Chaos Theory: The Grain Offerings {Garqi}
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Dec 4 2004 5:43am
Captain Gutt saw that Sansa frowned at the comments but the man had elected not to say anything just yet and so he shrugged to himself.

"I would very much like to hear how your security has improved." he replied motioning for the large Agro Security man to continue.
Posts: 166
  • Posted On: Dec 6 2004 9:38pm
"The focus of our security upgrade was to improve the ability of Agro Inc to monitor and secure Garqi, as well as to bolster its ability to fend off attacks by hostiles. I can safely say that Garqi's security has improved drastically since the occurance of the terrorist attack.

We have installed a planetary sensor range, allowing full monitoring of entry's to the planet atmosphere and maintain a small force of interceptors to deal with craft who enter Garqi's airspace unauthorized. We have commissioned a planetary defensive shield and planetary turbolasers for protection against any military incursion.

On the ground our security personel provide a combination of law enforcement and protection for Agro Inc. Roving patrols help secure the fields, while guard stations have been erected at various locations to provide a sembalance of coverage over the crops. Also, several response teams are on call at all times to deal with any sudden incidents, and can be deployed to anywhere on the planet within approximantly 30 minutes, depending upon the location of the crisis.

Finally, upgrades to the secuirty of this building have been made, helping to protect sensitive information and safeguard employee's from outside intruders."

Marlicos laid out the security details with a salesman's pitch; having given overviews of such measures to many prospective clients.

Hilter Afdol spoke up.

"Thank you Captain. I hope that sheds some light on the effort being made by Agro to ensure no future attacks strike our holdings. We had a wakeup call, and we're doing all we can to protect our companies products and people.

Any other questions?"
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Dec 16 2004 3:41am
The Meeting...

Captain Ortho Gutt turned to the stylus that Captain Sansa handed to him and glanced down at the remarks. He snorted and slid the stylus back. Sansa gripped it and went back to what appeared to be taking notes.

Gutt's eyes roved over the faces of Agro's administrative body, glancing at the security man and finally resting on the CEO.

His instincts were screaming.

"Let me see if I've got this straight, Mr. Hilter." he started, surprising Sansa with his monotone voice. He began to tick off his fingers as he spoke. "First, you set up a very lucrative company solely dedicated to an extremely large agricultural production for this area of space. You corner the market and yet amazingly, you have no security. You have no monitoring of your fields either with personnel or through robotic or electronic survelience.

You recognize that, and I quote, "Agro can not merely produce more products to replace destroyed goods, at least not immediatly" and so your entire business hangs by a single thread."

Gutt's eyes narrowed, "That evidently there is no crime in the galaxy!
Being that 'plants' are your only commodity, you actually assume your company will never..ever.. face (even natural) dangers of fires."

He looked over at Sansa, his lips curling in distaste. "It seems that your only sole worry is... bugs." Gutt said this contemptuously. "You say you employ hundreds of employees to 'walk' the fields but that they cannot go out at night..."

Gutt looked at the other administrators and spat out, "BECAUSE THEY LOOK WITH THEIR BLOODY EYES!? Haven't you people heard of scanners?! I am sure you could purchase them really cheaply!"

"Tell me, Mr. Hilter, just what the hell were these people going to do once they 'found' a bug flying just out of reach? Requisition a ladder? A repulser lift?"

He snorted, "It seems to be, sir, that your extreme budgetary concerns couldn't even allow your company to buy a Corellian Bug Zapper!"

"You claim that because it's too expensive to set up monitoring (even droid monitoring) for ALL of your fields, you'll not splurge for ANY of the fields! You are so damned ripe, my dog could come in and piss on your fields till judgement day before your men catch on!"

The corporate men shifted uncomfortably and Ortho Gutt drummed his hands on the table. He'd had a good shout coming for a long time and now he was in his element.

Being a bastard.

