Convergence of path's: Observers?
  • Posted On: Apr 7 2003 4:06am
It had been too long. Vonta horn had left on many long joureys and had always managed to come back. But at least she had always let her ship, The Saberstrike, and her crew know where she was going and a whole number of contingency plans to enact in the event of her capture. But there was no word from her.

The Android Strike had called the Alderaanian guard based on Drewwa with an urgent plea.

- - -


All the world was quiet and peace.

This mind was clear of all thoughts. Disconnected from it's body in order to surpass it and all of it's set bounderies. Giving the user such a sense of control as was unparreled save by that of a jedi wielding the force.

The silence that is deafening is at once broken. A soft beep came from a work station set up near by.

The mind recconnects to the body with speed that is only achieved through rigorous practice. At once there he is in a body again. Back strait, legs crossed and arms sitting on his knees. Toryn stood from his daily meditations. A necessity to maintan his abilities.

He stood up the office was lite only by candle light. The faint illumination from the flickering flames made his shadow dance as he moved. This was his private room for meditation. Only priority messages came through at these times.

He grabed a towel as he wake up to the station.

There was a call on a private channel, that reserved for Jedi Vonta Horn.

"Toryn Sabreen here, Vonta to what do I owe the..." He was cut off as he saw someone other then the female jedi that he once sparred off with. "And you would be?"

The female on the other end was black hair and had the look of a fighter about her. Face looking more then a little serious, "Strike, the android counter part to the Saber computer systems on master Horns ship. But I have no time for pleasentries. Captain Horn is missing. She was fighting a battle on the planet of Naboo leaving us in orbit. We tracted her movments but then all of a sudden her signal was just gone. We sent a search party to look for her and found no sign of her in the Gungan city that she had been in."

Toryn's all too human features equaled her concern. "From the sound of it she may have been vaped in some sort of weapons discharge. As much as I would like to think other wise."

The droid looked as if she was being treated as an ignorant. "Yes, I considered that option. But when I scanned the coordinates at which she dissappeared, there was nothing to indicate an explosion that would eleminate all trace of a being's remains."

"Well then how do you know that she is even still alive?" He asked her.

"Becuase I can still feel her presence in the force." A new face replaced the androids. A nohgri, and the last master of the Aiki ways.

"Irman, are you sure?" The Teras Kasi Master had to trust the old man masters and students share a strong bound. That was a fact that he knew well.

The short alien contined with a nod, "Yes, but all that I know is that she yet lives no more no less."

A new picture appears again. It looks like Strike but in a formal dress rather then combat fatiques. "Saber I presume."

"You presume correctly Master Toryn." she says calling him by the formal title of his order.

Several data files streamed into his station. Saber continues where Strike left off. "There was no evidence of a weapons discharge but at the time we lost contact we detected these anomalous energy signatures."

The man scanned them rubbing his chin as he did so. "I well inform Commander Trespe of this the Teras Kasi and the Aldeeranian guard well do all that we can to help to locate master Horn."

With a nodd the communication came to and end, the screen fading to black.

He punches in a link on a secure channel.

"Greyy we have a situation..."
  • Posted On: Apr 7 2003 4:20am
Quickely the aging leader of the Alderaanian guard listened the story relayed to him by his second in command.

"I understand your concern Toryn and I appreciate it." Vonta horn was more like his daughter then anything else. She was his student in the ways of war in the rebel Alliance. Being her teacher is what inspired him to form the Alderaanian guard in the first place. Training warriors that fight in the name of peace rather then in the name of war like the Royal Guard of the past.

"Begin anylisis of that data I want to know what it is yesterday!!" He barked the order.

Toryn beamed a smile at his friend and Commander he made a play like salute. "Yes sir."

When the screen was blank Greyy punched up another call. He had a favor to call in.

"This is Greyy Trespe calling Zed 9 of the Vinda Corp. And do not pretend to not know me you old bucket of bolts." He said the insult with affection he worked closely with the droid and rather liked him. "Vonta is missing in very strange circumstances. There is an anomalous energy signature that was left at the point in time that she went missing. The data is being transmitted with this message. I need your people at VC to analyze it. Just in case we cannot figure it out over here.

