General Ceel & Unity
Posts: 239
  • Posted On: Mar 13 2006 5:39am
Good luck with the project all, if you want to talk to me, over the past few days I've added many of you to my AIM and I'll be more than willing to talk whenever
Posts: 116
  • Posted On: Mar 13 2006 5:44am
Beff Pike
It certianly would have been nice to see this thing improve inter-community relations. But, sadly, it dosen't seem to be going that way.

Actually, I beg to differ. I think inter-community relations are improving greatly. Perhaps not between all communities, but some at least.
Posts: 5711
  • Posted On: Mar 13 2006 5:46am
I should have been more percise.
Posts: 37
  • Posted On: Mar 13 2006 9:41am
Lilaena De'Ville
Actually, I beg to differ. I think inter-community relations are improving greatly. Perhaps not between all communities, but some at least.

I guess it's better than nothing at all.
Posts: 3599
  • Posted On: Mar 13 2006 1:05pm
I regret to inform this body that due to the attitude of some of the members concerning this idea brought forth BY TGC. That we will not be involved in anyway. Let us hope there is a day when we can all be civil but that is not likely to happen and until then the usual myths concerning TGC will stay around and the usual flaming of TGC members when we seek to correct the inaccuracies of those myths will happen. Its disgusting isn't it?

That is a great shame, and also quite silly really, I am genuinely sorry to hear that Bane.

I understand that Ceel is probably upset at some of the comments directed at him, but he obviously expected it.

In his original statement he did 'acknowledge' the need for various communites to bridge their differences, so I am sure he knew there would be this kind of feeling out there:

If we wish to carry on into the next decade is is necessary for some, or all, of these communities to begin the process of reconciliation. Some of our communities are mildly successful, but many are on the verge of death. None, however, are even a shadow of what the original Swfans was between 1999 and late 2000.
I am not saying this to stir , but merely to point out that he knew there would be people out there with negative reactions , yet he proposed it anyway.



As with many of you, these message boards represent a memorable era in my life. With this message I simply hope to get the ball rolling by encouraging you all to start opening discussions between the various communities, so that the thing that I came to enjoy 6 or 7 years ago as a teen might be able to live on for the next generation to experience.
Now, it seems to me this is exactly what he has done! no?

I understand he may not 'like' some people's opinions or even agree with others attitudes, (completely understandable in most cases I am sure!) , but to just drop everything at the first sign or hint of trouble is in my mind the wrong thing to do.

ESPECIALLY when it is a very good idea.

The road to reconciliation was never going to be smooth, so when it comes to a situation like this, actions speak louder than words I think, (so it would make sense to carry on and prove the nay-sayers wrong!)

I cannot really say much with regards to whatever comments were made by whom, but at least from this thread (which seems to be the main discussion around from what I hear) , there has been nothing said IMO that would make dropping the whole idea seem like the best course of action.

Look at the response this thread has gotten in the time it has been up! The interest is very much there! There has been (mostly) a constructive and worthwhile discussion, more positive than negative certainly.

If all Ceel wanted to do was to get people at least communicating, then well, he has achieved it!

Bane, (and Ceel if you are reading this) I would suggest you try to urge TGC to reconsider!

Don't pick up the ball and go home just because you heard some bad comments, there will always be negativity out there!

Its always much easier to trash an idea than to help create it.

I would have thought we'd all have developed a thicker skin by now, heh.

I for one would love to have TGC onboard!

Don't let the actions or opinions of a few spoil it for the many.

As for this;

Because I've spent over 20 hours on this project and without us NONE of you would have come up with in or even thought of doing it.
Credit should always be given where credit is due. Period.

I myself, have had a similar idea in the past , as probably quite a few others have done, the difference is, Ceel acted upon it, and in doing so, we find ourselves having this discussion. He should certainly be credited for that at the very least.

Idea's also evolve, after many people begin to brainstorm and interject their thoughts also, such is the nature of projects such as this, and one must acknowledge that too.

I would also like to point out , that most of TRF doesn't have an issue with TGC at all, most are probably neutral, there are of course the few loud exceptions, but I know I can at least speak for the Staff in that regard.

People are entitled to their opinions of course.

Does that mean we should all throw in the towel?

Sorry but I don't think so.

Bane thank you for your help and contribution , as far as I am concerned you'll always be welcome here, its been refreshing to see people willing to set aside their differences in order to build something good.

Skye, I have no idea whom your comments were directed at earlier:

I personally am upset at the feelings of some members toward TGC. I was looking forward to seeing some unity between sites, especially at TRF considering my old master is here. I also wished to form new acquaintances with others who enjoy rping/SW as much as myself and it is sad to see people letting old issues prevent that.
No-one is preventing you from doing anything at all, you are most welcome at TRF as is any TGC-er.

