Captain Sansa
Sansa glanced up in surprise at Hilter's suggestion over Captain Marlicos. His eyes narrowed, "I would not be so hasty to give up your Corporate Security or have the Empire control them. It leaves you no wall between your company and the Empire and, honestly, makes nationalization very tempting. If you have your own Corporate Security in place, you have that distance and easily retain your identity."
Sansa shrugged, "But, if you wish the Empire to control Marlicos and his group, I suppose that can be arranged. I don't understand your logic behind it, though. The Empire is talking about defense and security on a planetary scale. The KDY's, the planetary shields maintained and run by the Empire. These are military weapons. Your corporate security, however, protects your company's interest.
The Empire also is not saying you cannot sell on the open market. All they are saying is that as your largest customer, they demand and expect preferential treatment with the terms stated above. Keep the Empire's orders filled and your quality consistent, and you can sell to whomever you like.
Of course, if you sell to the Empire enemies, I would expect a certain amount of discretion.." Sansa smiled.
Then he leaned forward. "You do have the power to tell me no. You can tell me to go to hell. But I would have been remiss if I didn't inform you of the very real consequences of those actions. And as for Kaine, yes, in this instance he does get what he wants. But his planning is on a different level than most. You have to know him to understand. He likes to control both sides of the board in that, no matter what you say to me: yes or no, he wins."
Sansa then settled back in contemplation of Hilter's questions. "An Imperial Line Captain walks a fine line between promoting the interests of their superiors and looking after the interests of their crew and government. It is a largely thankless job but it does lend itself to some good things in life.
As for what I would do?"
Sansa grinned quietly, "I would stop funding the GLF. At the very least, stop funding from my very real lucrative company and fund them from a very unreal front company."
Then Sansa's grin turned to curiousity, "Permit me a question of my own: What do you want out of life, Afdol Hilter? Why did you build this company? What is it you are after?"