Lets find our friend P...E...D. (short for Police Enforcment Droid)

Trespe out."

The former Royal guardsman sat and thought to himself.

--What have you gotten yourself into this time Vonta?--
Posts: 29
  • Posted On: Apr 7 2003 4:47am
On Bonaden a stange droid types at his keypad. He is not strange as his is a droid but in the fact that his has a giant trench coat built onto his frame. Covering his back and sides leaving his arms free of sleeves. An adavantage of being a drdoi is that you never have to change cloths.

At his daily Routine of filling out reviews of current cases and posible security leaks the droid in his large window view office is oblivious to the danger his designer is in.

The quadrapedal, dog-like droid K7-9 sits in a corner out of the sun that shines in. Lating in the shade the dog sits and conserves energy. Looking as if her was a normal dog sleeping. A normal dog with metal inplace of flesh and bone.

Zed stops for a moment looking at his counter part with a moment of affection. One could not see the affection in his feature for all that he had was a droid head made like ahelmet and a visor like optical unit. He had been alone long before the dog/droid joined him. Now he was never longely with his constant companion at his side.

A signal came on line. A highly encrypted file. The droid types it out. Immediatly he is surprise by what he finds upon analyzing it. The code was one that was once used by The New Alliance. And one that was used specifically by the Civil Law Force that he commanded.

He transmited a data stream to the computer and decrypts the message. All that is needed is a quick glance. Vonta in trouble and anomalous readings are all that they have to go on.

As much as he was loyal to his former master he could not drop every thing and go to her aid. He had responsibilities to the VC. But there were others with more Experience in such matters.

With a few key strokes his sends the message on it's way.

"Help her Mr. Katta." He says out loud.

K7 looks up as his master speaks. When his sees that it is nothing it puts it's head back down and returns to standby mode.
  • Posted On: Apr 8 2003 1:57am
*Something is not right in the Force*

Shadow thought as she pulled herself from her search for her center.

That sweet search for the perfect balance of the Force. That is what she has spent her life thus far trying to obtain. It is what all true Baadu strive for.

Now that search had been interrupted by some disturbance. A source that she had been tracking had just been moved in a quite unusual way. One minute this many who are one was in battle then it was somewhere far from their battle.

This makes her plans more interesting. She had planned to contact that person soon and if they were to be removed from this plane. If that were to happen then contact would prove difficult. But she got ahead of herself, the many who were one was still alive.

As Shadow thought on this she stood from her set on her bunk in her room on the moderately sized freighter. Not that many people, but just enough to be over looked by most of the crew. Just the way she liked. Her furred hand brushed away the longer fur from her face. Even at 350 human years she still looked like a Wookiee half her age, but moved with the grace that can only be earned from a long life. Her raven black pelt would have turned many a young Wookiee's head, from interest or jealousy in concerned her not.

She was different from most of the other females of her people. She never knew why was she different till she left her homeworld. It was funny that in all of her travels that she never returned to her homeworld.

Walking helped her to think but memorizes of getting on to this ship reminded that even though she was short for a Wookiee that human ships were not made for those that were of taller stature. She thankfully didn't have to duck as many of her taller brethren. Another good thing she was thankful was the tall ceiling of the quarters that this ship provided. At least she did not have to worry about bumping her head on it.

Practicing her kata also allowed her to free her train of thought. The quarters were not wide enough to do that safely and to do them outside her room might draw undue attention to herself.

*Perhaps I should clean my saber. It would only seem right that my weapon should feel as clean as myself.*

As she cleaned her lightsaber she began to think about what to do next.

*Perhaps if I cannot find the one who is many, then perhaps I should look for the many who are connected to the one.*
  • Posted On: Apr 9 2003 5:54am
There was a diminutive figure in the halls of the Nubulan B-2 frigate, the Saberstrike. He walks with his head to the ground deep in contemplation. On Naboo he had been near his pupil. Vonta and he had taken different paths as the force demanded of them.

