Posted On:
Aug 13 2009 7:22am
I vouch for Xander Starkiller. He's trying to get approved here. He's a fun dude, and would benefit from a place like this. Not to mention, he will most likely be active, and contribute as much as he gets from here.
I do this because Han vouched for me, and I was worried that it needed to happen for all new characters.
Posted On:
Aug 13 2009 10:28am
We should start a voucher programme.
Posted On:
Aug 13 2009 2:23pm
Xander's a good guy.
He was a Sith Master at SWM, and he's a very talented roleplayer.
Lil, For the most part you don't actually need to be vouched for, I just figured it would be a quicker move to get accounts approved :-p
Posted On:
Aug 14 2009 11:07am
Are staffers having to approve members now?
Actually I vaguely recall something like that...
I would just do it myself, but I think my admin powers have receeded...
Posted On:
Aug 14 2009 1:12pm
Well, contrary to everyone elses opinions, I think the dude is a total asshole and I see no reason to let him use this website.
Part of that is probably because I haven't met the guy. I'll approve him and maybe he can prove me wrong.
Posted On:
Aug 14 2009 5:21pm
yeah, people seem to forget the rash of spammers we had awhile back... so all new logins have to be approved before they can post
Posted On:
Aug 14 2009 7:35pm
Alright awesome, I'm in.
*Takes a bow*
Hi there.