Clash of the Titans (Assault on Mon Calamari)
Posts: 84
  • Posted On: Apr 5 2003 9:00pm
"Twenty seven billion fish faced Mon Calamari live down there..." Xilen muttered as he stood overlooking the mightly blue-green planet as the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet's First Division reverted to real space a few hundred thousand kilometers from the planet's atmosphere. The ominous figure of the Spirit of Csilla sliced through the dark recesses of space with a deadly precision and accuracy unrivaled by even the most skilled fleets in the Galaxy. A deep red Imperial Insignia dominated the side of the ship's massive command bridge, an obvious symbol of the new Chiss Imperial Order.

"Weapons armed, Captain." Xilen spoke up with a commanding boom in his voice, the bridge bustling with activity as the fleet inched closer and closer to the Mon Calamari system from there temporary post at Kessel only a few lightyears away. Deep within each officers mind stood the horrific scene of the Chiss Imperial Financial Ministry smoldering against the desolate horizon, the screams of innocent men, women and children etched into there very souls. It had become a time to strike back at the fish faced @#%$ that had inflicted so much damage on the people of the Chiss Empire... the very Sovereignty that stood before it.

"Open a channel to those Mon Calamarian Ships, Ensign."

"Open, Emperor Xilen."

"This is Emperor Aldrex'ile'nuruodo of the Sovereign Chiss Empire. This system is now under the direct command of the Chiss Imperial Order. I order all Mon Calamari ships to stand down, or be destroyed by order of the Sovereign Chiss Empire."

Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet: First Fleet Division
<font size=-2>Commanding Officer: Sovereign Admiral Xilen Nuruodo
</font><hr>Defender-Class Star Destroyer - Spirit of Csilla
<font size=-2>12 TIE Bombers, 24 Chiss Clawcraft</font>
Interdictor-Class Cruiser - Spiders Web
<font size=-2>24 Chiss Clawcraft</font>
Carrack-Class Cruiser - Lordship
<font size=-2>4 Chiss Clawcraft</font>
Carrack-Class Cruiser - Ravage
<font size=-2>4 Chiss Clawcraft</font>
Lancer-Class Frigate - Death's Glory
Lancer-Class Frigate - Holy Armor
Lancer-Class Frigate - Dark Demise
115 All Terrain Tactical Enforcers
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Apr 5 2003 9:58pm
The Azguard embassary, a building hidden amongst the house of parliment, held their ambassador, Ghangri.

Uppon seeing the Chiss in the sky, Ghangri paled. He grabbed his communicator and shouted into it "Redirect the fleet! Redirect the Fleet!"

The Azguard fleet, which (For reasons I do not wish to be made public) was away from home and closer to the Mon Calamari Homeworld, Immeadietly came in to respond.

(They're no here yet. But when they do get there, you'll regret it!


1 Imperator class Star Destroyer, Mike
1 Imperator class Star Destroyer, Oriflame
1 Nebulan b-2 frigate, Yunos
1 Nebulan b-2 frigate, Jagged
1 Nebulan b-2 frigate, RockaFella

45 Tie Defenders)
Posts: 84
  • Posted On: Apr 5 2003 10:21pm
"Emperor Xilen, an unidentified warfleet has just emerged from hyperspace on the opposite side of the planet."

Xilen smirked, a brandish look on his face as his crimson eyes blazed across the desolate space between him and the planet of Mon Calamari. "Are the prototypes from Lok ready, Sergeant Trel'xali'nuruodo?"

The Sergeant nodded his head. "Yes sir. The Hex Weapons are ready to be deployed immediatly should hostilities ensue."

The Emperor nodded his head, raising his hand to request the opening of a channel to the newly arrived warfleet.

"By order of the Sovereignty of the Imperial Chiss Order, I ask you to stand down." A soft smirk crossed Xilen's lips as his inky blue finger ran delicatly over a small red button on the arm of his command chair. "Lower your shields, or Mon Calamari will be obliterated within sixty seconds."

