New Orleans Down Under
Posts: 2440
  • Posted On: Sep 7 2005 1:19am
Telan is right. Shooting a man threatening to blow up 20,000 people and shooting a TV thief is pretty much the same.
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Sep 7 2005 2:53am
Ok - -that is not what I said - at all. One example has nothing to do with another. They are connected via the point that sometimes killing someone is neccessary. Shooting looters is to rebuild Order - and stem anarchy. Arre you pro Anarchy, Zarko?
Posts: 2440
  • Posted On: Sep 7 2005 7:02am
Kind of.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Sep 7 2005 7:42am
Using life threatening force on petty thieves is excessive to everyone but Germans.
Posts: 5387
  • Posted On: Sep 7 2005 7:43am
And the American army, I would suppose.
Posts: 1272
  • Posted On: Sep 7 2005 3:06pm
The problem is that many have become way to materialistic these days, the 'want's overshadowing the 'needs' in many situations, even during a crisis such as this.

Neighbor Bob always wanted a 42" flat screen TV, but couldn't afford one. Flood/hurricane happens and he sees an opportunity to get what he always wanted. Never mind the likelyhood that the electronics are damaged beyond repair due to the flooding. Never mind the likelyhood that if it did work he has no house to put it in now. Never mind the likelyhood there is no power to power it. All he cares about is that flat screen TV he wanted and now finally has it, even though he can't use it.

Does this scenero (which has no doubt been played out a few times at least down there) warrent killing him for taking the TV? No. He just has his 'wants' confused with his 'needs', no doubt at least in part due to the shock of what has happened. Taking the stolen goods away would be the first step in correcting his behavior, though I realize there's not likely any place to put him to where he wouldn't have the opportunity to do it again.

Now, those that do deserve to be shot (at the very least) are those fucks that are going around threatening those just trying to survive or help others, like those snipers that were shooting at the hospital personal trying to evac a hospital.

Stealing food, water, clothing from abandoned stores is acceptable in a crisis like this.
Taking battery operated radios and TVs (the very small ones that is) is borderline 'ok', as they can be used to keep tabs on relief and rescue operations (provided any local stations are functioning).

Large TVs, VCRs, DVD players...things that cannot be used to assist in your immediate survival is not ok. In fact you're only hurting yourself in the long run. Yes you got that new shiny flat screen TV....but you are still hungry and thirsty, not knowing where and when relief is coming. No you can't stand leaving your precious TV behind to fullfll those needs either can you? don't want to risk someone taking your precious <i>stolen</i> TV do you?

So you just stay there, fighting off other 'wanters' no doubt that are jealous of your find. Until you starve to death, get beaten to death, or by some miracle some one rescues you. If the latter happens guess what? They won't let you take the TV with you.

Gee....that was a bunch of wasted effort now wasn't it?
Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Sep 7 2005 3:37pm
I hardly think shooting looters in excessive - on a small scale. I am not proposing that all be shot - only a few to discourage the rest. And they do not need to executed - snipers can wound a man with impeccable accuracy.

I have stated already that some things have nothing to do with looting - it is survival. Taking food, clothes, etc - that is accetapble. I would rather see people raid a Walmart or Giant Foods than a Radio Shak or Sears Auto. That is my point.

But thank you Slaskia, you have made my point for me.

Or an even better solution that requires no shooting - do not rescue looters.
Posts: 473
  • Posted On: Sep 7 2005 4:39pm
only a few to discourage the rest


Posts: 1621
  • Posted On: Sep 7 2005 5:08pm
Finally - you agree with me
Posts: 473
  • Posted On: Sep 7 2005 5:24pm
Yeah . . . I agreed. :|