Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Apr 23 2006 11:13pm
So lately my girlfriend has gotten pretty irrated with me because whenever she calls I'm playing games. She's recently brought up the prospect of finding a game that we can play together, no doubt an idea garnered from some chick magazine. Problem is she wants to play something that "isnt gay" and that she won't have to pay for. Like a typical chick, the extent of her computer gaming goes about as far as the SIMs and internet mini games. Of course, she also doesn't want to have to pay anything.

So... here's what I need: a free game with entertaining multiplayer that can be either played online or downloaded off the internet that might appeal to a non-geeky female.

If you've got an idea throw it out there.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Apr 23 2006 11:28pm
Woah, that's a hard one. If she's not a gamer-chick to begin with then you'll have to be careful "popping her cherry" as it were. I dunno what to suggest, it seems to me that whatever game you get into is going to have to appeal to her interests. I'd wonder what sort of shit she likes do IRL etc?

Non-Geek can imply so many things.. she a jock? Academic? Womens-Lib kind of girl?

Ultima Online is pretty gay, but it's free and lots of people can still be found playing on private servers... err... shards. She into horror type stuff? If so there's a plethora of console RPG options.

Man, chicks confuse me. That, or I scare 'em all off.
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Apr 23 2006 11:35pm
I know, I told her it's hard for me to come up with an idea when I don't know what kind of game she would be interested in.

Non-Geek can imply so many things.. she a jock? Academic? Womens-Lib kind of girl?
None of the above.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Apr 23 2006 11:40pm
Dude, the new Tomb Raider?
Posts: 1913
  • Posted On: Apr 23 2006 11:40pm
I'll take a stab in the dark and say that she likes submarines?
Posts: 2788
  • Posted On: Apr 23 2006 11:54pm
Multiplayer. Games. Free. Multiplayer. Games.

Tomb Raider systerm requirements are ridiculous. My computer can't handle it, much less hers.

Subarines: No. She's scared of metal objects in water.
Posts: 1913
  • Posted On: Apr 24 2006 12:13am

If you don't want system requirements! :)
Posts: 2453
  • Posted On: Apr 24 2006 3:02am
The idea of playing a computer game with your girlfriend is kind of strange in my opinion. Sure she suggested it as something you could do together, but I doubt she actually wants to do that. I think she more wants to find something more that you to can do together. My suggestion would be if she calls and you're playing games, pause or turn off the game and talk to her.

Or if you think the game idea would be good, pay for the game for her, so then she doesn't have to pay. I think you mentioned earlier she liked some other science ficiton thing, just not Star Wars, so you could suggest to her some strategy game that is science ficiton based, but not star wars, like starcraft.
Posts: 2558
  • Posted On: Apr 24 2006 3:04am
Ah StarCraft... how many stupid people have you taken out of the gene pool for us?
Posts: 1913
  • Posted On: Apr 24 2006 3:07am
Oh, sure, Jan. Ruin the fun.