names to him. Corellia under attack? He couldn't believe that those cold-hearted terrorists that made up the Rebellion would stoop so low. Or was it the Empire he hated now. Ainam didn't know. All he wanted to do was forget it. Forget politics, forget the Empire and the Coalition. Forget Corellia.

If he had known how he would hide from them, he would've come crawling the entire way back.

"Ainam! Ainam, I order you to stop!"

"You have no more authority over me, Hakhrah!"

"What is wrong with you, Ainam?! Are you so quick to forget your family, friends? Are you so quick to forget Clan Yzarc? Don't you remember your name? Ainam of Clan Yzarc...that is your name..."

"NO! THAT IS NOT MY NAME! My name is Ainam Yzarc!! The old traditions our dead! They died when we joined the Republic, along with everything else we used to hold dear!"

"Thats a lie!"

"No it isn't, Hakhrah, and you know it!"

"Tell me what this is really about, Ainam?"


"Is this about our rivalry? I'm not your enemy, Ainam. I never was. I didn't join the Jedi just to make you look bad. I only meant to-"

"SHUT UP! Is it so hard to understand, Hakhrah?! Is it so hard to come to terms with the fact that everything doesn't revolve around you?! This isn't about you, or those Jedi @#%$! This is about us forsaking the one who saved us! The one whom without, we wouldn't be alive! Leia Solo is not Lord Vader! She never was, and she never will be!"


"NO!" the yell came so naturally to Ainam that he didn't realize he had said it for a few seconds. Was he to be plagued with these nightmares for all eternity? Or just until he went back to the Rebellion turned Coalition? No, he would never go back there. He would never admit himself to be wrong, especially not to his ex-brother. Yes, that sounded better. EX-brother.

Ainam knew what he had to do, but he was afraid to do it. He had to fight off the dreams using pure discipline of the mind. All Noghri had it. You had to dominate the mind before you could dominate the body. Sighing to himself, he went into a cross-legged seating position, and from there into a deep meditation.

And he welcomed the dreams.


They returned, but much vaguer than before. He could barely make out who it was, though he already knew. It was him and his brother. And it was, he realized, their fight. Luckily, he couldn't understand what they were saying, and he didn't want to. He remembered what words were spoken.

Ainam struggled to pushed the thoughts away. To fight back. At first nothing happened, and the Noghri feared that he had lost the mental battle. But then, slowly but noticabley, the thoughts faded. Blacker, and blacker, and blacker. Until finally it was completely black. Then, suddenly, an explosion of tiny lights, all around him. The universe, Ainam realized. And not just the known universe, but the unknown as well.

There was a sudden jerk, and he was moving. Faster, and faster, and faster. The stars faded to lines as they did in hyperspace, but it didn't stop there. Faster, and faster, and faster, still. He was going too fast to be able to see the stars anymore. Too fast to even notice he was moving. But he still went faster still. Was this his fate, Ainam thought. Doomed to forever travel the universe, steadily gaining speed, until finally he died of hunger or thirst. And would it stop even then? He commanded his eyes to open, but they wouldn't obey. He was stuck!

But finally, just as the Noghri was beginning to lose all hope, it all stopped. He was standing before something that he had never seen in his life, but somehow knew what it was. It was everything, yet nothing. And then blackness. He felt control of his eyes once more, and they snapped open. And he could feel the Force flowing through his body. That was what he had seen, the Force! But he could now no longer recall what it looked like. And the memory of seeing it was fast fading. But the Force remained inside his body, and in it was burned forever a reminder of this day.

The day he had found the Force.
Posts: 88
  • Posted On: Sep 14 2003 2:22am
Training: Telekenesis Part One

It has been long believed that the paths you take in the Force are chosen by you, but that is theory only. Another, less believed in theory is that they are chosen for you. You are either Jedi or Dark, but sometimes, in rare cases, this might conflict with your morals. Many examples of this are known throughout the universe. Gash Jiren and Xylon Hexyra are two prime examples. Both of them were born Sith, but the morals they were brought up with denied those teachings. Somehow, they found a way, just like they found a way back.

Neither of these theories are true for Ainam Yzarc, however. For the third, and almost unheard of theory is true in this case. Ainam did decide what path he would take, but it was not conciously. It was born, however, unonsciously from the feelings that had been inside him before he recognized the Force as part of him. In Ainam's case, these thoughts were dark.