One lesson of the force. Do it's will to the best of your ability.

*Sigh* He let the air from his lungs come out. He was concerned.

He passes several polished bulk heads. At his hieght he had a good look at his reflection. His gray Nohgri skin was leathery in nature. Not that anyone else could really judge his age. But he was nearing the age of a revered elder. In all of his days of training he was amazed at the longevity that his training allowed him.

He looked away from his image. The kind, calm features that distinctified him were foriegn among his kind. The life of a Nohgri warrior was one of patience and vigelence. When they started to walk his people begain lessons in the art of the hunt and the way of the warrior. Taking life was their way.
But it is no longer his.

He continues on. His sandeled feet make barely a noticable sound in the hall. A human female came around the courner and was frightened for a moment. He immediatly makes an apology and continues on his way. A bit more noisely this time. His feet shuffling slightly.

He is the last of his order, and Vonta, Vonta was the hope for the continuation of the Order of the Aiki. He turns into an open door.

"Lights." The dark room is illuminated revealing a deck of learning. There were rows of data files in shelves that ran parrellel to the walls. In the center of the room was a holo-cube on a pedastal. It was the Aiki Holo-cron. The last remenants of the teachings of Aiki master Morehei. This device was his guide to the ways of the Aiki for the past forty years. He pulled himself away from the memorys that device brought up.

He looks about him. Vonta was a brillant inventor. This deck was an excellent librairy. In reality it was more concise then the Secreted Aiki librairy that was his home on Obrai-Skai. Beyond the librairy was the Train and meditation facilities.

It was to one of the sound proof rooms that he went to. Sealing himself in he sits cross legged. Falling into meditation.

He falls into himself, into the deepest recesses of the force. He feels the connections between life forms in the star system around them. The beings walking about the ship.

The sensory depravation room is filled with a total darkness. Irman begins to access the Aiki ways. His body begins to show a faint aura of blue that fades at first and then grows in intensity. The pitch black is pierced by the blue light. Irman is making an even deeper connection to the force. Using himself as a conducter of force energys. Energys that fill every molicule of his body.

Feeling about he looks for that one familiar form. From where they are he can feel nothing. But then he reaches out. Stretching him self to the force begining it, pleading with it for a sign of his padawans existance. He waits as the moments pass by.

Warm. He suddenly feels warm. As if he were meeting family. He feels.

"Vonta." He whispers. The life that he feels is hers. He holds fast to the prescence trying to locate the source.

As he looks for her the warmth fades slowely replaced by a chill and then a freezing cold wind that froze him to the bone. Something cut off his search.

The light emminating from his form slowly faded. Until the room was pitch black once again.
  • Posted On: Apr 13 2003 1:15am
In the depths of the Almanian moon of Drewwa the Best mind in the Alderaanian Guard were analyzing the data from Vonta's dissapperance. That was the only statment he would make on the matter to any inquiries on the matter.

The Guards main faculty was based on the planet of Drewwa. On the surface all that one could see was a 10 mile long building building into the sprawling mountains of the planet. But dwelve deeper and if would be discovered that below the surface was another faculty. 2 and half miles into the earth the faculty extended protecting the more sensitive secrets of the guard.

For now the current Guard directer and Teras Kasi master, Toryn sabreen, sat in a tenth story office that looked out on the after noon sun. He was swamped with messages from the concerned.

The Teepo Palidins that had been residing with vonta on her orbiting ship, the Nubulan B-2 frigate, the Saber strike. Were demanding ships to take their leave of the planet and go off on a crusade to find the Observer. As they had dubbed her.

From the Jensaarai their leader the Saarai-Kara was asking to keep apprised of the situation and said that she would put all of her resources to their disposal for the purpose of finding the 'Observer'. He was keeping her appraised of the situation asking for her patience in the matter. Although their had been some curious computer accesses in the last few hours. Sabreen suspected the Jensaarai of sneeking about the coridors looking for more details. There were 40 Jensaarai defenders working with the guard and another 12 that were based on the saber strike accompaning Vonta. The Jensaarai use force cloak and can easiely avoid any and all security devices. He double the Teras Kasi members on patrol to keep them in check.

