Right-wing American groups try to ban Palme d'Or winning Fahrenheit 9/11...
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Jun 18 2004 1:49pm
...wind up somewhere between "looking extremely retarded" and "being extremely retarded".

Boy, how about they just shut the fuck up and people watch the bloody film? This is the same asshole group that got "The Reagans" banned. It would seem they have an aversion to truth.

If they hate people affecting elections with media so much, why aren't they out protesting the new three-hour long radio show the NRA is putting on satellite radio just in time for the election? Oh right I know why.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Jun 18 2004 1:50pm
Move America Forward?

Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Jun 18 2004 1:52pm
Yeah I noticed that myself.

I thought it might be some reference to forgetting 9/11 before it starts having political implications, before I realized that this group's mandate of minding other people's business is obviously broad enough to encompass attempting to ban anything with even a trace of liberal sentiment.
Posts: 666
  • Posted On: Jun 18 2004 1:59pm
Psh, America is land of the Free. They would never deny someone their right to an opinion, guys!

oh wai
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jun 18 2004 2:12pm
Well, I have a bad feeling about this. If it does get banned, at least we'll be able to watch it in Canada.
Posts: 7745
  • Posted On: Jun 18 2004 2:14pm
The same freedom that allows them the right to ask for something to be banned, is the freedom that gives Moore the right to surprise confront an old man in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's disease, and the later edit the tape to make him look like an insensitive gun monger.

Poison both ways.
Posts: 1772
  • Posted On: Jun 18 2004 2:21pm
I am planning to see this film, although I may end going to the hippy side of town to end up seeing it.
Posts: 4291
  • Posted On: Jun 18 2004 2:44pm
The same freedom that allows them the right to ask for something to be banned, is the freedom that gives Moore the right to surprise confront an old man in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's disease, and the later edit the tape to make him look like an insensitive gun monger.

Poison both ways.

1) surprise confronting, as you put it (what with him calling a day in advance and everything) is still probably free speech. Saying "No one can watch the movie! Its' slander and he's a liar!" is not free speech. Even if the movie was nothing but complete lies, free speech means they're allowed to show it.

2) Free speech does not go both ways. You are allowed to say whatever you want, however, people are allowed not to listen. Trying to force people not to listen because you think its' propaganda and lying is not a part of free speech.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Jun 18 2004 2:56pm
Yeah Kas because Charleton Heston is definitely not an insensitive gun monger. How dare Michael Moore give anyone that impression! It must have taken a great deal of editing to make it seem like Mr. Heston was making racist comments after he made those racist comments.

Probably the same amount of editing the bastard liberal media used to make it seem like Trent Lott made a racist comment! I mean all he said was that segregation is good.
Posts: 2377
  • Posted On: Jun 18 2004 2:57pm
And the point Kas is that these people are not just saying "This movie is bad! No one see it! It should be banned." They are lobbyists actively working to restrict another American's free speech. But that's okay because Michael Moore is a communist traitor to America and our Lord Jesus Christ.