I stand by my belief that Obama's election is at least partially responsible for the falling market. This forum, however, is the wrong place to argue it.
Nonsense, Kraken, there's plenty of good arguments. BTW, his comerades are responsible for blocking Bush's attempts to reform Fannie and Freddie, so even though Obama's not responsible for the big crisis we've had his party is, and not "secretly." In addition, they're the ones who pressured Fannie and Freddie into offering the bad mortgages in the first place, so even though it wasn't Obamas fault it is the Democrats fault the economy has nearly collapsed.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm too rational for that.
No Kach, this forum is the perfect place... until you're proven incorrect. Which, by happenstance, you are.
You stand by your belief that, ahem; "Obama's election is at least partially responsible for the falling market" and I'll stand by mine that you are still a bloody moron (not that there's anything wrong with that).
This is where, all logicial data having been discussed, that I result to petty name calling. You'll probably want to be calling 'uncle' now.
The time of the United States is over! Anarchy, devastation, and destruction loom ike shadows on the approaching horizon! Now is the time to JOIN UP!!!
That's right - Join the SOCIAL-IMPERIALIST PARTY!!!
Strength through Unity, Unity through Victory!!!
Fascism is not dead, it was merely hibernating! The SIs will bring order to your chaotic streets, cleanliness to your wretched ghettos, and honour back to the Nation! Support NOW the formation of the NORTH AMERICAN EMPIRE!!!
*paid for by Freiherr von Muller for Emperor/Enlightened Despot/Autocrat*
Canadians Everywhere Support Social Imperialist Party (CESSIP) supports this statement. The new state of Canada, United states and Mexico (CUM) must be formed immediately!
I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the Canadian United states of Mexico, and to the republic for which it stands, one continent, under God, indivisible, with liberty and fajitas for all! :)
That's the spirit, lads! A bunch of people speaking Spanglish with a French accent and alot of ay? involved! The capital will be right in the middle - Chicago!