Correction - A Disney Exec and a "Source close to Miramax" said so. If Disney feels they want to distance themselves from the film due to political ramnifications, then its' obvious that distrubution would be something they could easily deny. And the Weinsteins themselves have stepped forwards to help distribute the film, which makes me doubtful of this "Source" they speak of.
So I was surfing
If there was a contract saying distrobution, I have little doubt that Moore would have waved it everywhere eight weeks ago.
I can't fathom the idea that smart Star Wars roleplayers would defend Bush even in the most accidental type of way.
You'll be hard pressed to find me defending Bush in this thread.
And the very next line, that Kas conveniently left out:
That is about funding the movie, not distibuting it.
Yeah but come ON. Why would Disney keep funding the movie if ythey didn't want to distribute it??
Because there was a contract for that.
I heard from a lot of my anti-bush friends that the movie sucked. They all walked out before it was even over.
Did they see the right movie?