So the darkside is the path that was layed out before him.

Hakhrah, the Coalition...they're all fools! None of them could see what power lies before them. They're all too blind. They cannot come to terms with the fact that the darkside is power, and to reject it is folly! a demonic grin steadily grew on Ainam's face, I guess I'll just have to convince them...

Ainam's laughter filled the cockpit of the Freighter all the way down to the surface of Tatooine.


What is it you would ask of me, oh Master? Where shall I go Ainam asked in his mind.

Where shall you go? Anywhere you please! I do not command you, only direct you.

Then direct me, oh Master, to where I shall recieve my training. Ainam was not a patient Noghri, but he was careful to show as much respect as he could.

Nowhere! I am your trainer! I am the one who shall guide you on your path to power! You are your own master, remember that! But at the same time remember that you shall not find a better course to take that doesn't involve listening to my guidance!

Yes, my ma...my guide...
Posts: 88
  • Posted On: Sep 14 2003 6:05am
Training: Telekenesis Part Two

Ainam's "guide" didn't really exist. It was a pure manifestation of the Force in the form of an entity. The Force was the puppet master, controlling the so called "guide". That is one of the many reasons the Force is impossible to describe accurately. It is different in the minds of every person adept in its arts. Whether it be light....or dark...

What then, my guide, do your words of wisdom suggest I do? Ainam ask, mustering all of the little patience he had.

Your training shall begin at once. I know you, and your mind. I know you are not patient. I am your ally, so your impatience is my impatience. Just remember, your own emotions can sometimes betray you. Be careful. We shall start out by learning you the basics of the Force. Telekenesis, mostly. The ability to read minds and move objects, inanimate or otherwise, with only your mind.

So that is why you guided me to Tatooine. Ainam "replied", grinning, Many weak minded individuals for practice.

You are smart, that is good. It will aid you where your martial skills cannot. Come. We will move go to Mos Eisely Cantina. There are many there, if not all, who have the weakest minds imaginable. I cannot tell you exactly how to use your skills in the Force. That is for you to find out.

Why?! Why can you not tell me?! Ainam's face contorted into an expression of anger, Would it not help my training if I knew exactly what to do?

It might advance it somewhat, but it would also lead you down paths you should not tred. When you are wise enough, you will understand. In the mean time, do not question my judgement!

Waves of pain and anger rolled over Ainam, causing him to fall from his seat and writhe on the floor. He pleaded, cried, and begged for Guide to stop, but he heard no reply. There was no evidence of Guide's existance except for the continuing pain.
Posts: 88
  • Posted On: Sep 15 2003 8:56pm
Training: Telekenesis Part Three

Stop! Please! I must...land...the ship... Ainam desperately cried out. Suddenly, the pain stopped.

We have already landed.

It was just then that Ainam realized that he had been flying the ship even as he had his conversation with Guide. He had even told ground control a false name, all without noticing. Guide's work, most likely. As he left the ship, he pulled his hood tighter around him, fearful of the resident's reaction to his appearance. But all fears proved futile.

Ainam had only been to Tatooine, and that was only on a scouting mission for the Republic, and that had been in Tatooine's remote parts, which was basically most of the planet. He had no idea that there could be some much diversity on one planet. He could not identify over half of the species he saw just as he exited the ship. His grip on his hood fell, but he did not take it off. Ainam preferred the darkness the hood provided rather than the incredibly bright twin suns.

I shall remain silent until your task is completed, but I shall be watching over you, checking your progress.

Ainam knew better than to argue. He did not want to experience again the pain that had washed over him on the ship again. The Noghri realized that Guide couldn't kill him, that the pain was all in his head, but it didn't matter. Guide's goals were his goals, so as long as that stayed the same, Guide would remain as his mentor.

It was not hard to find Mos Eisely Cantina, but Ainam would have preferred if he had not. The place stank, and the Noghri could not believe that anyone would spend more than five seconds in this place willingly. The Disciple realized that they were not doing so willingly. This was a place of outcasts, of people who had no other safe haven left. They were all at their last resort, and the thought sickened Ainam.
Posts: 88
  • Posted On: Sep 16 2003 1:35am
Training: Telekenesis Part Four

"Hey! Hey you!" the voice was small, whiny. Ainam looked down to see a small, gangly creature who's species he didn't recognize, "Dis is our bar! You no come in here till us want you in here!"