Everything was going according to plan... the trap had been lain.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Apr 5 2003 10:58pm
(OOC: "What? What is he... Talking... about... oh crap..."

"Just so you know, the instant you use them your whole fleet is getting walloped. Use it, and the chiss fleet will be annihalated. This is very much a hostage situation")

An Azguard turned to a lieutenant upon one of the ships.
"Notify the Coaltion and everyone you can immeadietly"

"You have no right dragging civilians into this, Chiss." said a tall, distinguished looking Azguard on the head warship, Mike.

"To do so is a crime of war, and we shall show no mercy to you. Leave now and we can put this whole thing to rest. The Coaltion does not look kindly upon those who are so... Evil."
  • Posted On: Apr 6 2003 1:22am
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Inquisitor

Everything was so new aboard this ship, everything was crisp and clean, unscathed to the treacheries of war. The dry and arid smell of paint was still ever present, dizzying those of lesser constitution, though only bothering the emperor as he paced, back and forth, his feet clattering against the durasteel of the bridge, sending reverberations that tickled the acoustics of the Star Destroyer's bridge.

Pre-battle stress ate at him, though only internally, any thoughts he may have had about doubts or otherwise did not show on his face. His face was cool...calm...impassive. His glowing red eyes dashed left and right, examining everything, though being pupiless none could tell where he looked, he simply did.

The black-robed PeFauna had ceased even bothering trying to follow Emperor Fearsons, they simply stood on either side of his "pacing route", the typical, omenous figures that they were warding off whoever had a thought about approaching their majesty.

They were a sight to behold, though descriptions would not do them justice. Below their beautiful silken black robes was an alloy of meleenium and cortossis, making it difficult for even lightsabers to cut through, and they held an arsenal unrivaled hidden down there that they could unleash on the enemy.

Their staves, each customized to their own, were known jokingly among observers as "light-axes", as a protrusion at the end ignited a red or blue blade that allowed the alloy made weapon to be wielded with frightening speed.

But even then most overlooked their skills with the Force. They all linked themselves to one another, in a battle mold kept up whenever they were near the emperor, keeping tabs on each other, they could feel one another, they could tell who was and who wasn't a part of their team, who was and who wasn't doing what. They could send telepathic messages, they could even link into each other's emotions and thoughts.

And need be they would do this with the emperor as well.

The commander and subcommander of the PeFauna unit always had training in the ways of the Dark Side - as did the others - though they were not limited to telekentic manuvers. They had found a particular love in throwing lightning and fire at their enemies.

And yet right now they appeared to be nothing more than omenous statues, standing firm and tall, erect and impossibly still.

And as the Star Destroyer reverberated from hyperspace, they all actually moved, staring at their emperor as a link was opened to Emperor Xilen's craft.

"Greetings my friend, permission to come aboard? I wish to watch the pitiful Mon Cal be crushed, but my Star Destroyer is needed at Ando."
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Apr 6 2003 2:25am
Jan Dondana Jr, commander of the New Rebellion frowned at the reports coming into his office. So the Mon Cals were under attack. Time to strike a blow against the Sovereign Chiss Empire, and all it stood for.

"Prepare all vessels for battle. Plot a course to jump point alpha, then to Mon Calamari. Time to help save the remaining lightsiders."

The fleet, small as it was, jumped into hyperspace, to the middle of nowhere, Jump Point Alpha. Then they jumped towards Mon Calamari itself. Jan was pleased with this strategy, it kept the location of Haven a secret, and that insured the safety of everybody. He was also glad that his ships had no markings on them, hopefully the enemies would believe that they were just some mercenaries that the Mon Cals had hired at short notice. The small fleet would soon arrive at Mon Calamari.

Fleet Manifest:
1 Interdictor Cruiser-Freedom
1 Nebulon-B2 Frigate-Defender
1 Nebulon-B2 Frigate-Justice
48 XJ X-wings
1 B-wing
  • Posted On: Apr 6 2003 2:46am
Jeori swore softly as the Chiss fleet materialized before him. "Signal the Second Fleet Division at Kamino. Tell them to get here right away."