"So, you have no budget for even the simplest of monitoring stations. And now, after your company suffers (according to you) some severe financial setback, you come up with the money to suddenly spring for Planetary Shields and cannons, in case.. how do you put it?...there are any 'military incursions'.


Someone landed and burned your damn fields leaving everyone alive. Where the fuck do you come up with military incursions?"

Captain Sansa cleared his throat and the Agro Incorporated staff turned warily to him. He sat their calmly for a second allowly Captain Gutt's heavy breathing to ease up. Beads of sweat were on the man's forehead.

"What my fellow Captain is saying, is that there are inconsistencies in your statements that one might, metaphorically speaking, fly a star destroyer through."

He paused calmly referring to his stylus. "For example, with regards to your improvements:

You claim to 'have installed a planetary sensor range, allowing full monitoring of entry's to the planet atmosphere and maintain a small force of interceptors to deal with craft who enter Garqi's airspace unauthorized.

Correct?" he asked rhetorically.

Ortho's eyes were deadly serious. "Fucking lot of money spent there. Tell me, Sansa, what did they conclude again as to how the terrorist came to be upon their planet?"

Captain Sansa, sensing Ortho finally on the right track, answered, "Mr. Hilter is quoted as saying, 'as far as has been ascertained, the attackers gained acess to the planet via public transportation.'"

"Public transportation would mean 'authorized' transportation would it not, Captain Sansa?"

"Naturally, Captain Gutt."

"So," Gutt was on a roll, "with this money that magically appeared to be spent, especially after such credit wasteful and destructive acts, you spent this money on something that still would not have prevented the terrorist attack in the first place!"

He turned to Sansa, "What else did they impliment?"

Sansa, looking again at the stylus continued, "They have commissioned a planetary defensive shield and planetary turbolasers for protection against any military incursion."

"Ahh..." Captain Gutt responded with glee. "To, no doubt protect the population against that which would threaten it. Tell me, Sansa, given their professional review of the terrorist actions made by Galactech Securities, was the population in any danger?"

"Mr. Marlicos' in-depth study of the GLF tactics led him to the conclusion that their population was no threat because, 'that attack was easy and effective. It's purpose was to hurt profit- and burning crops was an easy way to do just that. Plus, the fires themselves sent a powerful message...'"

"So," Gutt looked at the Agro Security Officer, "with these new 'military' upgrades, what effect would this have on Garqi's population?"

"For the terrorist to send the same message, would require a more determined attack to overcome said planetary defenses. Civilian casualties would definitely be expected." Sansa looked up at Marlicos, "Military tactics would be put into play."

Gutt's eyes gleamed. "From a company that cannot find bugs in the dark to planetary military operations overnight."

Captain Sansa continued, "You said: on the ground your security personel provide a combination of law enforcement and protection for Agro Inc. Roving patrols help secure the fields, while guard stations have been erected at various locations to provide a sembalance of coverage over the crops. Also, several response teams are on call at all times to deal with any sudden incidents, and can be deployed to anywhere on the planet within approximantly 30 minutes, depending upon the location of the crisis."

Sansa set down his stylus.

"Why now? What not before?" Gutt asked.

Sansa looked directly at Afdol Hilter, "The logistics for guarding and/or securing every field we plant are impossible: as well as being prohibitively expensive."

Captain Sansa pursed his lips. "You didn't have the money. According to the press on the destruction of your fields, you lost more money. Sir," addressing Hilter directly, "Where did the money come from for all of this?"

"What else did they do?" Captain Gutt, clearly smashing down every one of Sansa's points and loving it. He liked bringing those that felt themselves superior down.

Captain Sansa didn't even look at the stylus, "They upgraded the secuirty of this building, helping to protect sensitive information and safeguard employee's from outside intruders."

"So what did you keep your sensitive information in before? Cardboard boxes? Did you not before care enough to spend money to safeguard them from outside intruders? Or was it too cost prohibitive?" Ortho sneered.