"Oh, is that so?" Ainam said, grinning, "And who, praytell, is 'us'? Get out of my way, before you get hurt."

"Help! Help!" The creature cried out suddenly, "He wants to hurt me! Help!"

"Hey! You picking on Pipsqueak?!"

Four very large Gamorrians lumbered over to Ainam. Two standing in front of him, on either side of "Pipsqueak", and two flanking him. The little creature crossed his arms, grinned, and gave a snottily "hmph", as if he had taught the Noghri a lesson. The Gamorrians beat their fists into their open hands menacingly.

"This is us, stupid one!" Pipsqueak replied.

"So what if I was?" Ainam asked, ignoring the little creature, "Not much you four can do about it."

"That so?" One of the Gamorrians asked.

A huge fist came straight for him. But it was too slow and bulky. To the martial Noghri, it played as if it was in slow motion. With a slight shift of his head, Ainam was clear of the punch. It flew past him, coming around to slam one of the flanking Gamorrians in the nose. He was out of the fight, for a while at least.

Another punch came at him, and this one was at an angle where it the Noghri could not divert it into another. Side-stepping almost too quickly for the eye to follow, he grabbed the Gamorrian's wrist and wrenched the beast's arm all the way around, causing it to scream in pain. He wrapped another hand around its upper arm, and slammed it down into Ainam's awaiting knee, breaking it. The Gamorrian fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

The last remaining flanking Gamorrian leapt for Ainam's throught, planning on using a combination throttle-tackle technique. The Noghri crouched slightly, his foe's arms going over his head, and placing its chest right on top of him. The Noghri could not lift the Gamorrian up because of the obvious weight differences, so he instead used the stupid beast's own momentum to flip the beast right over his back, and into the last advancing Gamorrian.

Before they could begin to untagle themselves from each other, Ainam's blaster was out, and in another half second, a blaster bolt sliced through them both, killing them instantly. He turned and shot twice, killing the two others. Suddenly, a heavy inanimate object was broken over his back. From the pieces that scattered around him, Ainam guessed it used to be a chair. It was weakly thrown, and all it did was ignite the Noghri's anger.

Without even recognizing what he was doing, Ainam spun and placed his open palm right in his foe's face. Pipsqueak. The Disciple let out a feral scream, and Pipsqueak suddenly flew back into a wall, making a sizable dent in the durasteel. The creature slumped to the floor, twitched for a couple of seconds, and then lay still. Ainam stared at his hand. He hadn't even touched the creature, and he had killed it.

"That so." Ainam said, replying to one of the Gamorrian's previous question.
Posts: 88
  • Posted On: Sep 16 2003 2:02am
Training: Telekenesis Part Five

Telekenesis. A familiar voice reminded him, One of the very basic powers of a Dark Jedi.

Dark Jedi? Ainam raised his eyebrows.

Think back to what you just did. Can you remember anything apart from holding out your hand.

I screamed.

Exactly. What kind of scream?

One of...anger...

There is your answer.

I thought you said you wouldn't help me? Ainam asked.

I didn't. I just asked questions. Come. It is late, and you must sleep. I will guide you to an Inn. Tomorrow you will learn how to read minds.

Ainam tipped the bartender for the mess, and left the Cantina, pondering what Guide had said.


Ainam awoke strangely refreshed. He supposed it had been because of the meditation skills Guide had taught him. Pausing to check, he sighed with relief as he felt the Force flowing through him, noticeabely more stronger than yesterday, as if he was growing in power every second. It hadn't been a dream. He was rid of the dreams for good.

Is that the only reason you train?

You can read my thoughts? Ainam asked, half suprised, half angry.

Of course I can. I communicate to you through them. You haven't answered my question.

No. It isn't.

Good. Because if it is, then I see no point in continuing on.

Then continue.

We will travel once more to Mos Eisely. Hopefully the Cantina will be less...crowded...so we can continue your studies unhindered.

Ainam decided to stow the retorts he had lined up, and got ready. In a matter of minutes, he was ready for any dangers that might be encountered at the Cantina, and some that definately won't. He was on his guard, unlike yesterday. And, with or without the Force, he could still hold his own in any fight that may arise.
Posts: 88
  • Posted On: Sep 16 2003 2:03am
Training: Telekenesis Part Six

The Cantina was less crowded than it had been last night, and for that Ainam was grateful. He had no desire to get into anymore fights, being a Dark Jedi or not. He just wasn't skilled enough to handle them yet. As he approached the bar, he noticed several prime potential test subjects for his experiments in the Force. Taking a seat at the bar and trying not to look suspicious, he ordered a Corellian Ale.

