Send them back!
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Nov 19 2003 4:08am
Have you <strike>downloaded</strike> stolen music from music companies using the <strike>internet</strike> black market?

Say you're sorry, and SEND THEM BACK!
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Nov 19 2003 5:50am
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Nov 19 2003 5:58am
(SEND THEM BACK is a link, for those of you who didn't mouseover)
Posts: 1381
  • Posted On: Nov 19 2003 7:52am
I might just do that one where you print it all off...

At school.
Posts: 388
  • Posted On: Nov 19 2003 6:51pm

(supplied by Sanis Prent)
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Nov 19 2003 6:57pm
Why'd the commie have to be downloading on a mac . . .

Will this persecution never end?
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Nov 19 2003 7:13pm
Because Commies use Macs (Mac is short for coMmunist Airhead Computer)
Posts: 2011
  • Posted On: Nov 19 2003 7:18pm
Damn red piece of crap . . .

*promptly burns computer*
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Nov 20 2003 11:58pm
Sanis Prent is a douschbag.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Nov 21 2003 1:19am
Nothing could make me want to download music more. Just like Philip K. Dick always said, communism is @#%$ great. This was shortly before the McCarthy Mafia bashed down his door, but still.

Let me put it to you this way. Does downloading do damage to the industry? On the large scale, yes, because people are bad and that's just the long and short of it.

But I download three kinds of MP3s:

a) MP3s to hear tracks other than the single from records I am likely to buy. I don't like it, I don't listen to it anymore. I like it, I buy it. This is no different than going into a music store and listening to discs on the headphones they have set up.

b) Outdated songs from Matthew Good's early days as a solo folk-rocker, originally on CDs of which all of a few hundred copies were made. These can't be purchased anywhere that would permit royalties to find their way back to Mr. Good.

c) Songs recorded from shows. MP3 from show does not equal show. MP3 from show cannot replace show.

So all you dumb @#%$ can eat me while you "send them back".

EDIT: Who the @#%$ censored out dick? You dumb shitters.