He leaned his rather portly body over and, breathing hard, stared at Hilter. "You begin to see what has the Empire concerned? Just what the hell are you doing out here, Hilter?" he whispered.

"What 'military' concern did you have, Mr. Hilter?" Captain Sansa quietly asked, "Granted GLF is well funded, but if Mr. Marlicos report on their activities is correct (and given his professional attention it probably is), why did you spend your money in areas that had nothing to do with the terrorist attack?"

Sansa's eyes shadowed slightly, "Did you not trust Mr. Marlicos report?"

"However you got money, who ever is providing these funds under the table.." Gutt followed up, "it seems to me that the ONLY danger you recognized and had some program in place (however ineffective) to combat it. A danger that directly affects your agricultural products. And in all of this, there is nothing indicating that you spent any money improving this 'program'. There is nothing that seems to be spent on actually protecting crops from even accidental fire. You can have people on station..."

Captain Sansa interrupted, "Simple fire fighting equipment would have sufficed."

"And those damn bugs still get you at night..." Captain Gutt finished, thinking his observation a period on the end of a powerful paragraph of sentences claiming the information provided was insufficient.

Captain Sansa's eyes moved to Gutt and he quietly tapped his stylus. "I think it is time for us to retire. We've travelled long and I understand there is a dinner tonight. I, for one, would like to rest before attending. In the morning I would like to investigate the burned fields. What say you, Captain Gutt?"

The mention of dinner brought images of the secretary into Gutt's mind. Captain Sansa could be very smart sometimes, he thought. "Very well," he agreed gruffly. "Perhaps they can figure out where their money came from to pay for their..." thumbing out to a window where the planetary canon sat in the distance, faintly visible.

"Zeal." added Sansa helpfully.

Kaine was right! These corporate types are lying snakes! Thank the Regent the man put me on the case!

As the Imperials stood up, Sansa took out a datapad and slid it over, between the CEO and his security officer, Marlicos. "You might find this interesting," he offered. "You mentioned not having any footage of your fields burning." He patted the pad, "Your local news agencies had footage." he looked up into the surprised faces of the men, "There had to be footage and there is quite a bit of it. How else could the GLF get mileage out of the damage? How else could the GLF make a statement if no one saw it?"

"Be just like their half assed organization to go to all the trouble," he turned to Marlicos, "well not much trouble as it seems, and then forget to take footage of their handiwork!"

"Good day, gentlemen." Sansa quietly said. "If someone could show us our suites.."
Posts: 166
  • Posted On: Dec 17 2004 3:50am
Hilter did not interrupt as Gutt rampaged along, knowing very well how his bluster and viscious attacks were simulatenously frightening and infuriating the Agro executive at whom the screaming was most intended for. Frightening them with the impact of the truth, and angering them with the idea that they were incompetant, and more importantly that they had wasted precious credits.

Hilter Afdol knew which emotion was going to rule the day. He had worked with them long enough to know how they would react to situations, and what buttons to push to get the response he wanted. Sansa's logical salients into the security plan would resonate with a few members, who understood his attention to detail and grasped the unintended consquences of seemingly good actions. However, although his points would hit home very effectively, Gutt's blistering assualts would bruise the egos of the executives; people not used to being attacked for being fools. They were used ot having all the answers, and Hilter knew many couldn't stand being wrong. They would be looking for a way to remove the blame from themselves- and the Imperials were likely to implicate Hilter as the architect of such mistakes- hoping to incite internal divisions. However; the Imperials had given Hilter the perfect oppurtunity to mount an insurmountable lead in the shifting blame catergory- one which would appeal to the execs to a much greater extent then turning upon their CEO.


Th Imperials were preparing to get up, and Sansa was asking for directions to their suites. It was obvious that the discussion was over, which strengthened Hilter's position exponentially. He stood.