"They are on their way, sir." replied a Lieutenant.

"By order of the Sovereignty of the Imperial Chiss Order, I ask you to stand down. Lower your shields, or Mon Calamari will be obliterated within sixty seconds."

The words that came over the comm froze Jeori's heart. Obliterated? But he would not give up this time. Not again.

"Sir," the Lieutenant said, "another Star Destroyer has arrived. It is broadcasting Jutraalian Imperial codes."

Oh great. Jeori thought to himself. He had the feeling that this fight would not go well.

OOC Fleet Manifest

Mon Calamari First Fleet Division

Commanded by-Fleet Admiral Jeori Teebo

Capital Ships
Mon Calamari MC-90 Star Cruiser-Crimson Fire
Mon Calamari MC-40 Star Cruiser-Alliance
Total-1 MC-90, 1 MC-40

72 Mon Calamari MC-10 Starfighters-Crimson Fire
12 Mon Calamari MC-10 Starfighters-Alliance
Total-84 MC-10s

Mon Calamari Defense Fleet Division

Commanded by-High Admiral Filgad (NPC)

Capital Ships
Mon Calamari MC-40 Star Cruiser-Defender
Total-1 MC-40

12 Mon Calamari MC-10 Starfighters-Defender
164 Mon Calamari MC-10 Starfighters-Ground Based
Total-176 MC-10s

Mon Calamari Second Fleet Division (En route from Kamino)

Commanded by-Admiral Reep Kreegon

Capital Ships
Mon Calamari MC-40 Light Cruiser-Fish Man's Delight
Total-1 MC-40

12 Mon Calamari MC-10 Starfighters-Fish Man's delight
Total-12 MC-10s
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Apr 6 2003 2:49am
(OOC: The party's all here ;) )
  • Posted On: Apr 6 2003 8:31pm
Lord Voltimas stood upon the command bridge of the Imperial Class Star Destroyer, Vengeance. His hands were clasped behind him, his mind, like his body, shrouded in darkness. As his ships dropped from hyper-space and into real-space the starlines shrank to nothing more than pin-points of light far in the distance.

Caution alarms rang through the bridge as the sensors detected the other warships in the area. Voltimas' forces, however, were still some distance off from the main battle stage and had reached full stop. The group sat, as if dead in space, watching. It was by no means a small force, nor was it so incredible that it would cause fear in those already in the system.

The force he brought, however, could be enough to turn the tide of the battle, in either direction. None would have any clue who he was. They would not know where his ships came from, who commanded them, or where their loyalties lay. Infact all about his force was shrouded in mystery, save one detail. If the forces had done their homework they would know the transponder signal of the flagship, Vengeance, was one registered to the Crimson Empire.

If they had done their homework that is.

A voice came from below. "Lord Voltimas, should we open a channel to... " The sentence was cut short by the Lord's response. "No. Open a channel to no one. Let's let the sweat a bit and see if anyone contacts us. Inform the guardsmen of the same."

The messages went out, to Carnor Jax in command of the Hive, to Kile Hannad in command of the Nest, to Kir Kanos in command of the Lair, and to a young man named Palpatine in command of the Swarm.

"Now," said Lord Voltimas, "we wait."



Imperial Class Star Destroyer - Vengeance (Flagship)
(12 TiE-Defenders, 12 Tie-Phantoms)

Aegis Star Carrier - Hive
(196 TIE Raptors with independent Droid Brains)

Aegis Star Carrier - Nest
(196 TIE Raptors with independent Droid Brains)

Aegis Star Carrier - Lair
(196 TIE Raptors with independent Droid Brains)

Aegis Star Carrier - Swarm
(12 E-Wings, 12 B-Wings)

3 Skipray Blastboats
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Apr 6 2003 9:32pm
They recieved an instant message from an unmarked warfleet, whose crew all wore completely disguising body armour.

The one in the capatins' chair said "Hail, and well met. To who on this field of battle do you owe alliegance to?"