It's 7 am here on day two, and Ahnk stands at 2,395 on his quest to 50,000. I slept through most of November first, which severely cut down writing time. But things are going smoothly. Only in my second chapter but already in the grove, if only it wasn't so cold... I can't write for too long because every second my fingers are exposed to the air, they get colder and thus more sensitive to the tapping of the keys. Damn you, Canadian winter.
Anyway, I'd link to my Nanowrimo user page, but I don't have one... Nanowrimo woudn't let me register, so I'm just going to write one of my own accord. Fuck this registration shit anyway.
Time? Time for writing, milkshake? For a roelplayer? Plah! In soviet Russia, writing time makes you!
...Well I too only have a few hundred words done, but like Irtar I haven't put any serious work into it yet. Study study study... Setting aside a few hours later tonight though to try and get some done, so hopefully that'll work out for the best.
Having a fairly firm idea of the plot, characters, major themes and genre helps, too.