"Interesting assessment gentlemen- many valid points to consider at our next meeting. Speaking of which, I'll be sure to have monetary agenda up and ready so we can discuss what sort of finiancial aide the Empire will be providing to enact an improved security plan."

Hilter's comment drew an odd look from Gutt, who had probably been expecting stunned silence or grovelling. Hilter looked at him, and spoke matter of factly,

"You said it yourself- our security plan is inadequete. We'll need an upgrade. However, we've spent all our possible excess capital on security upgrades- we can't hope to have satisfactory security without help. What your suggesting would bankrupt Agro- but the Empire's resources are, how shall we say this- *Hilter smiled* a bit more expansive. It would barely be a rounding error for your government."

He suddenly shook himself.

"I'm sorry- we can discuss this at the next meeting. To your suites: we need to clear out of here anyway, so they can start setting the table for tonight."

And with an air of finality, Hilter began marching toward the door.
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Dec 21 2004 5:17am

Captain Gutt

Captain Gutt was not impressed with Afdol's outbreak. As far as he was concerned, he had just rammed a stake through Agro's figurative heart and they were clawing for life. His thoughts had already turned toward the dinner that would be given and a certain secretary named Ms. Byllard.

He communicated with his warship in orbit and with Captain Yatta on his way out of the room.


Captain Sansa

Captain Sansa walked to his suite quietly contemplating what the CEO had said. Captain Gutt could maneuver things to great personal benefit if he so desired with the opening Hilter offered.

And a very shrewd offer at that.

If Captain Ortho Gutt were to become the liason between Garqi (and thus Agro) and the Empire, he would be in a position to control the monies that flowed from the coffers of the Empire to Garqi for planetary defense. He would stand to reap a great wealth in fact and perhaps some political clout.

And it would be such rewards that Ortho would fight to maintain thus securing Agro's position within the realm of the Empire.

All the while, Sansa realized that Hilter didn't really answer the question. No one in Agro even tried to inform him where the money had come from.

He entered his room and began a sweep for eavesdropping devices. Taking care to avoid windows, he tapped his wrist.

"Ironside, you still there?"

"Copy that."

"Take the recording of the conversations and run a voice analysis."

"You looking for something in particular?"

"Not really, just covering my bases. This meeting will probably wind down tomorrow."

"So, we going to glass the planet?"

"Well that, Mr. Ironsides, is the million credit question. We shall see. Stand by."
Posts: 166
  • Posted On: Dec 30 2004 4:06am
Two Hours Later

The conference room had been transformed gracefully from a meeting place to a banquet hall. The large meeting table was set with ine crystal, and a massive buffet had been set up up against one of the walls. Hilter Afdol had returned to the large room soon after he left it, to oversee the droids and agro employee's who were involved in the setup process. People worked harder and more diligently in the prescence of their superior... and Hilter would take no chances on a disgruntled employee making a statement at such an important function.

The adjacent room had been cleared out, and would serve as a dance floor. Hilter was bringing in a group of bith, though he wasn't sure how well recieved they be. Gutt didn't seem to be the type of Imperial who liked aliens... but he might ignore that fact if they played well. The chefs were preparing delicacies from homegrown Garqi produce and livestock, ensuring excellent quality. The food was bound to be good- but Hilter was feeling less confident about the whole situation than he had right after the meeting. Gutt's impulsivness worried him, and like Captian Marlicos said, there was something about Sansa that made him uneasy.

Damn Imperials think they have a lisence to waltz around the galaxy, like they own the place.

The problem was, Hilter realized, that they DID own the place, or more of it than anyone else. The fact that they knew it compounded matter. The GLF's primary purpose was to reduce there dominiring effect and loosen there iron grip on the galaxy. Unfortunatly, despite all the success the GLF had, they had done little that actually effected the Empire, other than anger them. The GLF attacks had been damaging- but not in a permenant way. They could build more ships, train more stormtroopers, and rebuild bases. It didn't mean Hilter would admit defeat, but the Imperial mission to Garqi reinforced the position of power the Empire maintained.

