Posted On:
Apr 20 2003 3:12am
Kenshin gave a thoughtful shrug.
"Well then, I don't see anything bad about going back to the Republic if we still retain most of our privileges. It does give us a more unified feel and I suppose the people would like that.
Even if it doesn't do anything, it can still be used as a beacon of hope or a rallying point of some sort when we need one."
Kenshin gave a slightly startled look. Had he just said that? The look soon faded into a slight frown however. He hated politics and here he was meddling in it.
Posted On:
Apr 21 2003 7:09pm
Donovin found himself not being able to add more to the topic at hand; he had not been here for the entire conversation but he was pretty sure that if he added in his own two cents he'd already be repeating what was already said. Much to his amazement, he caught on quickly to the main reason for the meeting, though he vowed to never be late to a meeting ever again, even if he had to leave some of his other duties unfinished.
"I'm all for it," Cole said, offering in his own approval.
He didn't really see a downside to this idea yet, but he was careful to make sure that he kept his options open for other opportunities if they did arise.
Posted On:
Apr 21 2003 9:46pm
"Yeah, me too, Kam. I mean, I can't see anything wrong with doing it...unless there is something you haven't mentioned yet."
I raised my eyebrow at the Tholatin Prince, and pressed my lips together. If it was me giving this little speech about the senate, I would have given all the good points before dropping the bomb of the bad things. If Kam would do the same, I didn't know.
Posted On:
Apr 22 2003 4:45am
Right about that time, there was a large thud as the door flew open. There, in the door way, stood a drop dead goregous brunette clothed in a pair of low cut, black pants, thin gold stripes running down the seams and low cut, deep blue peasent top and spit shined black knee boots. covering the lower half of her right arm was a twelve inch black leather wrist guard which bore the signs of the Smuggling Guild, the Rogue Jedi Order, and yes, even the Bounty Hunter's Guild, though it was half worn. Upon her left side she carried a DL-44 in a thigh holster, and a double bladed lightsaber on her right hip. Over her shoulder she carried a black duffle bag. For all intents and purposes, she could have passed right then and there as a Bounty Hunter or worse.
" Hey Kamon, nice crib." she said. It wasn't until she flashed them all one of Han Solo's famous smirks and spoke with her usual Corellian drawl that Kamon would have realized it was none other then his fiancee', Kate E. Toran.
" Sorry I'm late, traffice was a bit rough back on Corulag."
Posted On:
Apr 22 2003 4:51am
Kamon smiled. What a beautiful woman.
"Hello, Kate. No worries. Planetary traffic can be a hassle. We were just discussing turning from The Tholatin Drive Yards back to The Tholatin Republic. Your opinion counts.
"As for downsides, there is one. It will mean a large threat of corruption in the Senate. As was the case with the New Republic. But, I feel that that is acceptable."
Posted On:
Apr 22 2003 4:56am
Kenshin looked up at the new arrival with a grin.
"No problem. By now, I've gotten used to the odd entrances."
He then turned to Kamon with a nod.
"Ah, well, corruption is to be expected I suppose. I think that particular downside should be alright."
Posted On:
Apr 22 2003 5:02am
I stared at the woman as she entered, and I could tell instantly who she was. I rose myself out of my seat and walked to the door.
"I'll be happy with whatever you decide."
I brushed past the woman, and into the hallways taking my towel with me.
"I have a work out to complete. I feel like hitting something."
Posted On:
Apr 22 2003 5:21am
Kate smirked and walked in. " Corruption is always going to be there, that's why I left the Cryllonian consulate, hated politics and hated the lies."
Posted On:
Apr 22 2003 5:28am
Kamon nodded.
"It will be more controlled here. I'll see to that."
He looked after Jace and stood up. He walked to the door.
"Stay here. I'll be back."
He walked out and headed after Jace. Catching up with him, he grabbed him by the arm and spun him aroun.
"What is the deal with you Jace? Every time a woman comes around, you get like this. Explain it to me. Maybe I can help."
Posted On:
Apr 23 2003 2:05am
Kate nodded and sighed and says in Corellian," Never fails, Toran old girl." she turned to the other three and smiled sheepishly.