General Ceel & Unity
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Mar 8 2006 12:54am
Yay for us diehards eh?
Posts: 239
  • Posted On: Mar 8 2006 4:09am
Howdy all. You see this message before you and I know many of you are suspicious of Ceel to say the least. You do not have to open relations with TGC, we are not telling you you have to, we are asking that STar Wars communities begin open speaking relations amongst each other again. There are many as are included in the message as you can see that you can open with. TGC is but one drop in the sea.

Many of you see this and claim that nothing is dying but I beg to differ. Over 4 Years ago I started online role-playing in ernest, some of you remember be back then, I remember many of you. Back then one could type in Star Wars in any search engine and get hundreds of links. Thousands of fansites dominated the web and star wars was the thing on the web. There were even Star Wars search engines, such as the now dead Banthatracks and Echobase(anyone remember them?). Now when you type in Star Wars you get about a dozen active links, most for Galaxies or the table top roleplaying game as well as the big ones (, etc) But where are all the fansites? They died. Now very very few remain, the rest are dead or dying very quickly.

This message is an effort to save what is left. Other than the big sites out of the roleplaying sites there are only 2 that I remember from the past, Blue Haven and The Imperial Galactic Databank that the webmaster Taylor has kept alive all these years. The others are dead. Save what is left, keep it going strong. I hope this works to keep it all going so the same spirit of when I began remains for future role-players.

Thank you TRF

- Bane Nathos
Posts: 2462
  • Posted On: Mar 8 2006 6:16am
A rise and decline is inevitable in anything, and Star Wars fandom is no exception. It may not be as popular as it was in 1999, but it will not die.

I'm happy with the way things are, tyvm.
Posts: 111
  • Posted On: Mar 8 2006 7:29am
Syren, just FYI, you're wrong in that assessment. A great many are spam or non-related materials. But a large amount are in character posts.

Uh, no, I'm not wrong. There are more spam posts made at TGC than RP posts on just about any given day. Preach it to someone who will believe and conform to the ways of TGC and those who are blind.


TRF works, as do many other still very active boards, because they aren't constantly changing everything around. They aren't constantly adding new things, taking away things, etc.

Why aren't they doing this?

Because they are quite happy with the way their boards are and with their member base.

All of this clinging to a time in RP that will never be repeated again, all of the changes made at TGC on a near weekly basis, and banning people for not comforming to the sheep herders demands of not disagreeing with the head of the flock; only sends out a message which says the Administration (more specifically, the founder) of said community isn't happy with the way things are at his board or with the member base.

For someone who supposedly "loves their board" so much, he sure spends plenty of time at all of the other boards.

Truly, the only thing Ceel cares about is himself. He does not care about TRF, Epics, Evolutions, TMC, or any other SW board out there on the net. Ceel only does things that will benefit Ceel and TGC, not the whole.

He's been shot down with this idea, and many others, by many boards already because he alone has burned many bridges. Reconcilliations can only begin when Ceel understands that he has caused the "bad feelings" by his own hand. Apologies need to be issued, from him, to those he has scorned.

Then, and only then, can any sort of reconcilliation begin to take place.

Unfortunately, with all of the anger, hurt, and backstabbing he's done, I doubt anyone would honestly believe any sort of an apology that might (read cold day in hell) ever come from him.

Before Kamon decides to revert back to a time of infancy ... People need to understand that it isn't TGC as a whole that is disliked by many more than Ceel cares to admit.

It is Ceel that is disliked by the majority.
Posts: 239
  • Posted On: Mar 8 2006 8:27am
If you dont like Ceel dont deal with TGC there are 20 odd boards on that list you can deal with. And Syren many members of TGC have disagreed with Ceel in the past about who he bans and why but the past year (2005) there has been none, not even from the likes of Kyp. You can call us his stooges all you want but please keep your prejudice to yourself, it does not belong in this thread because if you do not wish to deal with TGC then dont push to deal with TGC.
Posts: 291
  • Posted On: Mar 8 2006 11:18am
Stooge. ;)
Posts: 2414
  • Posted On: Mar 8 2006 1:00pm
Haha, Syren you crack me up with your so called 'knowledge' of the goings on at TGC and misunderstanding of what I said. I said that most of the posts on TGC are spam. I agreed with that. But I said also that there are more IC posts per day than you would think and there are.

Posts: 2504
  • Posted On: Mar 8 2006 1:05pm
does this need to go any further? Ceel's message was posted, he meant it in good intent, we get the message, you can choose to do something about it or just shrug, end of story.

It does not need to degenerate into moody name calling and bad angst.
Posts: 573
  • Posted On: Mar 8 2006 2:08pm
Before Kamon decides to revert back to a time of infancy ...

Oh, and fuck off bitch.

Posts: 239
  • Posted On: Mar 8 2006 2:17pm
I am sorry for any controversey caused, it was not the intent and as you can see we do not mean for it to be. I've stated everything that has needed to be stated, I hope for the best.