Hilter's wrist chronometer beeped. The dinner would commence in about half an hour. He needed to go get ready. He left the conference room and made his way to his personal quarters to prepare.

Bobbi Byllard

She looked at herself in the mirror, admiring her handiwork. She had been getting ready for the dinner for a little over an hour, and had to admit she looked rather stunning. Bobbi had discovered at an early age (well, fairly early age) that her good looks could be used to her advantage. The Imperials showing up at Garqi was just another oppurtinty to use her natural assets to their fullest.

She was wearing a strapless red dress that was rather short, exposing her long slender legs. She let her long blonde hair flow freely behind her, covering her bare back. Red high heels matching her dress added a few inches to her height. All in all, she figured she would have quite the effect on Captain Gutt.

The Imperial captain wasn't overly attractive (to the contrary, his figure was rathe rlacking) but he seemed to have a certain air about him.... a confident streak that was very enticing to her. Plus he was a powerful man. She liked powerful men- she liked how they didn't just melt in her presence. She had dressed to she how Gutt would react. She would find out soon, he had said he was going to come by any minute now.
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Jan 1 2005 7:44am

Captain Yatta

The planetary cannon was off in the distance and he saw Captain Yatta's legion landing around the structure to meet with Security Leaders and head up the investigation from there.

Sansa turned to Gutt, "Captain Yatta reports a successful touchdown though the locals were a tad surprised."

"If their defenses were newly installed, they may not know how to operate them well." Ortho huffed out, clearly not liking that he had to ascend a few steps. Small beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"No doubt Captain Yatta has his work cut out for him." Sansa said dryly.


The man huffed at the implied joke of Captain Yatta's check in. "Captain Ironside, reporting in and I must say these Corporate Security types are dressed rather well."

"Please present your report in data form, Captain." he ground out to Captain Yatta's amusement.

"Stodgy today are we? Data burst encryption enabled and sent. We will be spreading to the other three locations indicated until ready to receive the research teams." The Captain paused. "The Research Teams ARE ready are they not?"

How did this worthless man become a Captain?

"Being readied as we speak."

"Good man, Yatta out."


The transports from Captain Yatta's command had finally come to the third location given to him by Ortho Gutt and Captain Sansa.

His landing at the first KDY Battery had surprised the officers there and upon entering, took command of the gun as the leader in charge stammered in the face of Imperial Stormtroopers.

However, Captain Yatta was also gracious enough to lay off the intimidation tactics. A third of his forces had remained at the first battery, another third at the shield generator and he had just touched down at the second battery.

While Gutt and Sansa kept Agro Officers and their Security Heads busy in meetings, he was distributing his forces among the largest defense facilities Agro had to throw against the Empire.

He really did not expect trouble but it was always good practice to be prepared for the worst. The first thing his men were 'training' the Agro people on were Targating Diagnostics. The kind that kept the targeting computers offline for a day and a half. The guns could fire, but what they'd hit was anybody's guess.

And they would probably only fire once for they'd slaughter every Agro employee on site.

Such a slick plan could only be Captain Sansa's idea. Ortho would have just pounded the shit out of Agro from orbit. But even, a self proclaimed hunter like Yatta could appreciate the finesse of distributing their forces across the four largest areas of concentrated Agro Inc power. It's HQ and it's planetary defenses.

But even that plan failed against the onset of 'peaceful negotiations'. Just what the hell was Ortho Gutt up too?

He knew there was a 'win' for Gutt somewhere in what he was doing and knowing Gutt, it involved money and women.

Captain Yatta felt a familiar stirring of his groin and glanced around grumbling about how Ortho gets all the good bitches.

A woman and her contingent from Agro met him as they were nearing the Command Complex.

She didn't look half bad. He liked his women with meat on their bones and given the lack of competition so far, he would take what he could get.

