Xilen, Meschi, Fearsons, and Arai stood in silence, each of them panting for breath, eager and nervous at the battle that would soon break out among them. The Chiss Emperor smiled casually. His face turned a faint green color, and within a matter of seconds, the figure of Nelix Galdra, Viceroy of the Trade Federation stood before them. "
Yes... Emperor Chadd Fearsons. The potency of your training does you well."
With the flick of his wrist, his lightsabre was once again in his hands, pried from the clenching fingers of the half-chiss Emperor.
Xilen shot a look at a glowing red button across the bridge, and raising his hand, the force extending from his very fingertips, the button slammed down.
Self Destruct Initiated, Self Destruct Initiated
The crimson red glow of the alarm lights, and the everlasting blair of the alarm filled the command bridge of the Defender-Class Star Destroyer. The figure of Nelix Galdra merely smiled, and within seconds, his body vanished, leaving the three of them to man the bridge of a Defender-Class Star Destroyer prepared for an irreversable self destruct.
Moments later, Xilen appeared on the bridge of the Interdictor-Class Cruiser
Spiders Web. A few shocked faces glaired at him, but the shock soon wore off.
"Order all ships to withdrawl to the Ando system, and then to Ord Mantell. If they are stupid enough to follow us into the unknown regions, we'll rip them apart as our ancestors did the Yuuzhan Vong invasion."
Officers scrambled to do there bidding, and within moments, the fleet entered hyperspace, leaving behind the ticking time bomb of the Defender-Class Star Destroyer.
(SCE Losses: 1 Defender-Class Star Destroyer [In sixty IC seconds, the ship will self destruct, and explode.] Incase anmy of you are wondering, Xilen didn't simply "Vanish" he turned into an Ameoba. ;) Congratulations on your victory.)