I gotta be honest, the authors should give these characters a break already - to quote G0-T0 'All of these constant disasters are getting a little... repetitive...'
Like he did, I think that the galaxy could use a break - as could it's heroes. They should just let it drop and skip ahead a hundred years or so to start afresh. It's just getting a little ridiculous at this point, is all.
I agree - -bring on the wars. I am interested to see just how the Empire is mashed in this one - -perhaps Pelleaon will have a larger role.
I would not mind seeing more books from the Galactic Civil War. It spanned a billion worlds and more trillions of people than could be imagined - - there are stories waiting to be told if poeple v- -like us - -will write them.,
I've read the Joiner King. Very interesting book. It's like a Jedi versus Sith, a classic fleet battle, and a biology lesson, all melded into one book.
Bah. I say TRF should publish it's own book. The book of Star Wars awesomeness. And use it to fund the site and make mini-games to play while waiting to post.
Like... Kraker Smash. Or 'What Name Will Irtar Get Next?'. Or... yeah.