Posted On:
Aug 20 2003 1:26am
The soil of Ruusan pressed againstthe steel bottoms of my boots as I stepped out from my starfighter. I let the air fill my nostrils, and into my lungs as I took a deep breath of the atmosphere. Wind blew against me, the sweat from being in the cockpit for so long dripping down the sides of my face. This was it; this was the planet where it was all going to begin and the planet where it was all going to end. This was the Valley Of The Jedi, and soon to be their grave.
This was my story.
Turning to my fighter, I opened the small cargo hold and pulled out what I would need. The rations and water packs in the oversized pack were important, and so was the tent. The weather here was unpredictable at best. It took me the better part of the hour to set up the little personal camp, and I was glad that I got it up when I did, because it started to rain.
For what seemed like days, I sat in meditation at the edge of the Valley, looking for something that would help me bring about the end of the Jedi, and their flawed veiws of the Force. But so far, my search had been in vain, there was nothing here that was going to help me. Not yet anyways. Soon, though, I knew that I would find the missing link that would spell out the demise of the Jedi. Soon, I would be able to look down at those that had scorned me for my veiws and show them the true meaning of the Force.
I stood up and walked back into the tent out of the rain. It had been raining none stop since I had landed, and it didn't show any signs of letting up. It was probably the planet's feeble way of fighting back and if that were it, it would need to do alot more then drop water on me. I wouldn't be deterred. Not when I was this close.
Posted On:
Aug 20 2003 3:10am
Jacen, blinded by Jace for only a few hours, knew where Jace was going because thats where Jacen vision lead him to go to. Jacen hopped into his ship and headed to Ruusan
Jacen's vision coming to pass
Jacen had found the path to the valley before Master Gash and Master Odon took everyone back to Ossus. when Jacen neared the planethe scan the planet and found Jace's and landed near it
Jacen jumped out and saw a tent pitched up and walked near it and saw Jace, "I knew I'd find you here and I'm glad I did, I know the way to the Valley of the Jedi and I also seek its power like you" said Jacen as he unpacked his stuff and put it into the tent, getting soaked as he did it, "I have had visions of this and they are coming to passed, I say we work together, you wish to destory the Jedi and I wish to destory the Sith....if we work together I believe it will happen....what do you say?" added jacen standing before his cousin hoping he would agree
Posted On:
Aug 20 2003 3:18am
The little bug Kamon had attached to jace's shoe not only had a tracking device, but also a listening device. The range was short bu the base on Russan was transmitting the information ack to him on Tholatin. Kamon was worried. This conversation was not good.
"I can't believe you, Jace. WHy would you do such a thing? I thought you were smarter, I thought I could trust you. I seem to have been wrong. You have betrayed my trust, and gone to the darkside."
Kamon slammed a fist onto his desk. Apparently he had startled his secretary because hse called to make sure he was ok. After reassuring her that he was fine he sat down. Holding his head in his hands he shook it. This was not like the Jace he had known before he departed. How could Jace have changed so much?
"Why would you do this to me? Why are you going to make me fight you? Why will you make me kill you? I don't want to but if I must I will. DO not do this."
Kamon closed his eyes and sat back in his chair. He had to stop Jace but he did not know the method to do it. He had no way to do it. Not a way that was safe. He would have to think.
Posted On:
Aug 20 2003 3:46am
Cat had spent long days and nights after that night both Jacen and Jace had left Ossus. She didn't care to much about Jacen he was nothing but a friend but it was Jace that she had bounded with, they seemed to share the same spirit, the same fire for life. She had seen that if his eyes that first day they had meet, and it was that fire and jest for life that she had seen about to die in his eyes that stormy night.
Cat had left no note no notice to anyone not even her Master that she would be leaving Ossus to try and find Jace. She had SG try and track him but the droid had had no luck. So Cat had packed a few belongs and her saber and her faithful blaster, and then late at night silently moved through the dark hallways of the center and then back to the hanger. She had taken her ship and then headed out leaving every thing and everyone behind in search of her only true friend in life.
* * *
Cat looked down at her ship's control panel and smiled she had finally found Jace's ship signal. She quickly frowned has she noticed another signal,
"Jacen." She whispered to herself and then shook her head. It seemed he was the foolish one between the two boys.
Cat turned the ship toward Russan and then set it to autopilot and then repogramed it to land a mile from Jace and Jacen's ships. She then left the cockpit and went into the back to get her things together.
* * *
Cat stared out hte front of the ship as it landed, as the frame shook from it's touch down she hit a large button that would mask the ship from anyone or any machine. She grabbed her blaster and attached it to her side and then her lightsaber to her belt. Cat had shed her Padawan robes. She now wore a true Trianii scout outfit. A shirt that was made out of a black cotton like cloth that hung tightly against her chest and upper body, her stomach was exposed but slightly covered with a black mesh type material. On her long slender and yet elegant legs were a pair of skin tight pants made out fo some type of black leather, she then was adored in a pair of shiny black leather or animal hyde boots that the tops came to a stop at the area just an inch from her knees.
Cat had pulled her long dark brown hair into a ponytail that rested high on her head.
Cat looked out and then closing her eyes but for a brief moment with the use of her trianii senses found Jace's scent, she smiled and then with the speed of any cheetah headed straight for the boys encampment.
* * *
Cat finally reached the area where Jace and Jacen were talking, she stopped behind Jace's ship and crouched down low watching the two boys. She then let out a sharp tusk cat cry, hoping to catch Jace's attention.
