I can't believe you guys actually turned a witty jab at the Bible by an atheist into a huge discussion over some bullshit like "how fake exactly was this part of the Bible?". Nobody cares. The worst part is that this was started in a thread discussing people who "don't believe" in the holocaust. This entire thread makes me feel like an idiot for knowing all of you.
And running with that 'we're all idiots' theme; Moses did not part the red sea. In fact, he probably never even saw it.
The problem is the langauge barrier. Moses crossed the 'Reed Sea'. It was a big fucking swamp. Why did the pharohs chariots get destroyed? Because they took their chariots into the swamp and the fucktards sunk.
The english language bible is about a 4th generation transcription of the original aramaic. That, to latin, olde english to modern english.
Thank-you Lupercus for saying what I said in the 'Actually about he bible and not the holocaust' thread about the telephone thing.
And yes, pity on you bastards. I hope that you get beaten with swastikas for twisting a thread about the punishment of Jews and people trying to create excuses to your christian beliefs.
Oh, and I fully believe the holocaust happened for there is evidence for the others sent there as well. Which were, as said, political enemies and those viewed 'unworthy' by the Nazi ideology. And Canada ALSO did stuff at this time that most don't know about when the Canadian government stripped Japanese immigrants of all their belongings and threw them in concentration camps for suspicion of them being spies.
If you think about it, Hitler did the same the pharohs of Egypt did to the Jews. He prosecuted and killed, pharohs did this whether or not intentionally, the Jews. The only differance is when Hitler did this the world went into war, after a few years, and the Jews in Egypt, or at least some, left.
Y'know, the whole thing in Palistine is the fault of the Germans. After WW2, the British give land that wasn't really theirs to the Jews for consolation, and the Palistinians get pissed. Everything can be brought back to the Germans when you start talking western culture.
I'm seriously considering posting like an IQ meter in everyones sig. Every thread of even remote difficulty will be marked with a IQ rating, anyone who posts above their IQ rating with a stupid comment will get a week long band.
Can every 13 yo please stop making stupid throwaway comments based on nothing but something they glanced at once in their siblings history book?
Otaku, you don't know what your talking about, back in your box. Your official IQ rating now stands at 0.
Jiro, not so bad, but a massive oversimplification. You're getting a IQ rating of 50, congrats, you aren't a retard!