Anwsers aren't always fun (Vodo)
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: Jul 18 2005 9:54pm
The silver star yacht drove through the atmosphere in much similar a way to how it arrived. It rocked visciously, bucking and bouncing until it finally broke free into the stars of space.

Leaning back in his seat the pilot wiped the sweat from his brow. He had only been on the planet for litle over a day and yet the events below had changed his life, most likely for ever. The pilot, Cor-Si Dejourn, was young with short, spiked blonde hair and deep blue eyes. His skin was a tanned complexion, his height tall and his body of average build. Much different to that of the other person on board. CorSi turned to study him. The alien was much shorter, half insectoid, half humanoid he was hardly what someone would call a typical looking Jedi but that was just the way the Force choose to work. Mysterious ways as many said. The alien and Cor-Si were both dressed the same, each wore a beige coloured tunic and homespun brown robe. Cor-Si having only just adourned his moments before take off was yet to feel accustomed to it. Master Vodo had told him it allowed for Jedi to feel more open to the Force and grow accustomed to it but Cor-Si still had his doubts.

"I'm er....sorry about that master. I've never really gripped the finesse of flying. Never had the need before," Cor-Si spoke up, deciding the silence was uncomfortable, "So it's a five day journey to Cejansij. I was wondering if you could tell me more of the Force?"
Posts: 400
  • Posted On: Jul 20 2005 4:37am
Vodo smiled and took a seat on the floor. The Jedi Master was wearing his traditional Jedi tunic underneath a heavy, homespun brown robe. The hood was drawn up, as it almost always was, and cast a deep shadow over the old Jedi's face.

He shifted and laid his trademark walking stick across his lap, "It's an energy field created by living things. Created by all life itself. It is in everything, trees, people, plants, grass, everything. If something is alive, it is of the Force. The Jedi, and others, have learned over centuries how to touch the Force."

He shifted again and set his hand on his walking stick and looked down towards the deck of the ship, "Only certain beings are able to touch the Force. Microorganisms called midichlorians reside in everybody, and we have found that those with a high midichlorian count can touch the Force."

He motioned for Cor-si to sit across from him.
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: Jul 21 2005 9:59am
Cor-Si sat on the cold metal of the craft as his master directed hime to. Te news of.....things, moving around inside him was certaily startling. He shifted uncomfortably trying to put his head round this new factor.

"Can these midichlorians take controll of us though? What happens if we get cut off from them? I still don't understand how they can give me controll of the Force."

Cor-Si was begining to feel more and more uneasy in his cross legged position. It all felt somewhat familiar. Almost as though he had been here before. It was impossible of course, he knew that aswell as any one...yet still, it was almost as if this was not his first time hearing these things.

"What of meditation Master? I have heard many say it is common among Jedi, why do you do it?"
Posts: 400
  • Posted On: Jul 23 2005 12:16am
"Meditation is a way of opening yourself completely to the Force. Jedi sometimes go into meditative trances to heal themselves, or to gain physical strength from the Force. I do it to help clear my mind, so I can be stronger, and more alert."

Vodo tapped his stick against Cor-si's knee, "How about you try it? Close your eyes, and clear your mind. You must be calm, and at peace with yourself. But first tell me, have you ever felt the Force?"
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: Jul 30 2005 9:40pm
"I'm sorry Master but I fail to understand how you mean. I have sometimes felt...stirings and strange suspicions of strangers. Would that qualify? When I was seven, apparently, my mother took me shopping in the local market, after awhile I had, I s'pose you'd call it, off an accident on the fifth bridge. My mother assumed I was using my imagination but fifteen minutes later the bridge collapassed. Is that touching the Force?"

A ringing sound began to sound behind Cor-Si. Stretching his legs he walked to the replication unit on the starboard side of the ship and withdrew two bowls of steaming green thakitillo. It was the most impressive and expensive food that Cor-Si had onboard and he had exhausted the last of the supllies needed for it just making these two helpings. He placed one of the bowls infront of the powerful Jedi Master, hoping that it wouldn't fail to impress, before returning to a sitting position.

Putting a spoonful of the heavily flavoured thakitillo into his mouth he felt the lushious curds dissolve and fill his hungered stomach. His Master, he noticed, had pushed his own bowl slightly to the side and was once again meditating. Feeling slightly let down that his meal had failed to leave an impression he followed suit. Stretching his arms out so they rested on his legs, he pushed his thumb and middle finger into each other in an immitation of the only position he had ever seen someone meditate before. He had no idea how long he had been sat there, twenty minutes, forty, or an hour maybe, when he felt the first twinges of something inside of him. It was a feeling much simillar to standing beneath a waterfall,save for with each drop of the Force that hit him it seemed a sense of enlightenment came with it. He could suddenelly feel the blood coursing through his body. The movement of cells shifting in his skin, the extremely slow growing of his hair.

"Master I...I feel something. I feel...attuned to my body." He tried to reach out further. To get the same sense of the ship that he did himself, but his attempts were in vain. Beyond his own toenails and hairtips he cold still grip the world through only regular senses.