That one.

Which one? Ainam asked, quite startled. Guide had been silent throughout the trip. Suddenly, the Noghri found his head turning, but he wasn't the one controlling it! His eyes finally game to rest on a shady looking man, I don't know...he doesn't look very weak minded...


The waves of pain started again, and it took Ainam several seconds to find the strength to comply. He raised his hand, and, channeling his anger, hatred, and most importantly, pain into preforming the manuever. The man flew from his chair, and the pain only heightened. Ainam had done it wrong, and Guide was, like the Noghri, very impatient.

Struggling against unconsciousness, he tried again, this time putting more pain into it, and envisioning his thoughts in the other man's mind. He gave a simple command, making the man think it was his own thoughts. Calmly, the man walked back to his table as if nothing had happened, much to the suprise of his friends at the table.
Posts: 88
  • Posted On: Sep 16 2003 2:04am
Telekenesis: Part Seven

Now dominate his mind!

What?? I don't-


The pain only increased, and Ainam could barely keep his hand up. He envisioned the man as his slave, and finally it happened. The Dark Jedi could feel it. He had achieved dominance over the man, and he was suprised at how weak minded it had been. Pondering what to order him to do, one suggestion stood out. It was probably really Guide's, but Ainam didn't care.


The man suddenly stood up, pulled out his blaster, and shot the nearest man between the eyes. He got another one before he went down in a hail of blaster fire. Apparently, most people came to Mos Eisely armed. Suprisingly, no one had noticed his fights against the pain, and not-so-suprisingly, none had noticed his domination. Ainam was glad they wouldn't get a chance, for suddenly the pain stopped once again.

You have completed your lessons on telekenesis. Tomorrow we shall move on to learn other things.
Posts: 88
  • Posted On: Sep 16 2003 2:06am
Training: Force Enhanced Hand-to-Hand Combat Part One

So let me get this straight. You want me to go into the Cantina, and provoke a fight?? Ainam didn't know whether to be amused or afraid.


And how will this help my training again?

You are to use the Force to enhance your strength.

What, like a weapon? The Noghri was beginning to wonder if the Force had any limits of usefulness.

If that is the way you choose to see it.

And just what, exactly, is that supposed to mean? The Dark Jedi was suprised at the sentience of an unreal thing.

Interpret however you will.

Someone's feeling philosophical today. Ainam quickly regretted his sarcasm as the waves of pain washed over him, If I'm supposed to be using it as a weapon, then how are you dominating me?

My domination over you is a sign that your training is not yet complete. Once you are granted Knighthood, you will be able to fend off the pain just as you fended off the dreams. Steadily after that, my voice will become more instinctual urges than a guide.

Is this how it is for all Force users? The Noghri was very intrigued, but he was careful to keep his emotions out of his voice-thoughts. Not that it mattered since Guide could read his mind.

It is different for all Force users. In reality, this convorsation is non-existant, just as I am nonexistant. It is just how you interpret the Force.

So you're like a Force Meditron?

Sort of. Enough talking, your training awaits.
Posts: 88
  • Posted On: Sep 16 2003 2:07am
Training: Force Enhanced Hand-to-Hand Combat Part Two

Ainam nodded, eager to continue. He was suprised at how much information he had gotten out of Guide today. Certainly the largest amount since they had "met". As he exited the Inn, he ran a mental check on his weaponry. It had all been left in his ship, so he set off toward the spaceport.

Where are you going?

To the ship. All my weapons are there. Ainam thought it strange for Guide to ask such a question when it had free access to his mind.

You misunderstand. We are training today in Hand-to-Hand combat.

And you expect me to find someone unarmed in the Cantina that is willing to fight?

Not really. If we don't, then it will be Hand-to-Weapon combat.

Great... It was out too fast for Ainam to keep it in check. The pain once again washed over him.

Do not underestimate the power of the Force!

Yes...Guide... Ainam gasped for breath as he was let free, even though it had not been inhibited during the mental torture.

Turning around quickly, the Dark Jedi headed off for the Cantina.