Send them back!
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Dec 5 2003 10:50pm
Theren: The difference is between killing an animal for sport, and killing an animal for the benefit of the world (and, yes, society).

We already slaughter thousands of animals for meat, therefor the need for hunting (in the civilized world) is nonexistant - one can buy it from their local Walmart, for God's sake.

Thusly, hunting animals is (and always will be) a sport. It is not done solely for the ammusant of the hunter.
Oh, really, no @#%$, Drayson? Thanks, because I was talking to you and needed that explained to me. I definitely wasn't, like, refuting the comments of someone OTHER than you.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Dec 6 2003 2:19am
HEY!!! PLANTS HAVE A RIGHT TO LIVE TOO, YA KNOW!!! There are plenty of vegetables to buy at the grocery store, so WHY!?! Why do people pick apples and organges from trees! Why do they walk on grass? Why do they trim plants! It's barbaric, I tell ya!!! Vegetarians are nothing but cruelly calculating monster barbarians!!! I think I'm gonna faint.....

What about those poor carrot plants, the poor corn plants, they strive so hard to survive.

AND THE BETRAYAL!!! Oh, the HUMANITY!!! Rasied right from the start by humans, nutured by them, then, when they get old enough, WHAM!!! Their offspring are torn from their roots, their vines, their branches. They wither and die after their "children" are plucked from their branches, abandoned by their "parents". Oh the Humanity!!!

Y'know, just because vegetarians don't eat animal meat doesn't mean they are less brutal than hunters. They still kill, strip, or harvest their food from a living organism. How do you think it would be if you were a grain stalk, watching a harvesting machine come mowing down on you, brutually killing your friends and family with razor sharp blades, and knowing that your next, eh?

chop chop chop chop.
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Dec 6 2003 7:39am
I've been reading many of your arguements Drayson and it appears to me that you assume to know the full intent, design, and every little flaw and purpose of every single law/regulation/activity ever written/done.

Weren't the one who admonished insulting the person instead of his or her arguments? Not to mention that your assumptions are incorrect, and your disagreement here is spilling over into other threads.

I never claimed to know what every piece of law meant, nor do I. In fact, I never even talked about the laws regarding hunting, unless you include my question as to why there are so many legalities surrounding hunting (which was, as I just stated, a question).

You presume to know what every single rule means and was intended by the designers at TRF, you presume to know why everyone hunts, and you presume that you can never be wrong.

Again, your crossing threads. And again, I never claimed to know what every rule on TRF meant. However, I have been here for two years (or thereabouts), and have been fleet RPing for longer than that.

I know something about the purpose and implications of our rules. I suggest you take that into consideration.

But let me ask you this, what makes you so certain that when you live somewhere with an abundance of animals, and you are allowed to hunt them *for* food and to assist in keeping the population down, AND they taste better, why shouldn't you?

Because you're still unncessarily killing innocent animals? You want food, go to the store. You want to aide the population? Stop destroying their homes.

And what makes you believe you know Kas Katta's head inside and out that you know that he's only doing it for the joy of killing despite his claims to the opposite?

I never stated that I knew Kas' head inside out. You're simply making assumptions.

I stated that, because hunting is unncessary, then the only logical remaining reason was for enjoyment. Yes, that's an assumption. But one based in logic.
  • Posted On: Dec 6 2003 7:14pm
Weren't the one who admonished insulting the person instead of his or her arguments?

Yes, and I have yet to insulty ou.

Not to mention that your assumptions are incorrect, and your disagreement here is spilling over into other threads

No it isn't, I'm just disagreeing witht he same problems over the course of a whole one other thread.

I never claimed to know what every piece of law meant, nor do I. In fact, I never even talked about the laws regarding hunting,

I was stating to your presumptions that you knew that Kas acts and the law was written specifically for a sadistic enjoyment to watch a blood stained animal writhe and die.

You say that, because you state so, it is impossible for Kas to hunt for any other reason than because he likes to murder animals. That's pretty presumptuous and then when people refute it and you simply say, essentially, well I said it so it's true, that's kind of arrogant.

unless you include my question as to why there are so many legalities surrounding hunting (which was, as I just stated, a question).

There are so many legalities surrounding hunting because of how easily abused it can be by those few sadistic people out there.

Again, your crossing threads. And again, I never claimed to know what every rule on TRF meant.