Its good to see you are still around. ;)

Ceel if you are reading this , just take a moment to think about what I have said, TRF at least ( and a few boards as you can see within this thread) are enthusiatic about the idea.

We still have a desire to see this through, and I personally want TGC to be involved.

What better way to prove all the negative people wrong, than to actually achieve something that works!

At least , let us not quit at the first sign of difficulty.
Posts: 14
  • Posted On: Mar 13 2006 2:42pm
At this juncture is it sensible to nominate a steering committee representing interested parties? Do we have an actual plan of action and a clear vision of where we go from here over the next few weeks to make this concept a reality?

I'm sorry TGC won't be involved in this also, not because of any personal fondness (or dislike) of that community, but simply because it's the sort of fragmentation I thought we were trying to combat. Perhaps they will change their minds. At any rate, I think it wise to approach other star wars communities who refused the idea as a knee jerk reaction to Ceel and TGC. Perhaps now the unity project has taken on a more pan-community character they too will reconsider.

Finally, this conversation seems to be getting highjacked every-so often. Perhaps a new forum with directed topics would be a better way to organise what needs to be done. Just in case anyone needs to contact me my character name is also my AIM. You can email me also: jay at sithlore dot com.
Posts: 1142
  • Posted On: Mar 13 2006 6:14pm
Jay, in order for them to be included in this, TGC must refrain from flaming other boards or their members. They have just proven that they cannot do that, they couldn't even delete one thread - in fact they continued to flame privately and today they put the thread back where it was public. And as you can see he not only flamed me but he seems to enjoy looking at my profile and flaming that too, as well as a post of Corran, who hasn't visited TGC in a long time.

I feel bad that Bane put all that work into it only to have Ceel shoot him in the back but I don't want them to change their minds.
Posts: 14
  • Posted On: Mar 13 2006 7:37pm
I think they put that thread back up after pulling out of this project rather than the other way around. Bane never liked it, and had been asking Ceel to remove it for some time. I presume he put it in an invisible forum precisely because of the concerns people like you and I have of that thread. In other words, I don't think Bane was purposefully lying when he told you and I that the thread had been removed. It had been removed at that time because of Unity.

Having spent plenty of time lurking on your board, and having spoken to you numerous times I'm happy to tell you (and him, as we all know he's reading this), that I think his comments are unjustified. I can't claim to have been around for, or to know the people involved in, most of the events in that thread. Therefore I don't care to comment on things I don't know anything about. However, I'm well aware from our IM conversations that you didn't even consider the unity project to be an attempt of his to poach members, whatever he says. It's also very clear that he started the mud slinging in that case ("Elitist Trash").
Posts: 1142
  • Posted On: Mar 13 2006 8:33pm
I'm pretty sure you're right about the thread going back up afterwards, and I know Bane didn't like it showing back up again. But the fact remains that even while hidden, it continued to grow.

And yes, in every case where Epics has been quoted in that thread, he is the one who starts it -- not a single quote he has taken from Epics is even remotely related to him or his board. The closest was in this very thread when I said Epics has been online as long as swfans which is true, we just weren't on an ezboard the whole time.

I'm tired of defending Epics against his lies. Let his members believe him, I don't care anymore.

Sorry for the hijack.
Posts: 7
  • Posted On: Mar 13 2006 9:49pm
Okay folks, let's get this back on track.

No more stupid arguments concerning TGC and the alleged behaviour of Ceel and other TGC members. It's pointless, petty and causing this project to go sideways.

Bane has put in alot of work to see this take off and I for one am not prepared to see it flush down the drain. As can be said, if we cannot put aside our differences to organise and create a website hub that will be mutually beneficial to all, then I doubt there is much future for our hobby anyhow.

So, we've agreed that some sort of hub/portal is going to be created. Who can do that?

Secondly, let's refresh on who is still in this project; Star Wars: Unforeseen Destiny is in. Jay, is SithLore interested? Could you also check with Yoda Yarns to see if they are too?

Sam, are you fine folks at Epics interested?

I assume the people here at TRF are still up for it.

Anyone else?

What I'd like to propose that we actually make this portal/hub, and then we discuss exactly how we intend to organise advertising it and getting it to benefit us.

Let's keep this going; just because we lost TGC doesn't mean this ship needs sinking. Oh, and I'll make sure credit will go to "Bane Nothos at The Gungan Council" for the wonderful job he has done laying the foundations of this idea.

Alright, we've designed this ship - let's get her sailing.