Posted On:
Aug 20 2003 3:57am
Listen to me, Solo, you have to kill them all off before I wil leave you alone. I can control your body, like I am now, forever. Don't make me.
Shut up! You don't even know me!
Don't know you? I am you! I am the stronger half, I am your Dark Side, Solo! You can't get rid of me, but I can get rid of you. If I can control your body for a few more hours, until we get to the Valley of the Jedi, you will be mine forever.
Why? Why would you do this? Stay out of my head, I don't want to hurt any of them! Kamon will come for me, I know it, and when he does he will kill you, and it'll be all over.
If he kills me, Solo, he kills you too. You must realize that by now!
In all truth, I hadn't realized that, but I didn't have much of a choice, like Jerec said, he was my stronger half. This was one of those thigns I had picked up in the Outer Rim, a symbiote. He as nice when I met him, he helped me out of a really tough situation with some Ryn traders, but then he turned evil the day he was shot down.
When I was kneeling beside him, as he died, he looked up at me, and told me not to forget him. I knew I wouldn't, but he seemed determined to make sure I wouldn't. He used the Force to bind himself to my own spirit. So far I had been able to keep him at bay and go on with my life, but now it seemed that he was going to take over for good, and I was powerless to stop him.
I don't care if Kamon kills me, it will get rid of you, Jerec and then the Jedi will be safe again.
You stupid, weak-minded fool! You have no idea how long I have been alive, the things I've seen and done. You cannot even begin to wrap your puny mind around the powers that I have at my disposal. I make Zxar Kun and Naga Sadow look like apprentices. I will show you, as I will show all Jedi!
I snapped out of it at the sound of a tusk cat, a small feline. I stood up, and nodded to Jacen.
"Pack up, we're leaving for the Valley."
I walked towards my ship, the place were the sound had come from and turned around it, looking for the small animal. But, instead, I found myself face to face with something far more dangerous than a wild feline.
"Hello, Cat."
Posted On:
Aug 20 2003 4:09am
Cat let her sly mischeivous smirk spread on her face, as her golden eyes shined out from behind the tear markings.
"Hello Jace, Oh and if I were you I'd check my..." She stopped and then continued through a mind messege.
my boot. I think you're being tracked. Cat then looked down at Jace's boot and smiled. She moved out from under his ship. She stood to her full height and once again smiled.
"Hello, Jacen. Trying to play hero like all the Skywalkers?" Cat grinned. She had always believed that family to be alittle on the foolish side. Cat then turned to Jace and locked on to his eyes.
"Jace we need to talk, and without the little shadow puppet following along to. Just for awhile and then I'll leave. But there are somethings I must know and I'm not leaving until they are answered." Her once soft femine and almost a soft pur like voice had changed into something deeper more wild, her Trianii side was kicking in. Cat stood there and waited for Jace's reply she knew he knew that she would never back down, she hadn't yet and she never would.
Posted On:
Aug 20 2003 4:19am
Jacen packed up and heard Cat talk to him and smile and walked up behind Jace, "On the contrary....I'm here to help him" said Jacen as he looked from Cat to Jace and back to Cat, "Now I'm gonna let you two talk and scout ahead" added Jacen as he started to walk into the forest to scout ahead
Posted On:
Aug 20 2003 4:26am
He couldn't believe it. No, he wouldn't have believe it. Not until he heard the situation from Kamon's own mouth. However if his gut instinct was right, and it was rarely wrong, then it was Jacen Organa Solo that had turned the scales of balance. He would be with the Darkside.
He hadn't really ever truely made friends with Kamon's apprentice though they had worked on countless missions together for the Tholatin Republic. There was something about the other young man that made him wary and now he knew what it was. Though Jace was quite talented with the Force, it was his emotional state that kept Kenshin on his reserve. A dangerous weakness for any Jedi. Now he wondered if his friendship would have prevented the sudden turn...
Turning the corner the young Jedi Knight busted into Prince Vondirnach's office; something that was probably not usually done. Quickly noticing what he had done, Kenshin regained his composure as much as he could and threw an apologetic glance for the sudden intrusion. However his expression soon turned back into the one of worry he had been wearing before entering the room.
"So is it really Jace?"
He gave Kamon an expectant look and hoped with all his will that what he felt did not happen even though a part of him already resigned that fight.
Posted On:
Aug 20 2003 4:30am
Kamon nodded.
"It is and he must be stopped. We have to go to Ruusan. That's where he is. I already called ahead to have the Hope prepped for launch. We should be there quickly."
Kmaon stood up from his seat and threw his cloak on. His lightsabers were dangling from his belt as he stepped over ot the door. Looking back he motioned for Kenshin to hurry. He got a weird face in return.
"What? I forgive you for barging in now come on."
Posted On:
Aug 20 2003 4:39am
I looked Cat up and down, and I knew that she really did mean well, and had it been me in control of things; full control, I would have gone with her in a second. I would have left this stupid planet with her and gone to see Kamon, and made things right. But I couldn't do anything of the sort, Jerec was in control. Jace Solo didn't exist anymore, now all it was was Jerec in my body.
"You're a sweet little kitty, Cat, but I'll be frank with you I am not going anywhere. If you'd like to speak to me, we can talk here, or we can not talk at all. It is up to you."
At that second, Jacen came into the picture, and delivered his ultimatum to the young woman. It was a rough one, but I knew it had to be done. I turned my eyes to Cat, waiting and then turned towards the Valley and hoisted my backpack on.
"We are heading out, she can decide on the way. Come or stay."
Kill her! Kill her now!
No, I will not! I will not!
Oh, but you will!