In addition to all this he has an Android, Strike, From the SaberStrike shadowing his every move. Glancing behind him he sees the female android reviewing data at a terminal room adjacent to his office. She was going over ever data file to find some answer to her master's dissapperance. Sitting at that terminal for 20 hours straight. he knew that she was a droid but still such inhuman concentration still creeped him out.

He leans back in his seat. His head aches have gotten worse as well. several hundered force strong people so near by was almost over whelming to those trained to sense them. He even sensed the Aiki master as he slipped into his office.

"I take it you want to know what progress we made as well Master Nogar?"
  • Posted On: Apr 13 2003 1:27am
The security at the Guard's homebase was tight the Aiki master admited that much. He had to use every Nohgri skill force intrusion to enter un-noticed. The Aiki was a peaceful man now but he still remembered his lessons from his tribal elders vividely.

He slipped past Sabreens guards unnotice and entered the office. Moving in a fashion more befitting a wraith the a corporeal sentient. He was moving to stand 10 feet behind the director's chair when he spoke to him. Calling him by name.

Taking the 4 and half foot diminutive master by suprise. "Impressive."

He states matter of factly. "I have never been discovered as easily by any one before. Aiki training combined with my Nohgri backround makes for quite sound intrusion abilities."
  • Posted On: Apr 13 2003 1:29am
Spinning in his seat the human faces his uninvited guest. "Jedi cannot easily hide from the senses of a Master of the Teras Kasi. Especially one as old as I. I sensed your prescence the moment you entered the building. Although I did not know it was specifically you at first."

He rubs his temple. "There are so many of you force users near the planet that it nearly over wealms my ability to tell you all apart by your force signatures."

"The Information is inconclusive as of yet your pupils trail is as cold as it can get." His lack of sleep was evident. With all the politics that are shaping up around this abduction it is a bit over whelming.
  • Posted On: Apr 13 2003 1:37am
Irman had studied the history of the jedi as recorded by the Aiki founder master Morehie. The 8,000 year old sentient had an amazing librairy of information on the planet of Obrai-Skai. Listing the history of the Aiki, Jedi, and dark force sects. But the Teras Kasi were only alluded to in brief passages in his studies. Nothing was concrete about his knowledge about them. Only that they were a group that intervened to keep the force users in check when they went too far. This group demanded further study in the future.

His gaze fell on the Teras Kasi, Irman could not help but to feel grateful towards the man for his efforts.

"Do not lose hope friend. I have sensed my pupil yet again. While in deep meditation." He puases.

"I searched out for her, Vonta and myself share a unique bond. As only one that a teacher and a student may share." Stoping he steps forward laying his right hand on the desk in front of Toryn.

"I found her in the force. Her presence. She is alive that much I already knew but the I sought to connect with her. To ask her where she was, and maybe even sense her place of captivity." His other hand rose up in a fist.

"But then I was cut off. As if someone was blocking my efforts." The small Aiki took a deep breath and released it, at the same time uncleanching his fist.
  • Posted On: Apr 13 2003 1:52am
"So at the least we know that she was abducted. And at the most we know that she is alive." Toryn closes his eyes.

His insides are being bombarded by numerous force signatures. In his mind he summons his strength. He tricks himself into feeling each and ever presence as a drop of water in the rain. Hundereds of them falling about him. Making a steady rythm that slowly fades into the backround. He opens his eyes again ready to continue.

"This is becomeing quite the event. The Teepos are head strong enough to head out on a damn fools crusade to find the 'Observer'." He refers to Vonta by that knickname again, "Jensaarai are demanding to let their people be involved on the search, which I would allow but my people can barely handle the lot of you now. We do not need any more force users in the vecinity."

He picks up a flimsiplast and hands it to Nogar. "And inaddition I have to wait on any search action until I recieve the Vinda Corps findings on the strange energy readings that were recorded at the time of the alleged kidnaping."