Fine, fine. My new capital for the North American Empire shall be Philadelphia, with the Viceroy of Canadia being located in....Toronto!...and the Viceroy of the South shall be headquartered in Dallas.
Yes, that's exactly what I think and I might feel bad about it if every time you added anything to this argument it didn't reinforce my opinion 100%.
Do you think I give a fuck that you know how to work And the fact that you SUPPOSEDLY paid for you entire education based on being this super amazing day trader may be an amazing achievement, but does that in itself make you "right"? No, of course it doesn't. At BEST it means you have an above-average understanding of how to move stocks, it doesn't make you any more of an expert than anyone else.
Your argument is littered with fallacies. Here are two major ones that make you more or less retarded.
A) I can't speak with you because I don't have a PhD.
Well, as everyone else has already pointed out... neither do you. The fact that someone has a PhD in any subject does not automatically make them "right" when arguing on that subject. Get a room full of PhDs together and watch them all agree, I'm sure that'll happen. Having a PhD merely means you satisfied coursework to earn that specific degree, it does not mean that you are the end-all be-all of financial matters.
B) You have a few professors who agree with your position.
So because you have a few professors, let's say you've got a LOT of professors that all agree with you, OK? It's fallacious to say that because you're surrounded by educated people that agree with you that every educated person agrees with you. Do you disagree with that? Do you think that just because a few of your professors taught you that Obama is responsible for the shit heap we're in that every professor in the country agrees, and therefore you're right? Because that's the picture you're painting.
Let me ask you this, would you rather take the opinion of some professor at the University of Wisconsin, or would you like the opinion of someone who is... I don't know... let's say THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD according to Forbes. Warren Buffet? Ever heard of him? Because he supported Obama, so based on that fact alone you're stupid and I'm right.
But just for funsies I'm going to point out something else that makes you look enormously stupid.
Well, which is it? You emphatically stated that this is all Obama's fault, not once but twice, then you shifted to "Obama's.. at least partially responsible" to "even though Obama's not responsible for the big crisis we've had his party is".
So which one of your well thought out arguments should we pay attention to Kach? That Obama's responsible, that he's partially responsible, or that the Democrats are responsible?
Thanks Corise, I try to catch you online every once in a while but never manage to do so. I know you said something about your internet being down or something like that so I don't know if that's still the situation.