"This is amazing master. Is the Force always such a rush?" He continued to reach inwards, moving across his lungs and up his heart, through his brains and down to his nerve endings that allowed him to feel everything without the Force. As he returned his senses to his heart he felt the usual emotions to be found in a being capable of love, and emotions. He pushed it ever deeper until he froze in his tracks. There was something darker in there. Some kind of longing and sadness that he couldn't understand. It was as if he was sad about something he couldn't even remember. His eyes fluttered open. Had he shut them? He couldn't remember. He let his gaze flick to the chrono on the wall. Seven hours had passed since he had entered his meditation.
Posts: 400
  • Posted On: Aug 1 2005 2:56am
Vodo sat in perfect stillness. His eyes were closed, and his hands hidden within the folds of the flowing robe that covered his entire body. The Master had been sitting there, with the bowl of cold thakitillo sitting next to him for close to seven hours.

Vodo was in perfect attunement with the Force, and he allowed it to flow through him, replenishing his body with strength.

His entire focus was trained on his apprentice, Cor-si. After three or four hours, the Master had determined why the young man was not feeling the Force in a way that a normal Jedi prospect would. He had discovered that something deep in Cor-si was blocking his awareness of the Force, preventing him from accessing it as freely as he should.

It took Vodo just a little bit longer to use the Force to begin to help Cor-si open himself up to it. The young man still needed to break through massive mental barriers, however. But it was a start.

After seven hours, Vodo slowly opened his eyes, feeling exhausted, and looked up at Cor-si.

"You have just felt the Forcem Cor-si. You have your foot in the door to true enlightenment."
Posts: 383
  • Posted On: Aug 1 2005 4:05pm
A small smile appeared on Cor-Si's lips. As happy as he was that he had touched the Force, he couldn't help but be bitterely disapointed at his inability to go any further. Was it always such a slow thing, devoloping a connection? He shook his head and turned away to look at the helm of the star yacht. He couldn't help but feel he had let his master down.

Standing up he busied himself with the controlls and double checked the hyperspace route he had plotted. A steady beeping began to fill the front of the craft just as the powerful Jedi approached him from behind.
Posts: 400
  • Posted On: Aug 5 2005 2:27am
"How long until we reach Cejansij?" Vodo asked, stepping up behind Cor-si and glancing beyond the Jedi Apprentice.

"Three hours." Cor-si replied, pretending to check the readouts.

Vodo couldn't help but find some amusement in Cor-si's manner. The young man seemed eager, and yet timid at the same time. It was as if he knew he had massive potential, but was afraid to touch it.

And Vodo still could not figure out why Cor-si could not open himself to the Force completely. Perhaps something in his past?

"Perhaps you should get some rest until we arrive." Vodo suggested.
Posts: 18
  • Posted On: Aug 5 2005 7:18am
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. The sound pierced the young padawans dreams. Sending his thoughts into a crazed spiral. It blocked out the words he struggled to hear. That old Jedi was infront of him again. A strange man in brown robes. It was just like always, the man placed his hand on Cor-Si's head and reached out to link the two of them together somehow. It would go wrong though. It always went wrong.

A door to the left flew open allowing eight stormtroopers to rush into the room. The Jedi, as always, was suddenelly on his feet. A green shimmering blade in his hand, deflecting bolt back to the blasters they came from. The stray bolt flew out of a troopers blaster just as he fell to the floor. The Jedi was busy, his back turned. It tore into him leaving nothing but a smouldering hole as the Jedi slumped to the floor.

The woman, she would come in a second. She would come to protect him but it would cause the same outcome. Sure enough, bare seconds later a brown haired woman rushed into the room, a tall man hot on her heels. She ran to the screaming Cor-Si scooping him up in her arms as the man fired blaster bolts into the white armoured murderers. The man was the first to die. With nothing to hide behind he stood no chance. The woman lasted a litle longer. She ran through the door only to find her path blocked by more troopers. Placing the three year old Cor-Si down on the floor she slowly raised her hands into the air.

"Shoot her down!" One of the stormtroopers shouted. The woman made a futile attempt to dive to the floor. A blaster suddenelly in her hand. As the lasers tore into her body Cor-Si woke from the consistent nightmare. His head felt on fire and he could not help but check for blaster bolts.

* * * *

Holding himself upright on the durasteel wall, Cor-Si tried to make his entrance into the starships cockpit as normal as possible. The effort was laughable. He nearly triped as he walked through the door and had it not been for a gentle nudge in the Force from his master he felt sure he would have walked straight into the Captains chair.

"I belive we have arrived." The Jedi master said, his eyes flicking to the flashing red light on the hyperdrive display. Cor-Si eased imself into his chair and pulled on the hyperdrive lever. Around the cockpit the blue swirls of hyperspace dissolved into the white pinpricks of the stars and a beautiful planet filled half the screen. It felt good to be home.

Following the directions commed to him Cor-Si managed his best landing yet and half an hour later he and his mater stood outside the docked staryacht.

"I suggest we set off Master, it's an hour walk fro here and I can't guarantee we'll have a warm welcome. I think I forgot to tell my family I was leaving."
Posts: 18
  • Posted On: Aug 5 2005 7:18am
"I think I need it Master." Cor-Si chuckled. Punching in a command to trigger an alarm in his room when they arrived he allowed himself a few minutes to centre his emotions. There was something very worrying about this trip but he couldn't work out what. Something was directing him here, that much he was sure of but what?

He moved away and headed towards the corridor to the quatres.