No I'm addressing a reoccuring issue.

I know something about the purpose and implications of our rules. I suggest you take that into consideration.

Is there a reason?

I know persons who have been in establishments most of their lives and still learn new things, I've been RPGs with people for years and I still would know more than they at any given time.

By your logic, Dolash would have a stronger grasp on the rules and be more authoratitive than you.

Because you're still unncessarily killing innocent animals?

And what defines innocent?

You must remember, an animal does not warrant human rights. An animal was placed on this earth for, pending on your faith, consumption for man to dominate as they pleased.

If you are not of the same faith as I that still does not negate the fact that these animals don't have the same rights or conditions I do concerning my rights to kill them.

You want food, go to the store. You want to aide the population? Stop destroying their homes.

I certainly hope you lead the crusade. Unplug your computer, demolish your home, strip naked and go sit on a hill top eating only berries and drinking river water.

Wait that'd still be destroying someone's home.

I never stated that I knew Kas' head inside out. You're simply making assumptions.

Thusly, hunting animals is (and always will be) a sport. It is not done solely for the ammusant of the hunter.

I'm assuming this quote was stating that the only reason to hunt is to kill things and acquire amusement, otherwise you're simply contradictory and I won't see a point continuing any kind of debate with you if you can't even make two sentences agree with one another.

You are stating that you know why Kas hunts. That is assuming that you know what goes through his head. That's not me making assumptions, that's you making assumptions.

I stated that, because hunting is unncessary, then the only logical remaining reason was for enjoyment

No, it really isn't, that's the only reason you want to see so that you can try to condone Kas on something, anything really. It's not the only logical course, could it possibly be that Kas doesn't trust the slaughter houses and distribution companies as well as the stores to put clean, safe meat on the shelves? And so out of consideration for his health and simply because it tastes better as he has stated, he hunts it for himself and can oversee the entire issue?

Yes, that's an assumption. But one based in logic.

It would be one based on logic, if all logic and facts didn't point against you.
Posts: 4025
  • Posted On: Dec 6 2003 7:55pm
Drayson, are you serious or are you just toying with all of us?
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Dec 6 2003 8:42pm
I give up. Kilam, you're ignoring the facts and running the same bullshit around in circles. Hunting is unneccessary, therefor what reason remains for continuing it?

Hunters enjoy hunting - look at Kas' thread about hunting and how proud he was about it. Amusment, pure are simple.

And lastly;

By your logic, Dolash would have a stronger grasp on the rules and be more authoratitive than you.

I've been here longer that Dolash. But again, your taking things out of context. People who have been here know something about the rules and how TRF works - you try and completely disregard that when they comment.

Everything else you said was just rewording what you've said already.
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Dec 6 2003 8:49pm
How 'bout we forget about animals and focus on trying not to kill our fellow humans.

Probably a more worthwhile cause, eh?
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Dec 6 2003 8:51pm
And probably an even more difficult one to accomplish.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Dec 7 2003 12:52am
The basic problem is that man doesn't coexist with anything. Other men, animals, nature... so killing for food becomes a problem because man doesn't take what he needs and replenish. He strip mines. He over indulges. And he ignores those who have nothing, so as he can have more.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Dec 7 2003 6:19am
Hunters enjoy hunting - look at Kas' thread about hunting and how proud he was about it. Amusment, pure are simple.

1 - Yes, I enjoy hunting. It's fun, matching my skills with a rifle against that of an animal that hear from further away than I can shoot with iron sights. I do prefer bird hunting, though, more social interaction with other people who have similar interests.

Yes, I was proud at getting a 5 point buck opening day, twenty minutes after waking up. Who wouldn't be excited at managing to complete something they set about to do so quickly?

2 - No, it is not amusement, pure and simple. Are you blind, or did you somehow not notice the explanation I posted for this concept, twice? Don't repeatedly bring up points that have already been addressed. Hunting is first a necessity, and second for amusement. If hunting becomes solely the second (amusement), then it's time to stop. (See buffalo, going the way of, for more details).

You're welcome to continue to float on your cloud there, Drayson, shooting off your mouth about how anyone who says the word 'gun' and 'animal' in the same sentence is a red neck hippie, and how humanity has some how elevated itself above the primal urge to eat, but until you bother to read my posts, adios.