This seems odd, but...
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Sep 15 2009 5:08pm
Yeah, and now you've taken more planets, played with more spaceships and generally had a bigger impact on the galaxy then I ever did.

Posts: 69
  • Posted On: Sep 15 2009 6:11pm
Well, seeing as how I have conquered a planet within my first two weeks here and as Wes leads as a Newbie, I feel content in my newbieness
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Sep 15 2009 6:28pm
You're the big man on campus now.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Sep 15 2009 6:32pm
It's sort of like being the star pupil in the paste eating class, though, so don't stick too many gold stars to your forehead.
Posts: 69
  • Posted On: Sep 15 2009 6:58pm
I think I have more than sufficient gold stars.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Sep 15 2009 7:18pm
Uh huh.
Posts: 1865
  • Posted On: Sep 15 2009 7:47pm
This is not NIF, a fact to which Corise and others who have migrated from NIF can attest.

TRF is probably the exact opposite of NIF, save that they both are Star Wars RPing sites...

I think you'll get the hang of everything if you're willing to stick it out though...
Posts: 69
  • Posted On: Sep 15 2009 8:02pm
I believe I shall. Although I have to say I like the NIF's database a lot
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Sep 15 2009 10:40pm
We had an awesome database, until spambots from NIF sabotaged it....
Posts: 4195
  • Posted On: Sep 15 2009 11:01pm
TRF declares war on NIF.

"First Spambots, then what? Hacks?" an infuriated Park Kraken pounds his fist.

"We already have hacks! Gue! [/snarky remark]" interrupts Beff Pike

"We've got sexbots," Heir Raktus points out. "In fact, my old company.."

"Hey! Weren't you married to Jade Doment?"

Heir Raktus falls silent.

"NIF is different that TRF.." start Corise...

"Shut-up you NIF sympathizer!" Telan Desaria regally intrudes.

"If you are not with us, you're against us!" Park Kraken interjects.

"I have registered my screenname here..." Corise starts..'

"Enough with the technical jargon!" Wes Vos cries.

"TRF is not the math faction!" Irtar calls out from the back.

"Hey you nerdy fucks! Bye you nerdy fucks!" shouts a voice.

"Who was that?" Park Kraken asks indignantly.

"Gash." Ahnk remarks.

"Ahnk is here?" someone calls out.

"Actually, it's Yossarian," Zark interjects.

"I'd expect that answer from someone trying to be Gash's third nipple," Ahnk responds.

"What? What? Where are the nipples?" enters Seth Vinda.

"NIF. But I will find them! I am god like that." Kach Thorton speaks up.

"I am," Heir Raktus follows.

"So, Corise, where are the fucking NIF nipples?" Wes Vos demands.

"What?" Corise is confused.

"I know how to find them," enters Dolash.

"HOW?" everyone demands.

Dolash smiles expectantly.

"I brought my secret weapon. It will bring NIF to our yard."

Milkshake steps in.

"What about my sexbots?" Heir asks confused.