He put on his slickest smile and his eyes drank the woman in. She seemed to be nobody important though perhaps she felt differently.

Before banishing his envy of Ortho's dinner and hobnobbing with rich folks, he checked in with the Necleas once more. That annoying Ironsides was a fastidious fellow and it allowed him to give his envy verbal expression.

Posts: 166
  • Posted On: Jan 5 2005 10:18pm
The diners were filling in, decked out in overly lavish attire- a direct result of the Imperial presence. Several dozen higher ranking Ago employees and a smattering of others were to be in attendance, and were quickly beginning to fill the conference room. Many were already spilling out into the adjacent dance floor to alleviate crowding, and a lower level manager could be seen over near the buffet stressing out about seating arrangement and visibly trying to count new arrivals as the mixed with those already present. Hilter pitied the poor woman, who had been tasked with setting up such an important even at a moments notice. He was also relieved that as CEO, he didn't have to deal with tasks like that.

A major factor contributing to the manager's stress was the fact that it was not clear how many Imperials would be in attendance, and how many of those attending would actually be eating. Hilter figured that the Imperial's would bring along security personal of some sorts, but whether or not they would uniformed stormtroopers or more discrete units remained to be seen. For his own part, Hilter had asked that only Captain Marlicos attend in full uniformed regalia (which he had), while scattered amongst the attendees were several "undercover" officers- security men out of uniform. The Imperials hadn’t arrived yet, though Hilter did note that those already here had come early.

If the Imperial brought a large contingent, the manager might have to bring out another set off table to place in the adjoining room. If that happened, she would have unenviable task of determining who was unimportant enough to be relegated away from the main dining area. Hilter hoped that wouldn’t be the case, but it very well could be. His seat had been placed at one head of the table, while a space had been reserved at the opposite end for Captain Gutt. One advisor had tried to suggest that he not sit at either head, in deference to the Empire, but Hilter politely refused. He could handle sharing the seat off honor with the oversized Imperial captain, but was not about to submit to him outright.

His main hope was that he would have enough power on Garqi in the future to retain that sort of seating…
Posts: 1200
  • Posted On: Jan 16 2005 3:12am

Dinner Time

Captain Gutt

No fewer than a squad of Imperial Stormtroopers flanked either side of Captain Ortho Gutt as he made his way to Ms. Byllard's apartment building. Outside, along the well manicured lawns were situated a rather large armoured contingent protecting the Captain's sojourn into the city that grew up around the headquarters of Agro Incorporated.

She had answered the door and his eyes moved hungrily over her body, clearly moved by her appearance.

His mind went into overdrive. Having such a siren at my side would make me a favorite in the Imperial Court and this sector.

He extended his elbow and she took it as he led her outside to the Imperial procession waiting.

"My dear, you look very fetching.." he said before they left the apartment building. He swelled with a certain satisfaction that everything was as he wanted it and he even gallantly helped her into his private transport.

The procession made it's way to the Agro building.

At that particular moment, Ortho Gutt felt anything was possible. He put in a message for Captain Yatta to attend once his men were secure. He had to rub the fact that he had a beautiful woman by his side in Yatta's face.

Yes, he was invincible indeed.

Captain Sansa

He arrived early without fanfare or military escort as Captain Gutt pretty much drew the corps out to pick up his woman. He did not really need stormtrooper escorts as he kept an open line with the Necleas from his wrist comm.

If he got into trouble, someone would know.

Hell, even if he didn't, his absence would be noticed and so he walked alone towards the dinner hall of Agro Incorporated. He entered noting the fussiness the servants were making over the ambiguous number of Imperials attending and Sansa smiled slightly at the confusion of the servants.

He walked over to one indicating that only one table would be adequate. His smile grew larger noting that the CEO's chair was opposite Ortho Gutt across the table but said nothing.

There was some music coming from an ajoining room and of the people that were entering, some had gone over to dance to some slow moving waltz-like arrangement.

He had not seen Marlicos yet but felt the man's presence somewhere close by. He had a sixth sense about things like that. It came with the territory.

A waiter walked over to him and asked for his preference. Sansa gave it and soon was the proud owner of a rather bitter red wine. He savored the flavor as his trained eyes scanned the people and surroundings.

This was the heart of Agro Incorporated.

Possibly the heart of support for one of the most notorious terrorist groups of their age.

If it was true...

Where did civilization meet fanaticism? Where did GLF's anarchy meet corporate order and how did the two mesh?

"That the discrepancies are conclusive or not is immaterial. Whether Agro Incorporated is a front company or not… the message will get across to the backer’s of Nogoth."
Posts: 166
  • Posted On: Jan 20 2005 2:01am
With a flick of his wrist, Hilter pulled the silky fabric through the loop, completing his hand tied bow-tie. It was the final flourish, completing Hilter's dress attire. His suit was a matte black, but was treated with a special chemical compound that allowed it to sparkle and shine when light hit it at certain angles. The suit was designed to draw attention and let everyone know where Hilter was. Hilter wondered how the Imperials- especially Gutt- would handle it. Hilter was sure that the man didn't like anyone who drew even a smidgeon of attention away from him.


Hilter was willing to show Gutt the proper respect, but the original fear he had felt when the Imperials had shown up had waned. They hadn't openly attacked Garqi, nor had they even threatened too. Hilter had faired well enough in the negotiations, well enough in his mind to justify a bit of opulence at his own dinner party. His employee's would expect it of him.

He stepped out of his quarters and began the short walk to the turbolift. Within minutes, he had arrived at the converted conference room. It was filling up, but Hilter saw no sign of Captain Gutt. That was a bad sign for the dinner planner, who was already about to pull out her hair as people slowly filed in. Hilter once again felt a wave of relief because he didn't have to do that job. As he stepped in, he made a grand gesture, stepping forward to allow the light from the ceiling to illuminate his jacket. Heads turned and several people cheered his arrival. Hilter smiled grandly, and waved. That too elicited a response. Hilter just beamed. His employees appreciated him, even in such dire times.

Hilter began to mingle, make small talk and mix into the crowd. The mood seemed surprisingly relaxed, despite the specter of the Imperial presence on the planet. There did seem to be some sort of tension, though, waiting for Gutt to arrive. Still, Hilter was happy to see Agro Inc hadn't paralyzed itself in fear.

There was vibration inside of Hilter's suit jacket. Hilter's surprise visibly manifested itself on his face, though he quickly hid his surprise. Who was calling him now? Hilter reached inside his jacket pocket and removed his comm-link. A small flashing light indicated that his comm-link was alerting him to a message coming into his office on an encrypted channel. The look of surprise returned to Hilter face. He brushed off a minor executive, one of the most promising in the company, and began hurrying to the door. Weaving and dodging the crowded dinner guests, Hilter hurried out of the room.

The hallways flew by, Hilter's mind racing. The encrypted channel left few options of who was calling him. Even as a CEO of a major galactic company, there weren't that many communiqué’s of his that had to be encrypted- not for his business anyway. For his "hobby", however, secrecy was paramount. In his office was a military grade, heavily encrypted transmitter manufactured by the Tagge Company. Usually, he was the one who initiated contact, and so he was very surprised that someone was contacting him. Hilter listened quietly as the recorded transmission played. He was not particularly pleased with what he had to hear…

Bobbi Byllard


A single word summed up Bobbi’s feelings, as the Imperial Captain rolled out the red carpet at her apartment. The white armored soldiers… stormtroopers… stood at attention as Captain Gutt came up to her, and then escorted her into his personal transport. Gutt had excellent taste, as Bobbi realized by leaning back into a plush seat. Even Gutt himself seemed more, likeable, as if his dress getup somehow concealed some of his rolls of excess flesh.

She looked up at the Captain, and flashed a huge smile…..